bigW - I totally agree with much of your assessment. I can honestly say that looking at the RR picture made me a bit uncomfortable, even squirm a bit at first. But to me, that is a GREAT thing ... see, once that little prickle began ... it encouraged me to examine why? I went back and re-read some of the posts here, thought about and challenged my perception of things and what led to these perceptions. If I hadn't had that little frisson, I might have kept on scrolling.
I guess that initial squirm led me to be judgemental of myself a bit. Because when it is all said and done, everyone's body belongs to them. Some of the points misanthropic made might be valid - but it is all situational. If we could all attempt to 'live and let live' ... according to our own personal mores ... we'd be better off. That's why the *tsk tsk brigade* is so irritating to me. Free your minds folks ...
Posts by bisous
Just a little Update...(with pictures)
by RichieRich inso today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
Silent Lambs
by BEROEAN inso was this all about money or what?
i was hoping silent lambs would resist the money and push for the exposure of the criminals.
instead they cave in to the gag order and they took the money and ran!
beroean. thanks for responding. while I get the idea of having to research/prove something to oneself, there are certain wrongs in life that you will not ever be able to "see" with your own eyes and yet that doesn't mean the wrongs don't exist or didn't happen.
your quick rise through the ranks is an interesting tale. do you regret it (the quick rise...)? -
Just a little Update...(with pictures)
by RichieRich inso today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
wow RR, your pictures have such a great aura about them, your words and accomplishments are uplifting and your girlfriend is drop dead gorgeous!!!!!! Good On YA!!!
History leading up to my "happiness" thread
by Junction-Guy insome of you seem perplexed as to my latest threads, i thought i would give you a little background.. .
about 3 years ago, amanda and i met up with an xjw elder here in knoxville.
it started out ok, but deteriorated rapidly.
And of course, JG, I don't think ALL of the responses fit into the *brigade*, many people have given you constructive feedback or input vs. attacking....
History leading up to my "happiness" thread
by Junction-Guy insome of you seem perplexed as to my latest threads, i thought i would give you a little background.. .
about 3 years ago, amanda and i met up with an xjw elder here in knoxville.
it started out ok, but deteriorated rapidly.
JG - I'm puzzled as to why you feel the need to keep putting up threads trying to explain your thoughts on this topic. You've been around here long enough to know that you're just feeding the *tsk tsk brigade* ... why give them that satisfaction?
Your first thread expressed the opinions and views you had. Now it seems to have devolved into you put in the position of continuing defending yourself ... observing these exchanges, I can tell you that from all appearances it is a no-win situation. As long as you are comfortable with your point of view, and it works for you ... why not leave it at that? -
Why I dont go along with the "happiness" crowd
by Junction-Guy inthe old saying "happiness is the best revenge", to me that is the most rubbing statement i can ever hear right now.. .
someone mentioned that jw's dont think anyone can have true happiness outside of their religion, i dont necessarily buy this.. .
when someone is happy inside the borg, they say its jehovah's blessing, when someone is happy outside the borg they say that satan is blessing them.
Junction Guy, the other day I was listening to NPR and there was a segment on *Happiness* that reminded me of your earlier thread...basically the premise was that everyone deals with life's stresses differently. The power of positive thinking and striving for some preconceived notion of happiness does not work for everyone, and furthermore is highly unrealistic.
This wasn't discussed in a *downer* sort of way ... just a much more pragmatic take on what to expect from the day to day life experience, particularly when recovering from trauma or abuse.
If you have an MP3 player, you can listen to this segment here
I also enjoyed this segment on creating your own happiness!3DDEAF8AD1B84339!1312.entry
Lastly, 6 Tips to Acquiring more happiness!3DDEAF8AD1B84339!1312.entry
enjoy! -
I'm totally excited!
by coolhandluke inwhen i interviewed for my position my now boss asked me why i didn't have a degree.
my mind filtered out "well you see sir i wasn't allowed to go to college and without that hope basically glided through high school and then went to a trade school so that i could eat.
" instead i told him that it was one of my major goals.
Dom, most employers aren't concerned with the cache' of your undergraduate degree...rather, whether or not you took the effort to complete it. Unless you are on track for an Ivy League degree fresh out of high school, the *high visibility* name brand isn't of paramount importance. In reality, working adults have more options and your real life experience can also mean a lot.
Conversely, your graduate degree does incur a bit more scrutiny and it helps to research and select a college that has certain credentials and reputation for the major you are focusing on.
I've known several working adults who have pursued and satisfactorily completed a Univ. of Phoenix degree with great success. They have appreciated how the programs fit into their already busy schedules. UOP offers options that fit a working adult's schedule, both online and in class variety. Most colleges accept transfer units from UOP.
If you want to chat further offline, PM me and I'd be happy to do so. -
You Too Can Be a Banker to the Poor ~ Check Out This Great Organization!
by bisous ini heard about this place - - which allows people like you and i to get involved in micro loans that help poor people all over the world.
many of you may have read about the success of these types of programs.
lending as little as $25 to someone in a 3rd world country can be the stepping stone out of poverty for them.
Which co. are you referring to? Kiva uses Paypal to make the donation, which is a secure payment facility.
I'm totally excited!
by coolhandluke inwhen i interviewed for my position my now boss asked me why i didn't have a degree.
my mind filtered out "well you see sir i wasn't allowed to go to college and without that hope basically glided through high school and then went to a trade school so that i could eat.
" instead i told him that it was one of my major goals.
Dom, does UOP still do the *life experience* accreditation? If so, I recommend you take advantage of it ... In the past you could get 12-15 credits from that process.
Congrats on making this decision and finding a supporter/mentor to help you cross the finish line. -
You Too Can Be a Banker to the Poor ~ Check Out This Great Organization!
by bisous ini heard about this place - - which allows people like you and i to get involved in micro loans that help poor people all over the world.
many of you may have read about the success of these types of programs.
lending as little as $25 to someone in a 3rd world country can be the stepping stone out of poverty for them.
5go, thanks for sharing that ... I'd never heard of it and I checked it out a bit. Isn't it something how different the amounts needed are and some of the reasons for the loans? really underscores the vast differences in the U.S. and many other parts of the world ...