Thanks Dave. Nice artwork, btw. I too apologize. While I don't smoke pot, I do drink sometimes, not often, but there could be worse things than having one with you.
thanks again to all those who responded with an open mind to my postings regarding hidden images in the wt publications, but wow, i have heard from some pretty forceful personalities who are apparently still pissed off about getting duped by the wtbts.
so many flames, so many flamers .
calm down, get some pot, get some beer, get some therapy, but please get over it and yourselves.
Thanks Dave. Nice artwork, btw. I too apologize. While I don't smoke pot, I do drink sometimes, not often, but there could be worse things than having one with you.
thanks again to all those who responded with an open mind to my postings regarding hidden images in the wt publications, but wow, i have heard from some pretty forceful personalities who are apparently still pissed off about getting duped by the wtbts.
so many flames, so many flamers .
calm down, get some pot, get some beer, get some therapy, but please get over it and yourselves.
The publications of the WTBTS are the key instruments by which their message is presented to the public, the veteran Witnesses, "newly interested ones", and our beloved children who are often pressured into baptism and dedicating their lives to the organization. First of all, I am not pleased with myself for having freely handed my children literature laced with images of death, skulls, gargoyles, zodial sybolism, satanic and pagan philosophical references. These images contradict the socalled Bible-based information contained on the pages of the WT literature. I am not pleased that many honest hearted Witnesses are unwittingly offering these publications at the doors. I am concerned that some sit in the Kingdom Hall and find something disturbing in the WT and go for years ignoring it. The hidden references are not simply or just there for brainwashing or covert mind control as some assert, but their very presence represents or gives evidence to the darker side of the organization. The sybolism in the artwork is quite nasty, technique and skill aside.
I am choosing to take up this specific cause beeeeeecause it is a good place to start. The trek toward freedom from the WT often begins with examining peripherals, which leads to other questions and the deeper examining of what the hell it is you are actually doing, learning and teaching to others. Other issues come to light as a result, and gee, we begin to unearth all sorts of discrepancies and contradictions, lies and false statements by the Governing Bossy, the socalled infallible "faithfull and discreet slave". It is a more subtle way of introducing a JW to the truth about "the (WT) truth" without directly attacking their entire belief structure causing them to shut down altogether. For example, I pointed out one of the images to one of my teen daughters, just to get her reaction, and it lead her to start asking some hard and pointed questions about the Society. That's all it took, and I did not have to go into any other issue with her for she began examining the other issues for herself, and to say the least, her eyes are now open. She is now free to examine and take exeption to the other crappy dealings of the WTBTS . . . yay and good for her.
So is this hidden image issue important? Yes, of course it is. There are hidden and insidious images hidden in the WTBTS literature and it is not going away, it keeps appearing in the latest issues and editions and it is deliberate. If these are just prankster artists having some fun, their hidden references are not at all Christian, but in fact dark and contrary to the WT's socalled message of salvation and the Bible, and they should be DF'd for entertaining such symbolism in their artwork no matter how amateurish or unskillfull/skillful it might appear. What must these artists be into! But the GB is the issuer "say-so", and they claim to closely scrutinize every page, every illustration before printing, therefore, after having heard the controversy, after having checked the illustrations, after having seen for themselves what is depicted in the illustrations and after hearing what the concerns of their faithful followers are, they are still allowing the images to be reproduced in the newer editions of older publications and to be used again in new issues of magazines without even the slightest retouch. They don't seem to care that many have been stumbled as a result. All they can do is deny that it is there.
These issues and others will be addressed on my site. I welcome ideas and feedback, but please have the class and selfcontrol of the enlightened if you wish to dispute this, and please have something more than insults and anger, weak opinions and arguements to club me over the head with. Please don't let your ass show.
Best Regards,
thanks again to all those who responded with an open mind to my postings regarding hidden images in the wt publications, but wow, i have heard from some pretty forceful personalities who are apparently still pissed off about getting duped by the wtbts.
so many flames, so many flamers .
calm down, get some pot, get some beer, get some therapy, but please get over it and yourselves.
Thanks again to all those who responded with an open mind to my postings regarding hidden images in the WT publications, but wow, I have heard from some pretty forceful personalities who are apparently still pissed off about getting duped by the WTBTS. So many flames, so many flamers . . . Calm down, get some pot, get some beer, get some therapy, but please get over it and yourselves. Some of you who responded are not just arrogant and angry, but also insulting. Is it because you think I might "still believe"? Your hatred makes me want to vomit. I probably know some of you from the "evil slave" picket lines I use to see outside the District Conventions with your scowling faces and your fake Watchtowers.
For Dave; thanks for the subliminal 1A course. I think I made it clear on my site what kind of subliminal imagery I was talking about, cuz um, it's good to be specific, and you are not the first angry woman to tell me that I am focussing on the wrong issues. For goodness sake, will someone tell me, please, in your own little angry way if you must, what the real issues are about the WTBTS, and what was it you did not know going into the baptismal pool that you found out after the fact? Some of you knew you were not suppose to cheat on your wifes, some of you knew you should not drink heavily or do drugs . . . or smoke. You knew what the Society expected of you, so don't be pissed off cuz you listened to their bullshit and they wouldn't listen to yours . . . Dave.
