Definately see about the surgery. my friends mom had it and it did wonders for her.
Good luck!!!
as you have probably noticed, i haven't been posting much these past few days.. part of it is the "holiday blues" which i can't seem to break out of.
not much in the mood to participate in controversial, confrontational, or political posts i suppose.
i just don't have the intestinal fortitude for it right now.
Definately see about the surgery. my friends mom had it and it did wonders for her.
Good luck!!!
i see lady lee and yellow lab have already started their own thread, but cj and i thought it would be a good idea to have a one stop shop for everbody's pictures.
lady lee, and yellowlab feel free to repost your pics here.
maybe i'll be able to start a thread that goes beyond 1 page lol
Here is our tree!! (freelife and smurfy)
the end of the world came and st.peter was talking to god about all the different groups up there and where they were.. st.peter said over here we have the babtist and over there we have the church of christ and there are the hindus and back over there,shooooo be real quite are the jw's they think they are the only ones up here.
according to times magazine...the american soldier was selected as the person of the year...i'm one of them.
Congratulations and Thank You!!!
i'm feeling very antsy, i've been waiting for a much bigger "other shoe to drop" since 9/11.. i don't know if it's all the years of the apocalyptic jw thinking but i still live with a haunting fear that the whole works is headed for a spectacular crash.
i wonder how helpless chinese villagers felt when they saw ghenghis khan's hordes on the horizon heading toward them.
I think people should always be prepared no matter what the "alert" status is. America learned a very valuable and unfortunate lesson on 9/11. No one ever expected anything like that to happen here, almost as if we were invisible. Now, unfortunately, we know different. I don't think living in fear is the answer though. I just try to be grateful for all the time I have with my family and friends. I try to enjoy as much of life as possible. I am prepared if something tragic were to happen depending on what the circumstances were. But I don't look at it from a fear point. I have bottled water and canned food stored in my basement and I try to keep that supply updated (wouldn't want any rotten food ) but I would need that if there was a black out or blizzard too. I must admit that back in February when the alert was raised I was one of the people who went out and bought the plastic sheets, duct tape and everything else. Most of my family and friends made fun of me but I felt it was the right thing to do personally. Now I know that I have done what I can and when the alert is raised I guess I may pay more attention to where I am going and the crowds that will be there but whatever is going to happen will happen. Hopefully we will all have a safe and happy holiday! God Bless!!
ok, why in the world did i just waste 20 minutes pretending to be out there doing my last minute shopping when i actually still have to do that this week????
i've got a quick temper.
not proud of it, but there it is.
the good thing is, it goes away just as quick.
As i am sure freelife would agree i am a very calm person......NOT! LOL Anyways, I have a horrible temper and if something ticks me off I have a hard time biting my tongue. The thing I recommend most is Valium. Seriously it is my new best friend! LOL,
gotta love it!! Whatever works right!!
got yu!!!!!!!!.
my christmas card to you all............ try clicking on the raindeer!.
this is the current 2003 birthday calendar, just leave your details here if you'd like to be included in next years.
December 25
Christmas baby!!
if you thought growing up as a witness was bad,
at least you didn't put up with self-righteous cartoon characters.
i particularly like how they portray eastern religions with that elephant named hadu?in case this has been posted before, my bad....