Call me crazy, but I kinda liked it when ELF members were burning all those Hummer dealerships. The Hummers make it less safe for other vehicle traffic on the road and they drive up the price of gasoline with their bad MPG. So, while not officially endorsing them, there are better ways to achieve your goals, I say burn baby burn. Plus, anyone I see driving a hummer, I always give them a pissed off look followed by the finger, who the hell do they think they are besides rich or credit stretched?
JoinedPosts by Atilla
Al Queda? Phhhhht!
by Valis in.
and we were worried about foriegn terrorists this whole time!.
Why men are happier...
by IT Support inyour last name stays put.
the garage is all yours.
chocolate is just another snack.
You can wear NO T-shirt to a water park.
Actually, I almost got thrown out of a park for wearing no T-shirt, and no I'm not a woman. It was Hershey Park here in PA, and I ended up getting into a big argument with a security guard who insisted I put my shirt back on.
Favorite Scripture? Here's mine...
by confusedjw indo you have a favorite scripture?
mine is ecc 7:3 "better is vexation than laughter, for by the crossness of the face the heart becomes better.
ever realize you are a certain way and it just makes your face cringe?
Ok, not my favorite but about the only one I can remember because it was pounded into my head so many times-Ps. 83:18 To this day, when I'm traveling or when I run across a Bible, I still look up that scripture to see if "god's Name is there." I know, I'm such a loser.
My ex-JW girlfriend is getting married.
by Atilla inyep, i just found out not too long ago although not directly.
my parents were actually invited but i guess my invitation got lost in the mail.
the funny thing is that she is going to marry a guy from grenada in grenada.
Yep, I just found out not too long ago although not directly. My parents were actually invited but I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. The funny thing is that she is going to marry a guy from Grenada in Grenada. I guess she went there on a vacation to visit some old friends from the U.S. and then met her guy. I must admit that I did kinda screw her over 3 years ago when I left the Org. It was really out of my hands though because after an elders meeting, her dad, also an elder came up to me and told me I could no longer see his daughter. I was considered "bad" because I was moving out into an apartment with this girl from work. However, there really was no other option at the time for me, unless I wanted to live with my parents forever.
Well, my parents will obviously not be going to the wedding because they wouldn't go to a wedding across town let alone one in another country. I was thinking about emailing the girl and saying congratulations or something like that, it all depends. I hope her marriage goes all right but she is probably getting married to someone from Grenada because there aren't very many JW guys here in PA. I know a lot of JW girls who get married to guys from other countries because choices here are very limited. I mentioned to my parents that I might contact my old girlfriend and my mom got real nervous, like ah, why would you want to do that? I guess my parents are afraid I would say something to shake things up or open people's eyes, who knows with them. Like I said, I really do hope the best for my ex-JW girlfriend but I have the feeling that a marriage like that is bound to have problems. What to do, what to do?
Undergoing Hypnosis
by dh in.
having thought about it a few times and talked to another member here when i first joined, i think i would like to be hypnotised and asked some questions about things, life, previous life, early memories, repressed memories and a whole bunch of other stuff.
have any of you ever undergone this procedure or know anything about it, would you do it?
All I know is that my school actually had a hypnotist come in for a school assembly, and of course I wasn't allowed to go, stuck in some study hall room for 2 hours. From what I hear, everyone had a good time, but you can never be too careful with the damn devil.
Why Hasnt America Been Attacked Again??
by ApagaLaLuz inwhat is your opinion of this?
the us recently released a report stating that airport screeners are not doing their jobs correctly, and outlined which airports were the weakest.. .
do think the reason we have not had any new terrorist attacks since 2001 is because the government has beefed up homeland security?
One thing has kept us safe and that is duct tape, we have lots of it, and since 9/11, we have gotten more duct tape than any other country in the whole world. Any organizatioin or country would be crazy to attack us, it would be suicide with all of our duct tape.
As far as the national political conventions this year, I'm not sure anyone would try to hit such a convention, even though it might be very attractable. I do wonder though if a attack were to occur, who would it help, Bush or Kerry. I think it could go both ways. People could be like, well Bush obviously isn't keeping us safe or they could get scared and say well an attack every 2 to 3 years isn't so bad, we'll stay with Bush. Hopefully we won't have to find out.
The Issues...Why do most people take such an inflexible stand?
by Nazgul innow that ive left the borg im making up my mind about many social issues and i cant see why people have to be so polarized.
abortion- i dont think we should tell women what to do with their bodies (so im pro-choice there), but i think late term abortions where they just chop the head of a fully developed unborn baby are criminal.
(so im with pro-lifers there).
Luke warm water doesn't sell very many books now does it? As Jesus said, I spit it out of my mouth or something.
Useless Facts
by natalienu indo you find that you have a fantastic memory when it comes to useless info?.
what is one fact you know that is totally stupid and pointless?.
mine is: cow's can't vomit.
i was baptized on february 29th... haa haaa
Thank goodness, but I honestly have no idea when I was baptized. They always said that was the most important date but I could never even remember it when I was a dub let alone now. As far as useless info. goes, I don't believe in such a thing. I guess call it my thirst for knowlege, but I like to know everything, every little tid bit.
Just thought I'd introduce myself, finally!
by TrailBlazer04 ini was never "in" the wts, but my husband's x-wife and children are jw.
he never's a long story, but between the "religion" and other stuff, she's managed to inflict so much damage and pain on him that at one point he was much for "christian love", ya know?.
looking forward to talking more, if that's ok with everybody!.
Welcome, sounds like you have a complicated situation there. Sometimes it can even be more frustrating for someone like you that has no real prior experience with JW's and their wicked ways. I can only imagine what family reunions are like. Well, best of luck and I would encourage your husband to check out this site if he hasn't already.
How To Ruin Your Financial Health
by Atilla incbs) author and finance expert ben stein's new book, "how to ruin your financial life," is a tongue-in-cheek look at money and financial planning.
in it, stein lists 55 rules to help readers figure out what kind of financial shape they're in.
stein tells the early show co-anchor rene syler, ?people know that there are a million books, telling them how to get rich.
CBS) Author and finance expert Ben Stein's new book, "How To Ruin Your Financial Life," is a tongue-in-cheek look at money and financial planning. In it, Stein lists 55 rules to help readers figure out what kind of financial shape they're in.
Stein tells The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler, ?People know that there are a million books, telling them how to get rich. My book tells you how to get poor and ruin your life. If you recognize yourself in it, you?re doing something wrong. Turn around and do the other thing.?I saw this and instantly thought, hey he missed one.
Rule no. 56 to ruin your financial health, Become a Jehovahs Witness, or maybe that is obvious to everyone on the outside. Maybe I should get a copy of this book for my parents along with C of C.