I remember reading a few times here that there are passages in the Bible that reference books that are no longer included in the official canon for both Protestant & Catholic denominations. Anybody have links & writeups on these passages & references? Any assistance would be appreciated greatly.
JoinedPosts by cypher50
Help With Finding Quotes From Missing Bible Books...
by cypher50 ini remember reading a few times here that there are passages in the bible that reference books that are no longer included in the official canon for both protestant & catholic denominations.
anybody have links & writeups on these passages & references?
any assistance would be appreciated greatly.
Another JW Questions 1914 At The Meeting!!!
by minimus inmy mother told me that a regular pioneer in his 60's from a nearby hall questioned how we could be sure 1914 was the date christ was enthroned as king of the kingdom.
he questioned the brother conducting the meeting for field service.
it didn't go well......he left that hall and is reported missing in action!
I always wondered how a JW could say that God's Word the Bible is simple to understand for a true believer and then actually try to explain the 1914 prophecy with a straight face. It was like saying that if you are truly interested in Nuclear Physics then you will have no problem understanding it completely...
Did The "Ressurection Hope" Keep You Involved As A Witness?
by minimus ini know a number of persons that remained as jws because they desperately wanted to see their loved ones come back from the grave and be there to welcome them.
they were afraid that if they died at armageddon or were not totally faithful that there would be a great possibility of never seeing them again........was that "ressurection hope" a big draw for you remaining a witness?
When my father died, I had a lot of crazy stuff going through my head because my mom had pounded into my head how those who rejects God's organization would not be given the chance of resurrection...my dad was a staunch Born Again Christian so I was really scared that even if I made it to the resurrection that he wouldn't be there. However, after really thinking about it (and reading the bible), I came to the conclusion that the JW's teachings were definitely not properly interpreted from the Bible. After that, the thought of a resurrection didn't matter as much to me...
Besides, as I grew up I decided that if I want a relationship with God then I rather have it out of love of being alive then thinking about what I get out of it. This life is good enough...you don't have to use some lure for me to thank God...
Did You Ever Wish That The Truth Wasn't True?
by Englishman ini did.. there wasn't any aspect of jwism that i actually really enjoyed apart from the "apres ski" when the meeting had ended.. meetings bored me silly.. i couldn't abide door to door work.. i never studied voluntarily, just a 5 minute skim the through the watchtower before the meeting started.. worst experience ever was door-knocking on christmas morning.
god, i hated that!.
as for the restrictions as to what you could and couldn't do....ye gods!.
After my father died I constantly wished that it wasn't true...he was a staunch unbeliever. Also, when I was around my friends in high school (and later, my workmates), I also thought "how can God just kill off so many people that are good people at heart...just because they didn't hear someone peddling a magazine?!".
Cops Are Watching Your Electric Bill
by Yizuman inlink: http://www.kfmb.com/topstory23619.htmlhigh electric bill leads to calif. police raidhomeowner demands written apology.
posted: 11:13 a.m. est march 28, 2004. .
carlsbad home power bill prompts pot probeprinter-friendly version .
Someone should arrest the execs at the electric utilities for theft...$300?! My last electric bill here was only $41.15...even during the summer, it only gets as high as $110 and that is because I have the AC on all the time.
Moscow Bans JW's
by HoChiMin init must be satan?
mar 27, 12:26 pm est.
The court could of used the opportunity of this application to show the world why it so strongly opposes the Witnesses...but no one who supports the rights of all humans to worship freely can support this ban. Bad sign of a return towards more socialist tendencies in Russia...
The people who write Watchtower articles - what do you know about them?
by truthseeker ini don't know if this topic has been discussed before, but i have some questions about how witnesses get to write articles in the watchtower.. while reading a few of maximums' posts from 2 years ago, there was one from barbara anderson who briefly described the internal politics between the editors of the awake and the editors of the watchtower.. i'm more interested in the watchtower writers though than the awake, as this is supposed to be the "spiritual food" we are all to take in and absorb.. so how does one get to be a watchtower writer?
do you have to be able to write well?.
what are your experiences with any writers you have met?
Sam Friend had a brief singing career in the 40's singing Oh Brother were art thou type of music and since he was a "entertainer" he was in charge of the annual Bethel family night in which a comedy show was put together with puppets and dancing. It was strictly enforced that NO ONE bring in camera's or recorder's for fear that these images would go out to the "regular" publishers and Bethel would be looked down upon.
For what? Having some fun? Even as a Witness, I always wondered why so many people viewed worship as having to be some guilt-driven, depressing, & overly formal affair. Besides, everyone needs to have some fun once in awhile...I used to feel so bad when a Bethel brother would be talking to me at the meeting and get all excited when I mentioned that I have a Playstation and was willing to lend him a game or two. The conversation would get much quieter as if I was sneaking cigs into prison...
Is Jesus inferior because He was "sent" by the Father?
by hooberus inthe watchtower implies that since jesus was "sent" by the father that therefore he must be inferior to the father: .
"is not the sender superior to the one sent?
" should you believe in the trinity.
I accept the divinity of Jesus (John 1:1 & 18 certainly show that) but after much research of pro-Trinity sources, I still cannot support the theory. It is certainly a valid one but I find the scriptures to make much more sense when viewed as Jesus being sent by his father.
Telemarketing Scam- BEWARE
by xenawarrior ingot this in my email- thought i'd share it:.
mastercard/visa scam:.
evidently, mastercard and visa have said that this scam is currently being worked throughout the midwest, with some variance as to the product or amount, and if you are called, just hang up.. it goes like this: person calling says, "this is carl patterson and i'm calling from the security and fraud department at visa.
The page below has more information for this scam. While it is possible that people are doing this, it probably isn't as widespread as people believe...still, definitely something you should keep your eyes out for. Also, you should be more concerned about whether your receipt for each credit card transaction has your card number & expiration date on it...it is already law in several states for card numbers to be truncated but many merchants do not know that and still have receipts printing out full card numbers. This is something MUCH more widespread (I work at a card processor so I deal with it every day) and much likelier source of identity theft then this scam. Once again, MAKE SURE YOUR RECEIPTS DO NOT HAVE THE FULL CREDIT CARD NUMBER & EXPIRATION DATE...just a small way of helping to prevent identity theft.
JW leaves Sydney and causes bomb scare at the International airport
by Gopher inhere's the link to the whole story in the sydney herald-sun newspapaper http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,9056641^661,00.html.
my question -- what was this jw doing with the koran in his leather bag?.
according to information seen by the herald sun, an unidentified passenger passed a brown leather bag through the departures screening machine, and walked off into the departure lounge without picking it up.
I know this might just sound crazy...but what if he isn't a Jehovah's Witness? Just carrying the materials that Witnesses use does not make you a Witness as much as having the Koran does...for all we know, he could of been carrying that for a relative or some other explanation we haven't thought of...