Please help me with the forum

by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Keeping a balance in what is allowed and what is not is very difficult and is more difficult if I have to take action against one person when I have let other things go by others.

    It would help a lot if we could stop the personal attacks and some of the name calling & insults that are thrown about. I know personalities do and will clash but please disagree about the subjects being discussed and not get personal!

    If you think someone is deliberately trying to cause arguments please do not respond to them as this is giving in to what they want. The best way to treat a troll is to ignore them.

    However, this does not mean that anyone with opinions contrary to ours is a troll. If JWs come here and have different ideas which most of us would have had at some point then it would not be right to just insult them, call them stupid etc... They are just at a different stage to us.

    While I disagree with muchh of the email I was sent below I do acknowledge that he has a certain point about me being biased to a certain degree. Your help would be appreciated in this.

  • Simon
    Why the double-standard, Simon?

    Hi Simon, this is Friday/Yadirf:

    You deactivated my account. Why? You say, for not adhering to the rules as set out in the forum participation policy. How about Tallyman's post, as copied below ... do you see anywhere in this post of his where HE has not adhered to those rules? Another question: Have you ever known Farkel (Doug Checketts) to break those rules? Over and over again, as a matter of fact? How about AlanF? Have you ever observed HIM breaking those rules, repeatedly? How about Dedalus? Same question.

    It's quite clear to me that you are a severely biased person, Simon ... plus a coward. Why are you a coward? Because you take the power of control that you have as owner of a board and wield it unfairly, because you know that that you're out of reach. That's indeed a coward, in the truest sense of the word. I had Joelbear in a corner that he couldn't get out of gracifully, and you saved that depraved excuse for a human being by denying me posting privileges. People like him THRIVE because they know that all they have to do is cry to the 'authorities' and they will be protected. I'm sure that he feels that he’s stuck a feather in his cap, by having been successful in influencing you to delete my account. Yes, I'm sure he's thinking that he "single handedly showed that JW!" . Well he didn't beat THIS JW regarding the issue that was being debated. The only thing he succeeded in was crying to you about how Yadirf had violated the FPP, and you listened to that cry. So if it hadn't been for YOUR biased butt, he wouldn't have pulled that off.

    What you have chosen to do, Simon, is allow others to do what you won't allow ME to do. The least you could have done was to issue a warning first, and then afterwards banned me if I THEN refused to heed that warning. Even H20, a well-moderated forum, practices such leniency. You never got over the fact that I once said that you deserved 30 lashed for the mis-advertisement of your site, did you? It's quite plain to me that you deserve many more strokes than that now. If you were going to strictly enforce the FPP then you should've at least periodically reminded posters that you were going to. Instead, you provided much evidence to the contrary … that you didn't intend to, by allowing those rules to be broken daily by the majority of the members.

    I've experienced these sort of injustices before, Simon. I’m always amazed too as to how they get past their conscience. Apparently because of it being seared. You apostates couldn't beat me except by resorting to the taking advantage of a technicality, a technicality that you refuse to apply across the board. Over me, you chose to side with a person that would actually advise CHILDREN regarding things having to do with the debased practice of Homosexuality. You have even provided that person with the means to reach those children. Without having a change of heart you will not go unpunished for that, Simon. YOU, are showing yourself as being every bit as debased as the vilest of homosexuals ... because you not only approve of them but you provide the medium for them to corrupt other humans, including CHILDREN.

    I may turn you in to the secular authorities, Simon, I'm not sure yet. You are doing something that is quite corrupt (especially since it involves children), and I believe that I can convince those secular authorities in both our countries that you need to be taken in hand. I hope that you would not dare me to do that. Rather, what I do hope that you'll do is think over what you are doing, how inadvisable it is ... both with regards to your providing a base for people like Joelbear to preach his filth to children as well as the bias that you have demonstrated against me ... make amends before the board and reactivate my account, which you so unfairly deleted. That is not a bribe, I just sincerely want to see you do the right thing. If you had as much as given me even a HINT of a warning, then I would've heeded that warning. As it is, it appears that you merely wanted to squelch my input, out of pure prejudice ... because I still adhere to the faith that you've come to hate.

    I read the thread that you posted asking for other's input on what you should do about my activity on I found it quite telling that out of all those who replied, you had only ONE member that was in favor of giving me the boot, and that was your friend JOELBEAR. Not one other member recommended to you that I no longer be allowed to post on Did those 30 lashes hurt that bad, Simon? The fact is, I believe, that it's not so much that the FPP was violated but that the truth which I propound HURTS. You hate to hear the TRUTH, don't you?

