At first, like most here, I thought oh just let Friday rant. it shows people exactly the kind of bigotry and hate the gay community has to put up with on a daily basis. In fact his rantings probably did more good for the gay community then harm. But then he made the following comments to Skeptic in reference to homosexuals....
Neither would you succeed in being a homosexual in living next door to me, but I won’t tell you just why that would be so.
I’ll have to ask my neighbor two blocks over how he found out about the two that lived across the street from him. Needless to say, they didn’t live there much longer once they were found out about. Again, I won’t disclose the details as to why.
After that I felt something should be done. If you are gay or have a loved one that is, these words show that not only does he condone harming gays, he is proud of people he knows who have. These kind of words can and do incite others to do harm to gays.
Even though I am a newbie when it comes to posting, I think in this instance Simon was right on the money. Should Friday be allowed to come back? That is up to Simon and I will support whatever he decides to do.
Operating a board is tough. No matter what you do, you will be criticized. About the only thing you can do is what your conscience tells you to do. I think Simon has a great board and he does a great job in letting everyone have their say. Thanks Simon.