Fasting helps to lower libido, as the body can't focus on two appetites at the same time. Or, at least, the appetite for nourishment has priority, seeing as this a matter of survival.
JoinedPosts by alienone
Demons & Invisible Forces
by Celtic indid any of you have disproportionate fears of demons, and if you are able to, what was your experience in your emotions with these strong fears?
how did knowledge at such a young age affect you with the detailed graphic descriptions given my the published litureture?
were there any publications which freaked you in any way?
The irony is that demons don't want to blow-up your house, molest you or rape you. They simply want you to quit worshipping Jehovah. They want you out of the truth. So, far from leaving demons behind, those who have left are actually living under their spell and even promoting their agenda.
It seems the master of deception has a Borg collective of his own.
The watchtower is true
by billy injust looking briefly on this board, i can see all the warnings given in the watchtower about those leaving the organisation and sinking into the mire of the world are true.. you are all sad losers.
I believe you mean Grammar.
Active JW and ex-bethelite responding to UN issue
by lookin ini have to respond to the letter sent to the branches from the wtb&ts.. first: the explanation from mike pence is right on the money.
i am still an active jw who was at bethel for several yrs.
and in good standing with my local congregation.
Itsjustme wrote:
> The issue for me is that if you truly believe this is Jehovah's organization and he is
> directing it, why would he let a small group of brothers associate HIS organization with
> the wicked, unclean, etc. UN?I believe there is a scripture (in Thessalonians I think), explaining that Jehovah will allow errors to occur so that certain unrighteous ones will believe the broader "lie" and remove themselves from the congregation.
Failing that, and far from associating with the enemy, the WTS had infiltrated the enemy like a spy. If a US agent penetrated a terrorist cell in order to gain intelligence, would you accuse him of wrongdoing?
Reverse rationalization
by alienone inquestion for opposers:.
if world events unfold pretty much as the wts predicts (or rather, as they interpret the bible to predict), and this culminates in armageddon, where jehovah makes himself known and publicly endorses jws.... .
how would you begin rationalize that?
Question for opposers:
If world events unfold pretty much as the WTS predicts (or rather, as they interpret the Bible to predict), and this culminates in Armageddon, where Jehovah makes himself known and publicly endorses JWs....
How would you begin rationalize that?
Is this true?
by alienone indoes anyone know where this article came from and whether there is any truth to it?.
united religions.
an organization was formed in 1997 which has the express goal of forming a world body of religions patterned after the model of the united nations.
Does anyone know where this article came from and whether there is any truth to it?
An organization was formed in 1997 which has the express goal of forming a world body of religions patterned after the model of the United Nations. They are in the process of developing a charter and have asked people of all faiths to participate in enrolling other people in the effort, in "visioning," or imagining what the U.R. can be and do, in acting locally to bring this organization about, and in offering written charter elements for consideration.
To help explain the purpose of the movement and its connection to the New World Order, Marcus Braybrooke, evidently one of the chief advocates of the idea, gives this statement: It is said of the United Religions Organization that 'the prime purpose for uniting the world's religions into a global organization is to eliminate violence in the name of religion, race or ethnicity. An organization that makes this its primary task will have plenty of work to do. I hope any new organization will have a distinct focus, whilst recognizing that its long term objectives will only be achieved if it works closely with many other related bodies. Until religions clearly renounce violence, their creative contribution to building a new world order will be ignored. To many people today, religion is a threat rather than a promise and the public perception of religion as a cause of division and hostility is a disincentive to faith. If a United Religions Organization can purge the religions of what distorts and corrupts their witness, it can unblock the channels through which the healing wisdom of the great spiritual traditions will flow into our world.
For the present, they suggest that everyone who is interested in the concept link themselves together by daily recitation of this prayer.
"Supreme One, who has made of one blood all peoples to dwell upon the earth, our thanks and praise for deepening the understanding of those of all races, languages, customs and religions and for teaching us to accept each other in the light of your own all-embracing love. Thank you also for the vision of all the human family united in caring partnership and stewardship for the sake of all life and the earth."
Their agenda calls for actually writing the first draft of their charter in June of 1998, and after two years of discussion and refinement, to have representatives sign it on June 26, 2000 while a walking pilgrimage for peace among religions takes place in villages, towns, and cities throughout the world.
The point of this discussion is to show the rapid erosion of international boundaries in our century and the inexorable, and unavoidable pressures forcing world leaders towards an international police force, world-wide economic controls, and a central governmental authority which transcends the old boundaries of what were once called "sovereign" states.
Mysterious Ways
by alienone ini think everyone is missing the point by trying to argue for and against the wtbts using words and "logical argument".
clearly, god did not want the truth to be obvious and, scripturally, it is apparent that it would not be.
jesus said that only "a few" would find the truth in these last days.
4horsemen wrote:
>it's not so much "selfish" as it is fear that has been
>conditioned and instilled by an organization comprised of MEN.I think the Bible instills that (healthy) fear without any help from man. Also, fearing for one's life could be described as a selfish motive, when compared to those who want to side with God out of gratitude for their life and love of him and his ways.
Mysterious Ways
by alienone ini think everyone is missing the point by trying to argue for and against the wtbts using words and "logical argument".
clearly, god did not want the truth to be obvious and, scripturally, it is apparent that it would not be.
jesus said that only "a few" would find the truth in these last days.
I am not a JW and never have been. However, the best arguments for becoming one are provided by those who are against it, in that such arguments completely ignore the broader picture.
Mysterious Ways
by alienone ini think everyone is missing the point by trying to argue for and against the wtbts using words and "logical argument".
clearly, god did not want the truth to be obvious and, scripturally, it is apparent that it would not be.
jesus said that only "a few" would find the truth in these last days.
Clearly he does not want us to join it for intellectual or academic reasons, as the intellectuals of this world are foolish in the eyes of God.
Mysterious Ways
by alienone ini think everyone is missing the point by trying to argue for and against the wtbts using words and "logical argument".
clearly, god did not want the truth to be obvious and, scripturally, it is apparent that it would not be.
jesus said that only "a few" would find the truth in these last days.
In the time of Noah, why didn't God make it clear to everyone that Noah was right to be doing what he was doing? Just before the flood, why didn't his voice boom across the land? Why was the ark sealed long BEFORE the rains came?
Then, just as now, if the truth were known, people would "board the ark" in order to save their own necks. It's all about motive.
If people choose the "wrong" religion, they obvioulsy do not want what the Bible offers, and therefore will not get it.