How about when you are out in service with all of those cute sisters and you get stuck in the back seat between two hotties with their long but oh so thin dresses and your so close you can feel their pelvic bones and you start....ah never mind, it's pathetic. There are no fun things.
JoinedPosts by Atilla
List Of Fun Things That JW's Are Allowed To Do:
by Englishman inumm..have a few friends round and enjoy a bible quiz.. umm..square dancing!
far better than normal dancing where (to roughly quote the wt), people of the opposite sex use this as an excuse to put their arms around another person.
Wasn't Saddam ousted for doing precisely this sort of thing?
by Simon inutterly disgusting.
those responsible should be lined against a wall and shot.
publicly.. i think that would win more hearts and minds than bombing cities and using gunships on civilian areas..
I recently just saw an interview on CNN between two former Secretary of States, that being Albright and Kissinger. Albright took the formal approach and said these prisioner pictures are terrible, outrageous, etc, etc, blah, blah, same line everyone has used. Kissinger, as hard as it is to hear the old fart, of course said that the pictures were terrible but then surprisingly said that the pictures aren't really that bad if you put them into the context of the Middle East. Thus, he was kind of saying that the pictures were a tit for tat, they show those kind of pictures and happenings on Al Jazzera T.V., and their audience condones it, so why should the American audience be any different.
Don't get me wrong, the abuse is bad, but I think in context, pretty lame compared to what is going on everywhere else. Also, what else do we expect when we put all of these soldiers into a quagmire that is Iraq telling them that these are the people responsible for 9/11 and then expect them to behave decently. I don't think so.
On or off with the Condoms?
by Atilla ini'm not sure if anyone has been following the crisis in the porn industry, but there has been 5 actors so far to test positive for hiv since a male actor tested positve earlier in the month.
apparently, the male actor who started the whole hiv thing was doing an unprotected porn shoot in brazil and then came back and began to spread the love.
many want to start a mandatory condom thing now in the porn industry.
I'm not sure if anyone has been following the crisis in the porn industry, but there has been 5 actors so far to test positive for HIV since a male actor tested positve earlier in the month. Apparently, the male actor who started the whole HIV thing was doing an unprotected porn shoot in Brazil and then came back and began to spread the love. Many want to start a mandatory condom thing now in the porn industry. I talked to a lot of my friends and they said that was a good idea. Call me crazy, but I still think the actors should be able to choose for themselves. So off with the condoms I say.
Friends is Ending
by simplesally infriends is over.
the last episode will be tonight.
will ross and rachel end up together?
Same here, never really got friends and it has been on for way to long. At this point you could call it Golden Friends, not sure which friend's character you could call Sofia. I just feel bad for all those companies paying 2 million a spot on the last episode. Now, Seinfeld knew when to end his show, he may have lost some money but he kept his dignity.
Scared to go for gas!
by Special K inholy crow:.
my gas tank is empty and i need to buy gas.. the price went up and are you ready for this...... .93 cents a litre here in nova scotia, canada.
with my calculations with conversion to us gallon and 30% exchange rate it puts the cost about: .
You gotta pay to play, otherwise get a bike.
Please becareful when mowing your lawn
by kls inthis past weekend a two year old boy was run over by his father riding a lawn mower.
the father did not see his son walk in back of the mower when he was backing up.
the child lost his left leg and toes on his other foot.
We once had a CO who lost two or three fingers because he had a landscaping businees like all good dubbies. He lost his fingers just sticking them under mower deck to check on something, maybe that's an inclination of who they pick to become a CO.
Also, I'm not sure if alot of KH's are this way but I went to a rural hall where mowing the grass was the publishers' responsibility and viewed kind of like a privlege like handling the mics. Although, many people dropped of the list after a awhile because mowing the grass at our hall really sucked. We had a huge lot of land that wasn't landscaped right and had huge hills and even a stream running through the middle of it. There was only one riding mower and it was one of those crapy Wal-Mart specials. I remember one year that the mower actually flipped on a brother who was trying to mow the steep embakement, he was ok. Anyways, looking back, mowing our hall was a good 2 if not 3 hours wasted every week during the summer.
However, I now notice that many of the churches around use professional landscaping services. I don't think I would have minded paying a little more in donation money so we could have had the same service at our hall. However, I think that may have just thought about sending the extra money to Brooklyn and keep mowing on their own.
Should the age of consent for sexual acts be changed?
by RubyTuesday inthis woman seems to think so.pretty scary who is controlling our laws..wouldn't you say?
june 14: avowed feminist and aclu activist ruth bader ginsberg was appointed to be an associate justice on the supreme court.
based on a report she co-authored and on her previous decisions, these are some of the positions she has expressed in the past.
Would this law(s) mean that you could get a 12 year old prostitute legally?
Do you still preach?
by Theocrat inmany here are not jehovah's witnesses anymore because of one reason or another, but do you still preach?
do you still think that it is important for a christian to preach?
just wondering.
Thanks to some witnesses taking the time AND assistance, we have pulled ourselves out of poverty. They were the only ones who NEVER looked down their noses at us in our raggety clothes.
What you say above is great but a little good doesn't excuse a lot of bad things that JW's have done. Also, you have set yourself up as boob, most likely to be indebted forever due to the JW's spiritual and material assistance. Also, could you go to the meeting in those raggety clothes, have parts or give answers in those same clothes. Maybe for the the first month, but after that they would probably drag you to Goodwill to pick out some nice used dress clothes.
Do You Think George W. Bush Will Be Re-elected??
by minimus ini do.
but i also thought, nixon, reagan and clinton were going to get re-elected.
It could be very close and anything could happen between now and November. I actually just read an article in the Washington Post about the possibility of Bush winning the popular vote this time but losing the electoral college vote. Now, wouldn't that be ironic.
I did it!!!
by joelbear inwell, this week i become a college graduate.
thanks for all those who offered encouragement over the years.
it meant a lot to me.
Good job and congatulations. Although, frankly the typical 4 year college BA degree is almost becoming like a High School Diploma. You definately need your masters and I know some people who are going for 2 doctorates. Well anyways, not trying to depress everyone, you have come a long way, enjoy it. I myself will graduate to become a teacher in less than 2 years and I plan a big party. I'm thinking about sending out invitatations to my graduation to some of my old witness friends who are my age. Maybe they will get the point then again do I really want these people at my graduation. However, I doubt anyone would show up.