Posts by bisous
Only 4 more years of Bush? You mean his wife isn't running in 2008???
That would be super....maybe she can run against Hilary! Our political system is comically entertaining to say the least....pathetically embarrassing to say a little more....
How Have You Regained Your Optimism (if you have)?
by bisous inmy experience in the jws and now that i am out is i am robbed of most of my optimism.
while in....we were taught fear and 2 choices....eternal life on earth under much the same administration which was full of drudgery, judgement, motivation by guilt....or....death.
My experience in the JWs and now that I am out is I am robbed of most of my optimism.
While in....we were taught fear and 2 choices....eternal life on earth under much the same administration which was full of drudgery, judgement, motivation by guilt....OR....death. Period. End Of Sentence.
Now that I am has been impossible for me to find interest in other religions and spiritual teachings. I am left now with 1 choice....death. Period. End Of Sentence.
It is a challenge to reconnect with optimism...a sense of wonder and joy...with this prospect. I know, I know, what about live for today, it is all we are promised, etc. But as each day, month, year passes....I am imbued more and more with a 'What's It All About, Alfie' spirit....what's the use, the purpose....look around at the world, the people, the grayness of existence....
I have cynicism (vs. optimism)....humor (vs. happiness)...sarcasm (vs. empathy)...suspicion (vs. trust)...and
What have you used to replace the sect's teachings? How to regain optimism re: life?
c'mon now ... we all know our current gov't did everything possible to paint Iraq and Al Qaeda with the same brush to gain support for the's foolish to argue otherwise unless you were in a coma the last 2 far as "position of power"...that's how it works...get all your buddies to say what you don't want to be quoted as ...
looks like 4 more years of Baby Bush...
Page 2, of the 2004 yearbook."the great tribulation".
by Blueblades inpage 2 introduces the 2004 yeartext.. "keep on the watch...prove yourselves ready.
"-----matthew 24:42,44.. consistently,god's word reminds us that jehovah's day will arrive with shocking suddenness.hence,our yeartext for 2004 reflects jesus' deep love for his disciples,whom he wants to preserve through "the great tribulation.
how do we remain spiritually watchful and ready?by allowing nothing to distract us from our study of god's word and from our privileges of sacred service.this yearbook contains many examples of loyal witnesses,who took to heart jesus' loving admonition.may you imitate their faith.. feel free to comment on this introduction to the new yearbook of 2004.. my comment is that they still believe that fear of the great tribulation will still work to keep the rank and file in line.and it is only by our study of god's word ( notice our study is not explained to say,through the interpretation of the governing body ) and from our privileges of sacred service ( again notice,how do they define sacred service,full time ministry ,bethel life,pioneering and door to door work is all a privilege along with meeting attendance is left out ).
demonstrates the fear on the part of the Governing Body...loss of sheep blindly following them...counteract their fear by instilling fitting
Your Ideas On The Bible?
by shamus inso, what do you think about the bible?
is it really ispired of god?.
i am strongly believing that the bible is nothing more than folk-tales, half-truths, and suggestions by man.
Historical fiction is what I think....
hear hear High Castle
Karzai was interviewed on NPR yesterday, it is terrible news that the terrorism and AlQaeda/Taliban are on the rise in Afghanistan...the struggle towards democracy continues there with little support by UN and other....don't see much about that on major news stations....guess there isn't the the same potential upside politically for the current US administration there, eh?
Great that Hussein is captured, most likely not the greatest news for upcoming US elections, imo
seven006, you worthless dog
by onacruse ina moderator, eh?.
may 10,000 fleas infest your private parts.... (as if they haven't already).
dave....i mean O&C I can recommend my dog walker....given the title of this post its kinda the same thing ... and your nuts would be in good hands....the dogwalker's i mean
man there is all kinda material in this one
Lost Childhood -> PTSD -> Lost Adulthood
by one_ugly_time inwhen i read the title of the thread ?was your growth stunted because you were a jehovah?s witness?, i posted a version of the following while extremely emotional.
not taut, very loosely, as if it feels like a necklace.
you see, i am growing and the cord is getting taut now.
Ugly, I read your post the day you made it. I have come back and read it a few times. Very painful reading for me, so many nerve endings there I can relate to. I have lost a good portion of my adulthood to the long lasting effects. I feel I am at a cross roads as to whether the hard excruciating experience of life as I know it (and trying to change for something different, better) is even worth the effort....
It has been about 20 years since I walked away from JW mind control. I was 23. While in it (5ish-23), I never felt I truly believed. I had no choice, but I didn't belong there and couldn't belong outside either. I played the game (studying, baptism, field service, skipped college) because it was the only life I had. I married a non-JW and then proceeded to spend a year converting him. Only recently have I had the courage to examine myself and life and admit how much control and influence those years in the sect had over me.
JW teach you to isolate yourself, only friendships and personal relationships in the church. It inflicts guilt if you do begin to form an outside relationship, so very quickly you cut off those attempts. This one aspect I believe shaped the rest of my life.
I used the sudden death of my husband as my escape point. When he was killed, I packed up and returned to the area I grew up in. The only person I knew upon arrival was my mother (a fading JW). My entire social life began to revolve around her (the woman who married into JWs and thus forced me into it too). I didn't know it then, but looking back I realize I didn't have the social skills or ability to form sustainable relationships. My mother quit practicing the religion and basically became my primary friend. I had people I met through work who wanted to be friends, it was always only 1 or 2 at a time, and eventually I would find a reason to drift away or end the friendship. Continuing to associate with my mother (shopping, going out to dance, movies, all the things a woman in her 20s and 30s would have girlfriends to do with).
I did of course have boyfriends. Molestation at the hands of my JW stepfather truly did a number on me in that regard. For a long time I equated those fleeting relationships with a search for love, something deeper. But the minute they got close, I was outta there.
Now I have cut off contact with my mother and basically live an isolated life. My human relationships exist with work colleagues. I recently moved to a new city where I literally know no one. I had 1-2 friends in the city I moved from. I feel like the 'noose' will always be around my neck, I kid myself that I cut free 20+ years ago.
I admire the strength reflected in your posting.
Standing up for National Anthem / Judges
by RubaDub indo others here feel that the prohibition about standing for the national anthem lacks any basis in logic whatsoever??
having been raised in the borg, this is one issue that i never understood.. the argument has always been that standing up indicated "worship" of the country, the same as saluting the flag (i'm not discussing the flag salute issue here, just the "standing" issue).. however, if you stand up when required for a person, i.e.
a judge in court, it is ok to stand because it is simply showing respect.
regarding Pledge:
I never understood it as a child either. Why my mother suddenly decided to join a crazy religion that subjected me to harrassment and ridicule. I remember being a 4th grader in a new school and being singled out by the teacher for not doing the pledge. New kid in class....quickly shunned as the weirdo and really not understanding why. The first few years my mother was just studying and didn't require me to do these things until later, when she actually contacted the teacher.