Thank you all for your responses and the great advice. You all are such fine people and are always so willing to offer support and I feel better just having asked for it.
The relatives that will be visiting for the week are two of my husbands siblings and their spouses, and a friend that we have never met. We did invite them to visit since we knew they were going to be close by and we do want to see them. Guess we are a little curious as to what this visit will bring.
Elsewhere, Maya, Valis, you made me laugh, but I think I'll have to pass on that squirt bottle and wooden cross, and the widescreen TV idea too. Might change my mind before the week is up.
Maya, I need to remember your advice to shut them down immediately. I think you're right.
Valis, I like your idea about not giving them a platform to preach on. Guess I'll have to keep my complaining about government, etc to myself. Don't care if they pray before a meal (we sometimes say Grace), and have no problem turning down their invtiation to attend a meeting. I must admit, I wouldn't find it as easy to decline an offer to say a prayer with them, but I will! Thanks for welcoming me.
Maya & Willyloman, I will remember your advice "We respect your beliefs, but while you're in my home, you must respect ours."
Country Girl, we're not intimidated, really. It's just that there always seems to be a new tactic to try and sway us into letting them have control.
Calamity Jane, my husband already suggested retaliating with politics. I'll bet that would work!
95, you are absolutely right, they know we aren't interested already and I don't mind telling them again. We have always been honest about this, so it wouldn't be a surprise.
Somebody, I'll try to be as polite as your suggestion. Thanks
Garybuss, you sound like my husband "Interesting!" Hope you're right about them not bringing it all up, that would be a surprise!
Sassy, I'm aware of this tactic, but impressing us with what wonderful folks they are hasn't worked for them so far! he he
Mulan, I have read so many of your posts and you always give such wonderful insight and advice. Thank you again.
Don't know if you realize how powerful your advice and support is. Now I feel like I can handle any situation that comes up. Thanks again!