Me? I was DF'd for smoking, and was relieved, 14 years ago, when I walked out of the committeeeee meeting a free man. The story of my EXODUS is a tragic and true epoch where people actaully died. I will not go into it cuz it bores the hell out of even me by now . . . but I never resented the elders for doing their job, or for being put out of the organization for smoking, nor did I get mad at the GB for their rules. *Some* if not *alot* of the scriptural viewpoints published in the WT pubs appear to be the truth only if it does serve only their kooky purposes. Hell, even Satan knows the truth and has no problem saying it when it serves his purpose.
And can you, Dave, supposedly a working artist, who the WTBTS consulted with for their illustrations, can you really look at that art in the publications and say that there are no hidden images? You are [edited] and most likely a schill sitting at Bethel monitoring this board for the purpose of discrediting a credible claim. I have heard the thing about the offset printing and anomalies back in the 70's and early 80's, and while that might be so, I do believe the WTBTS has gone digital. They have had every opportunity to put to bed this discussion/controversy by retouching the illustrations for the new editions, yet they do not. Tell me something Dave; did the illustrations tend to get better after you consulted with the WTBTS, or worse? Did you get pissed off when they wouldn't take your advice? Did you think you knew more than any one of those "untrained artists directed by untrained and uneducated elder overseers"? Hmm . . . well pitty Dave, because the hidden references are still there no matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heals. And why have you fighting the subliminal crap for the last 6 years when you should realize that the hidden picture thing is a good way to get them dubs jumping on to your "hey-wait-just-a-minute-there's-something-wrong-here" bandwagon.
I know who Vicary was and I know his study was a fraud. I also read the same internet article you copied most of your stats from word for word in your posting. Vicary's fraud did not lead to the banning of subliminals in advertising, in fact, it is only illegal here in the states to commmit deceptive advertising, not subliminal advertising. Why would they outlaw something that is ineffective and harmless anyway, Dave? Tell us all then, Mr. D'bunker, why do companies still spend millions to ensure the ad agencies put something suggestive or subliminal in their advertising? Why would Coke ask you to do the same? Are you the only one who knows "the truth" about subliminals? Sounds just like a claim a certain Society constantly makes. Is it because everyone is sooooo stupid and you are soooo smart? Ha ha, [edited]. If you want to expose the real issues, make your own site, that is if you can tear your fat ass away from this message board where you spend most of your time bitching about what the bad ol' WT did to you, and how everyone is stupid 'cept you.
By the way, Dave, the "dog" on Jesus' left pectoral and ribcage is used symbolically. It is meant to be a satanic reference and an insult to his sacrificial death. You should read something more than just message board postings.
For those interested, for those who know they don't know everything, (unlike Dave) please check out my site . . . then decide for youself.
Kind Regards,
first of all, i would like to thank everyone who responded to my first posting regarding the hidden images thing.
i will admit that, after re-reading my initial post, i sounded like some sort of a paranoid alarmist, and i really did deserve the flack i received from some of you folks.. let me just say that there probably isn't a single x-jw who doesn't feel as though they have been duped to some degree with regard to the so-called "bible truth" they received while serving the organization.
many x-jws firmly use the terms "manipulation", "fear", "deception", and even more .
Yes, the human mind is constantly trying to find order and pattern in a chaotic environment, however, paintings are normally structured and ordered, unless we are talking about abstract art. The first hidden images to be noticed are ones where blatant anomalies jump out at you. I ask you, why would anyone be looking for a hidden image in a well ordered illustration of a mature sister standing on a street corner sharing WT and Awake mags with a stranger. Nothing chaotic about that scene. There is, however, a strange, defined, bearded, symmetrical face on the skirt of that sister in the illustration. This is not a matter of looking for something that really isn't there.
He he, I am beginning to think that that WTBTS schills are monitering this and other message boards and respond when somebody posts something that pisses them off or gets to close to home. The images are there, they are deliberate, and they contain symbolism that can be understood which really does tell us volumes about the organization and the folks running it.
Best Regards,
i am a disfellowshipped brother and have never had a problem with the organization's doctrines.
i am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the wt publications.
there are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern.
Hello Rem,
"Crackpot"? He he, Pretty strong. Whether subliminals in advertising has proven to be worthless or not, IS NOT THE POINT. The point is INTENT. That is a valid bone to pick with anyone, any organization or any company whose intent is to influence you without you being aware of the process. The WTBTS, secular sources and the Bible all say that man was given "free will" and therefore makes him unique. Obedience to God and his Word is therefore a matter of free will. If the WTBTS is intending to influence you through the use of hidden or subliminal references one way or the other without you being aware of the clandestine process, they are seeking to undermine YOUR God-given free will.
