i find it insulting to come off with a crass remark like *why don't you just get the fuck over it* ... first of all, that is one big ass assumption about many people on this board. Wanting to expose an organization, ANY organization, for significant wrongs does not equate to *not getting over it*. I'm sure that the many, many victims of pedophilia or folks who lost loved ones to blood issues would appreciate hearing that helpful remark as much as I did. Seems to me you need to get the *f* over yourself.
Posts by bisous
If Walmart employees can do it and win, why can't we?
by REBORNAGAIN inwhy are we not all getting together as a group and get back at the borg for what they have done to us?
"there is strength in numbers" and definitely enough of us.
we have all suffered in similar ways, some more than others.
If Walmart employees can do it and win, why can't we?
by REBORNAGAIN inwhy are we not all getting together as a group and get back at the borg for what they have done to us?
"there is strength in numbers" and definitely enough of us.
we have all suffered in similar ways, some more than others.
John Doe - I would support your view if I agreed that the WTBTS was a religion vs. a cult, a high control organization, whose policies are just as individually, devastatingly harmful as the policies of the Fundamentalist LDS organization which actively promotes bigamy and forced marriage/rape of young children. I'm assuming you are aware of the successful prosecution of Warren Jeffs for aiding rape. I believe there is a correlation that could be applied to a lawsuit foisted upon the WTBTS relative to its blood and pedophilia policies.
Sexuality discussions on JWD
by Lady Lee init has long been the policy that serious discussions of sexual issues are an essential part of our recovery from being involved with the jws.
as jws normal healthy sexuality was taboo.
the gb states they have every right to know what goes on in the marital bed and anything else if forbidden.
I did have to laugh at the comment about the 13 year old grandkid and the man's penis. LMAO!!!!! Gimme a break, what REGULAR poster here posts porn pics??? and why do we need porn announcements for trolls?? I stand by my prior comments. The warning isn't about porn and trolls. It is about all you *tsk tsk* adolescents who want to have a joke or 2 that is deemed unsuitable.
Sexuality discussions on JWD
by Lady Lee init has long been the policy that serious discussions of sexual issues are an essential part of our recovery from being involved with the jws.
as jws normal healthy sexuality was taboo.
the gb states they have every right to know what goes on in the marital bed and anything else if forbidden.
Regular posters agree that porn should not be on the board. Porn isn't really the issue or intent of this thread warning however. The warning is really in regards to humorous or adult related discussions that moderators deem unsuitable based on their personal value judgements.
Sexuality discussions on JWD
by Lady Lee init has long been the policy that serious discussions of sexual issues are an essential part of our recovery from being involved with the jws.
as jws normal healthy sexuality was taboo.
the gb states they have every right to know what goes on in the marital bed and anything else if forbidden.
If one CHOOSES to view a topic in the Adult section, it is likely an edited version based on the moral judgements of a few. This was my point, thanks for helping to clarify it.
Sexuality discussions on JWD
by Lady Lee init has long been the policy that serious discussions of sexual issues are an essential part of our recovery from being involved with the jws.
as jws normal healthy sexuality was taboo.
the gb states they have every right to know what goes on in the marital bed and anything else if forbidden.
I agree with Brent. Most of what is posted in Adult is a far cry from porn. The recent trollery is an obvious exception to what most people would consider posting in the Adult section. What most people put in the Adult area, jokes or otherwise, would not be interpreted as breaking the guidelines posted re: porn, obscenity etc. by a significant percentage of posters. What does typically happen is the moral judgements and values of a few are imposed upon the many, via moderation techniques.
Cold Weather Dress Code for Witnesses
by WTWizard inwith the advent of cooler weather (at least in canada and the northern us), one might think of how the witnesses are going to cope.
for certain, dress codes are going to have different effects now than they did when it was broiling hot.. men are going to be more comfortable now.
cooler weather means that the coat is not going to create as much heat stroke risk as it did in the heat of mid summer.
"allowed" to wear pants? well, I was never df'd for wearing pants and I would have dared them to try! what a crock. As long as my attire was not provocative I knew I had the right to wear what I damn well pleased ... and I did.
Of course, as soon as humanly possible I said harumph to the whole ridiculous exercise and got the hell out of there! -
Can We All Just Get Along?
by flipper inhello folks!
of course the title on this thread may have caught your attention from the riots in la in the 90's when rodney king made the statement.
i think it's a great statement, simple, but oh so true.
My posting (and reading) has diminished here 10 fold because of the growing tendency toward self-righteous indignation and kingdom hall mirroring on the part of many posters. If I wanted that, I would have remained in the cult.
Oh. And this thread tonight (on a rare visit) reinforces that conclusion. Due to my Macintosh computer, you will just have to envision my eyeroll emoticon here ==> -
what about NOT making new friends...life as a hermit for most part
by oompa ini actually saved a classified ad from an east coast paper that needed experienced crew on a 48' sailing yacht.
i was at this town for my 10th wedding anniversary and staying at a nice b&b.
this was back in april.
I agree with the *free advice* statement. A lot of the comments you made sound like common signs of depression. If I were you, I'd seek advice and feedback from a professional counsellor or family therapist. There are many who have experience with ex- JW issues and/or cults.
Guess Who's Getting Married...
by SixofNine innow guess when.. .
ok, the who is easy.
the when is not nailed down just yet.
congrats to you both ... I felt like Sherlock Holmes putting this all together from cryptic comments on other threads...! Wow, another reason to visit all you wacky Texans! BIG hug to you both!