My definate two favorites are Vanilla stoli and coke
A cocaine lady!!!! YUMMMY!!!!
kahlua, vodka, ameretto, cream, top with coke
These will knock you out quick and they taste sooooo good!!!!
ok, i've done the beer survey, now its the mixed drinks survey.. i personally like the 4 horseman (1/4 jack 1/4 rum 151, 1/4 everclear, and 1/4 tequila).
it'll put you on your ass quick.
i also like a good bull buster (yager w/ red bull).
My definate two favorites are Vanilla stoli and coke
A cocaine lady!!!! YUMMMY!!!!
kahlua, vodka, ameretto, cream, top with coke
These will knock you out quick and they taste sooooo good!!!!
what brand of suds does everyone drink here?
i personally enjoy good ole' bud light.
but if i have to be cheap i do sacrifice taste for quanity and buy keystone ice (ack).
ok, my fiance freelife already posted on here that his father called him on saturday to let him know he's having surgery on his back.
this call come after months of absolutely nothing!!
i did meet them once and of course they were completely nice to my face and totally opposite behind my back, which i guess is not surprising since in their eyes i am corrupting their son.
Well I think that Clint has decided to write a letter to his parents to let them know how he feels. I think thats good because they just like to beat him down in person or on the phone so he will hopefully at least be able to get his points accross. As for me, I knew that when you got married the whole in-laws thing was always a mess but I never imagined having to deal with people like these. It's funny because my best friend is also getting married and her grandma is an active dub but she is the nicest lady in the world. She still talks to her gay son, drunk daughter, and various other "misfit" relatives. She used to send me clothes and toys for my son all the time, just because she met him once and thought he was adorable. Then there's my fiance with these two faced parents that would rather worship some cult than care about their family.
My heart goes out to anyone who has these kind of families to deal with. I would love to be adding to my family and having more people in my extended family but thats ok. I have friends and some of their families who accept us so that makes up for it.
By the way. If anyone wants to come to our wedding and be my adoptive in laws that'd be great!! LOL
ok, my fiance freelife already posted on here that his father called him on saturday to let him know he's having surgery on his back.
this call come after months of absolutely nothing!!
i did meet them once and of course they were completely nice to my face and totally opposite behind my back, which i guess is not surprising since in their eyes i am corrupting their son.
Ok, my fiance freelife already posted on here that his father called him on Saturday to let him know he's having surgery on his back. This call come after months of absolutely nothing!! I did meet them once and of course they were completely nice to my face and totally opposite behind my back, which I guess is not surprising since in their eyes I am corrupting their son. They told me they wanted to meet my 5 yr old son and have never even tried to meet him. It really aggravates me and just makes me wonder when we have kids of our own what will they be like? So anyways, I wanted to get some ideas of people who may have been through something like this. Or even if you haven't. Do I offer my help to them? Do I volunteer to help if my fiancee goes over after his surgery? I can' see them ever offering any help to us no matter what happened.
My other coniving thought is to let them know that I too have to have surgery. Granted, mine is minor outpatient surgery that sounds like alot more than what it really is. But I have to have precancer cells removed from my cervix and I thought.. hmmmm... maybe have Clint call them and let them know and see what they say and do. I don't want anything from them but to be treated like a human being and for them not to try and brain wash my fiance. Or make him feel guilty for the choices he has made.
Anyways, I am done ranting now....I think. If you have any advise, good or bad, please let me know. Thanks soooo much!!!
no, not that evil empire...god, no.. i'm referring to that large software corporation whose name rhymes with "fikrosoft.
" i got a couple emails this week asking if i was looking, and, well, i wasn't until i heard some of the details.
i just had an hour-long phone interview that went very well, and i'll be going in for an in-person interview on tuesday.
wow, good luck to you!! keep us posted!!
ok here goes.... how old were you your first time?
I was 15, totally stupid and curious about everything. I wish now that I would have waited a while. There are plenty of other options out there.
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
Hi stefanie, my name is Kelly and I am engaged to akafreelife (Clint). He is an exjw but i was never involved in any of it. we both post on here when we can though!
ladies - if you accidentally over-salt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in.
a peeled potato and it will absorb the excess salt for an instant "fix-me-up.".
real women - if you over-salt a dish while you are cooking, that's too damn bad.. please recite with me, the real women's motto: "i made it and you will eat it.
Real woman here!! I love that!!!
any one in here who was raised as a jw ever have a problem with bed wetting growing up?
Wow, very interesting. My son has a problem with bed wetting. He is 5 and large for his age so it gets REALLY expensive to buy the Good Nights or Pull Ups. I have tried getting him up, cutting off liquids, pretty much everything available for a 5 year old. His dad of course says he didn't have a bed wetting problem. Funny, cuz he wet the bed when I was with him. (If you want more details like name, address, picture, dob, ssn, let me know-the &^%&*^$#$ still owes me 16 grand in child support) My son went for a few months when he was first potty trained not wetting the bed at night but now it is every night again. Hmm. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and information!!!
x - close recent stories by john christoffersen associated press.
stabbing of jehovah's witness poses legal quandary
by john christoffersen, associated press.
Very interesting. Never thought of the defense for criminals that way. Wonder if anyone has ever gotten off with that defense???