If the WTBTS uses *some* hidden images, it is good to understand their intent. That is rational. What is not rational is someone who rushes to judgement without hearing the complete matter, who actually claims to know how the brain works.
What service was it, that you are doing for the Ex-JW's? I seem to have missed that.
i am a disfellowshipped brother and have never had a problem with the organization's doctrines.
i am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the wt publications.
there are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern.
How many "faithful" Witnesses do you suppose come and read these threads?
Who was laughing their ass off when you started studying with the JW's? Who is laughing since you left? Yes, there is always someone laughing their ass off at something to be sure. I won't laugh my ass off because you don't see, if you don't laugh your ass off because I do.
Kind Regards,
first of all, i would like to thank everyone who responded to my first posting regarding the hidden images thing.
i will admit that, after re-reading my initial post, i sounded like some sort of a paranoid alarmist, and i really did deserve the flack i received from some of you folks.. let me just say that there probably isn't a single x-jw who doesn't feel as though they have been duped to some degree with regard to the so-called "bible truth" they received while serving the organization.
many x-jws firmly use the terms "manipulation", "fear", "deception", and even more .
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my first posting regarding the hidden images thing. I will admit that, after re-reading my initial post, I sounded like some sort of a paranoid alarmist, and I really did deserve the flack I received from some of you folks.
Let me just say that there probably isn't a single X-JW who doesn't feel as though they have been duped to some degree with regard to the so-called "Bible Truth" they received while serving the organization. Many X-JWs firmly use the terms "manipulation", "fear", "deception", and even more . . . "brain washing" to describe the manner in which a new one is brought into the organization. I am certain that we can all agree on that much.
So then, how far of a stretch is it really to suppose that the WTBT is using hidden references within their illustrations to feed us a healthy diet of suggestive imagery that plays on our fears or reinforces the "brain washing" process most X-JWs point to? If you revisit my site, I have uploaded images that are somewhat obvious, even to the untrained, not very demon-sighted person. I was ordered, ha ha, by one individual to take my site down, since it "don't help the cause of Ex-JWs by publishing paraonoid unfounded material on the web . . . that there are real issues that need to be brought to light concerning the WT's deceit with its members . . . " I asked him "what is the cause of Ex-JWS?" He could not tell me. I also asked what are some of those issues he was referring to. Again, he could not say. So, no, I am not going to take my site down.
I do not deny that we all have our own personal issues with the WTBTS, however, what I am doing here is merely exposing one aspect of the deceit and hypocracy so many of us take exception to. The pouring over of WTBT publication illustrations in search of hidden images did not begin as paranoia or obsession. I am an artist and very visually oriented, therefore, it was intriguing to me. The hidden references might seem superficially insignificant, but often carry important and meaningful symbolism. I for one would care to know what the artist or GB was thinking when they inserted the cloaked figure in the trees behind Jesus, or why an astrological sign is prominently displayed in an illustration depicting a Christian couple at home. I would refer you to Philipians 4:8,9. Considering the counsel given here, it is absurd to think that somebody in the art department is doodling or just merely expressing himself. If he or she is, then DF'ing might be in order, eh? And the GB should be over thrown by the Mormons for not continuing to consider the things that are true, of serious concern, righteous, praiseworthy and virtuous.
I would really like to know more about this particular aspect of the WT's influence on me an my children.
My questions have lead me to discerne some obviously deeper meanings and motives on the part of the artists and Governing Body. The significant meanings and symbolisms will be published on my site very soon. Remember, the reason why authors put visuals into their publications is because they can be powerful tools useful in influencing the one viewing. Hidden or subliminal images are a covert means by which any organization or company seeks to influence us without us being aware of the process. And nobody, especially an organization like the WTBTS, does anything without a reason.
Thank you for the opportunity to share and kind regards to all,
thanks for all the responses from you folks; the encouraging and posative ones as well as the those calling me "a crackpot".
some of you raised very good questions which i am addressing on my site as time permits.
please check back occasionally for updates..
Hello to all. Thanks for all the responses from you folks; the encouraging and posative ones as well as the those calling me "a crackpot".
Some of you raised very good questions which I am addressing on my site as time permits. Please check back occasionally for updates.
Best Regards,
Matthias Res aka Hunyadi
i am a disfellowshipped brother and have never had a problem with the organization's doctrines.
i am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the wt publications.
there are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern.
Wallflower, thanks for your very insightful response. I will be addressing this very issue on my webpage. I agree that it is very possible that the hidden images are there to reinforce emotional responses. This is obviously a form of manipulation, just as in advertising. The thought of the WTBTS using such techniques is alarming since the Bible and the Society advocates "free will" and the use of subliminals contradicts the scriptural doctrine.
Best Regards,
i am a disfellowshipped brother and have never had a problem with the organization's doctrines.
i am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the wt publications.
there are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern.
Yes, I have read about the connection between CT Russell and the Freemasons. It is strange, but very real. It is documented fact, however. A huge Freemason pyramid still stands next to Russell's grave on the plot owned by the WTBTS. I would like to know why the society has not taken the monument to the Illuminati down.