Hated? Psst, yea right...people HATE the KKK, people HATE Nazis, people HATE terrorists...JWs are for the vast majority of people just another weird religion that have a gimmick (knocking on people's doors). There are individuals & groups that hate JWs but there are also groups that hate any religion you can think of so are those also the true religion?
JoinedPosts by cypher50
Are JW's really hated?
by lfcviking injesus words: .
"the world will hate you just like it has hated me".
the jw's think this passage of scripture spoken by jesus applies to them in this present day.
If man was to live forever, at what age would aging have stopped? 20? 30?
by NotaNess in20 is a great age for developed youthfulness, and 25 to 30 is as well.
if it was to be around say, 28, why wouldn't have 20 been a better choice?
why would it have been 35 or 40, if younger years are always more vibrant and healthier years?.
Never...we would become a race of fast zombies except for a few who do stop aging and just happen to be resurrected in a log cabin in the woods for added irony.
O.K. Everyone..Here it is!! Grayson v.s. Insight Book!!!
by Lady Liberty inhere are the scanned copies i promised i would post.
thanks to my wonderful husband, he made it all possible, as he is a computer whiz!
these copies show the out and out deception on the part of the organization.
The reader of such a passage would be wrong in assuming that information within square brackets in any way correlates or agrees with the original author. That is why it is in square brackets. Lady Libery is incorrect to describe this in any way as a misquote - she is demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic grammar. The Insight book editor has accurately punctuated the quotation.
I know people here want to use Lady Liberty's example but the above is correct: grammatically, the WTS properly altered the text in a manner that is allowed. However, I find it highly unethical that an organization that actively discourages its members to read outside sources (yes, even its quoted sources) would change quotes in such manner...also, I always had a problem with the manner that the Soceity does footnotes and this is another example where a footnote would of been appropriate (see link for guide on proper footnotes - http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/lavender/footnote.html).
Either way, the example in this topic still can't be used as an example that the WTS is outright lying to its members...simply another example to show how it slyly alters comments in ways to make followers believe that scholars agree with key points of doctrine.
DFed, more positive or negative?
by Sheepish injust musing.... from the vantage point of being "out", it seems to me that being dfed would be really, really painful, but ultimately a good thing.
(i was shunned by my family when i finally left though, so i know a little of what a dfed person goes through, although i didn't put myself through going back to meetings and being shunned) .
i was publicly reproved, and was not allowed to answer in meetings, but i was not shunned.
You may want to pull up more recent articles. From my understanding it is discipline.
What, the Insight book isn't recent? And what have you provided that backs up your understanding?
Scandal: Local Witness Is Traffic Warden!
by ballistic in.
i can't believe this guy goes round slapping parking tickets on people's cars by day and slapping "you can live forever" leaflets through people's doors at the weekend.. it would be funny if he got mixed up one day and started booking people with messages of a paradise earth.. well, i guess jesus loved tax collectors too.
What is scandalous or even slightly wrong with a JW being a traffic warden?
"This just can't last much longer...."
by BrendaCloutier ini went over and visited my parents today.
my mom broke her hip while we were in hawaii, and i've been mostly house/bed ridden myself since we got home.
so i finally got over there today.. we talked a little about the hurricane, which was on the news she turned off.
My mom was saying the same thing when we were talking about the hurricane...I didn't even let her begin playing that jazz and just kept talking about the inept politicians and such. I think it is because I am such a history buff that I finally saw through that "last days" stuff...I mean, there have been so many cataclysms, famines, epidemics, and wars over the history of man that would relatively make our suffering pale in comparison and yet people act as if these disasters are the first that ever hit the human race. The only thing that I even worry about is nuclear weapons but you can't live your whole life fearing the end of the world and it does a disservice to life itself to just continually prepare for your death - oops - prepare for "the new system of things" instead of actually enjoying the brief time you have to live on Earth.
By the time I had decided to once and for all find the correct answers on the JW doctrines & history, I was afraid more of upsetting God and lying to myself for the rest of my life then of being "outed". I have lost forever the comfortable relationship with my immediate family and many so called "friends" but I have peace of mind and the right to exercise how I feel I should live my life...which leads me to a response to this quote:
I would for some reason go deep into the world and become rebellious, do all kinds of things i never did. Then I would come back to normal after a while and be me once again.
At first, when I disassociated myself, I thought I would do all those "rebellious" things and then eventually go back to being "me" again. Guess what? I learned that most of the stuff that I thought was so "rebellious" was in fact tame and normal.
* Please Read Oct 1st WT A WHOLE article about the dangers or university *
by truthseeker inthis topic has been touched on before by another poster, however here are the main paragraphs of the second study article, taken from the october 1st 2005 watchtower.
before i begin, remember this quote taken from an article published in the 1969 awake!
if you are a young person, you will have to face the fact you will never grow old in this system of things
I visit this site less & less frequently because it is easier for me to transition to a "normal" life by not focusing on JWs but this whole article evokes feelings of anger and laughter at the same time... First of all, they always conveniently mention how Jesus sacrificed chance of career for the greater good...did they somehow miss Paul being a tentmaker? And the hilarious way they demonize college by having frat articles is ridiculous because the vast majority of college kids are at college to learn while the real party kids eventually drop out usually. This is just a very transparent attempt by the Society to regain control of a segment of youths (ambitious, intelligent, long-term thinking)who are smart enough to see that Armeggedon didn't exactly happen in their parents' & grandparents' lifetime so they rather plan for retirement then for a paradise earth.
LMAO @ this rant
by Odrade inon craigslist:.
http://portland.craigslist.org/rnr/83081601.html i don't expect you to bow at my feet every morning when i hand you your coffee, but a simple "thank you" would do.
and yes, that "thank you" is mainly acceptable in the form of cash (please, dear god because i don't work at starbucks, actually know what i'm doing and don't rely on a machine to do my job for me... and also therefore have no health insurance, make minimum wage until my reveiw in two months and my student loans are killing me) it doesn't have to be huge.
I'm all for tipping...at a restaurant or for when a service is provided that I find to be of special note (hand wash car detailing, movers, taxi service, etc.). But at Starbucks? I don't care what some minimum wage grad student is whining about, I am not tipping just because you used a nice little froth machine and handed me a Frappucino...that is freaking ridiculous to say that a tip is mandatory for a service that takes a minute or two to perform. And I don't buy the "starving student" routine...if life is that bad then get a better job because there are jobs out there that pay well and allow you to go to school (I have one of them).
We are Jehovah's Winess
by Evanescence innow you all probebly puked all over the moniter reading the the thread topic .
here is a website to haunt ya all!
Now I keep hearing the irony in the chorus of the song where it says "what he foretells comes to be".