Its gauche to name names and besides, I wouldn't want their heads to get big! ;P
Posts by bisous
what poster to you always check?
by nowisee inis there anyone, when you see they have posted, that you always check to see what they have to say?
i always check blondie, bebu, alanf, farkel, onacruse, aguest (and probably others).
bc what they say has some gravity, some enlightenment, some knowledge, some insight.
HELP - my boyfriend's ex called and wants them to reconcile....what to do?
by Juniper ini've been seeing an amazing man for a few months now.
i recently found out that before we met, my boyfriend had been thinking about getting back together with his ex-girlfriend.
(who is going through a divorce of her own right now) they have a two year old son together.. he says that if his child weren't involved, he wouldn't even consider going back to her.
my 2 cents? take a deep breath, pretend you are your BFF, and go back and re-read what you posted as if your BFF sent you this inquiry. I believe a light bulb might go off in your head ... because when you read it back, it sure doesn't seem like this is someone who is committed to a relationship with you. You'll be able to answer your own question easily ...
For mother's out a son's bedroom!
by restrangled inmy son is twenty years old, a good kid, is doing great in college so i usually keep the door closed to his bedroom so i don't have to look.
today he took out a huge batch of laundry for me to do and the odor from that bedroom had me reeling.. here is my humorous but deadly serious post on the matter:!!!!!.
after vacuuming, enough dust to fill the entire dust bin in the vacuum.. enough change on the floor to keep him in fast food for a week.....(don't ask me for money).
all I can say is at 20 there is no f'g way I'd clean his room .... unless he paid me. Hey, THERE'S an idea. Hire a cleaning service like Maid Brigade for 1-2x a month and make HIM pay. cheaper than rent somewhere else and you'll be rid of the odor.
Sad News Orangefatcat's husband died this morning.
by orangefatcat inthis is one of the sadest days in my life, my beloved husband marco passed away this morning at 5:15 am.. it has been a dreadful day.
but my dear friend was with most of the day while we went togerther to make funeral arrangements.. that was really hard on me.
i have done nothing but cry and cry all day, i finally fell asleep a few hours ago while my friend diane was here and she let me sleep.
So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself, OFC.
It's official -
by joannadandy insome of you may have heard through the grapevine already, but it's official... .
i'm engaged.
i got those lovely flowers below sent to me at work, and i officially got my rock after a swank dinner and carriage ride around a park.
to think I had to come here to find out! lmao ... but anyhoo.... congrats and best wishes!! k -
My 17 year old daughter has so many problems
by Jez inwell, my 17 year old has left home in a horribly negative way.
she has had many problems for many years.
she ran away a year ago, we dragged her home, took her to the hospital for bulimia and suicidal tendencies.
I'm not a doctor, but some of her symptoms match those of the onset of schizophrenia. Here is a link re: early onset and symptoms:
It seems like there is something that could be done by a doctor if this is the case. She could be a danger to herself or even others ... there are lots of other resource links in the above article.
Sorry you are going through this, hopefully it isn't the above ... and you can find resources to help her no matter what the case. Don't Give Up on Her! -
Have you ever thought of killing someone?
by John Doe inhave you ever had enough contempt for someone to consider doing such a thing?
other than myself, no.
What are you eating right now?
by Crumpet in(oh yes the market has not yet been cornered on fluffy inanities and i can compete with the best!).
i am having breakfast at my desk of blueberries, greek set natural yeo valley yoghurt hazelnuts and whole grain flakes.
i feel so virtuous....
Go LEAN Crunch, banana, lowfat milk .... *slurp*
WHAT would YOU do? Teen issues.....
by onlycurious inmy oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
Yep. many of the responses in this thread are a throwback to the JW / conservative Christian approach of being proud that their child "fears them", the need to be in control, and even the whole "spare the rod" BS.
I popped my kids on their diapered butts as toddlers when they put themselves in harms way. beyond that never had to resort to corporal punishment to parent my kids. never wanted to either. during elementary school, still had remnants of that Biblical childrearing approach and parenting was more a battle ground of proving I WAS THE BOSS than teaching my kids skills for life. Thankfully, I woke up (mostly due to the advice of a friend / parent that was about 10 years older than me and had already been there/done that).
Made raising my 2 kids the rest of the way a lot easier. helped to teach them how to be thinking adults vs. followers. -
Small dog Owners, best breed?
by restrangled inmy mom is slowly losing her old cat and her heart is breaking.
she would like to adopt a small dog.
(no puppies).
bichons - easily trained, loyal, consistently happy personality, DON'T SHED (YAY) ...
I love mine.
also have a maltese, similar attributes except they do shed.