    Here's Tallyman's comment that I initially spoke about here, a mere tip of the iceberg of the multitudes that I can point you to if need be. I highlighted the relevant part in red. Can you explain the seeming double-standard, Simon? Perhaps you will email me with your answer?

    (embedded and highlighted in original email)

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I couldn't agree with you more. I know it must be a very difficult call to make! I am glad I am not in your position.
    I felt that many of Yadirf's post were inflammnatory and very off the wall.
    I for one would love to hear active JW's comments on this board. But presented with dignity and civility! And that goes for all of us! My goal in life, is to bring as much benefit to those around me as possible. And if it means helping anyone not become involved in a controlling situation, be it religion or any other, then so be it.
    I do not feel it was out of place to removed Yadirf in any way, because he obviously could not express his thoughts in a civil manner. So sad that he is resorting to threats. Personally I have met good and bad JW's but I don't think I have ever met one quite so caustic as Yadirf.

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    not to bee personal or anything, but that sounds an awful lot like black mail to me:

    "I may turn you in to the secular authorities, Simon, I'm not sure yet. You are doing something that is quite corrupt (especially since it involves children), and I believe that I can convince those secular authorities in both our countries that you need to be taken in hand. I hope that you would not dare me to do that. Rather, what I do hope that you'll do is think over what you are doing, how inadvisable it is ... both with regards to your providing a base for people like Joelbear to preach his filth to children as well as the bias that you have demonstrated against me ... make amends before the board and reactivate my account, which you so unfairly deleted. That is not a bribe, I just sincerely want to see you do the right thing. If you had as much as given me even a HINT of a warning, then I would've heeded that warning. As it is, it appears that you merely wanted to squelch my input, out of pure prejudice ... because I still adhere to the faith that you've come to hate. "

    blackmail is a _dirty_ word.

  • Englishman


    Ah, the volatile FRIDAY! Very black and white is our Yadirf, however I do have some respect for him because there is some real humour lurking in many of his posts, I loved the way that he "courted" VeniceIT so amorously.

    He can be astonishingly hurtful though, I wouldn't want him as a father watching my every move thats for sure.

    He impacts very strongly with his writing abilities, he also insuts amazingly powerfully without resorting to obscenities. I'm sure that Joelbear can handle his barbs.

    Bring back Friday! (Maybe put him on probation!)


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • hippikon

    Simon: What is the purpose of the board? It’s your board and ultimately it is your decision what is allowed and what is not. I personally object to antagonists and extremists. I feel I have just left an extremist religion and don’t want to be preached at by other extremists. In my opinion those that come here to propagate their narrow fundamentalist views are trouble makers. Is this place a soap box for religious lunatics?

  • Tina

    Hi Simon,
    I see no double standard. Fridays posts were consistently and chronically low down and filthy. He's now behaving like a bratty kid who's toy was taken away from him.
    He still manages to revile joelbear in his letter! And jb showed him nothing but tolerance!
    I thought he was shown wide lattitude and leniency from you by allowing his vituperative noxious posts to go on for so long.
    On h20 he was shown much leniency as well.(IMHO)
    He's a bitter disgusting old man who finally has to suffer the consequences of his rotten behavior. His behavior is chronic,he'd do the same thing again and again and again.
    You did the right and mature thing . How like him ,rather than apologize and admit he was way out of line,to attack you!
    I'm glad he's gone and hope he doesn't come back. No one needs that kind of chronic verbal abuse. And all this from one who professes to be a christian and follower of jah.
    Thank you Simon.Tina

  • hippikon


  • ballistic

    Well done Si,
    those of us that find message boards stimulating and entertaining don't wish to be used by anarchists who try to get their stimulation and entertainment out of upseting other users (who they fail to see as real people).

    Please post anything else he sends you for our entertainment, thanks.

    What Goes Up Must Come Down

  • Abaddon

    Simon, in Friday's mail to you, he again shows us the truth. About himself.

    It sounds like he is trying to blackmail you with completely empty threats. I mean, what legislation have you infringed?

    Personally, I think giving someone like that the ego boost of deleting their acount is a two-edged sword, but thanks again for all the work you put in keeping this forum going.

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