Well their motives maybe a bit more sincere than the WT, their magazines are available online, and you don't have to give a donation.
JoinedPosts by Wallflower
Who are these people?
by Soledad inas i was walking home today (about 7pm) i passed in front of madison square garden.
there, a little boy, about 7-8 years old, hands me some literature.
the literature is eerily similar to a watchtower, but i knew that the people handing them out were not jws.
Did You EVER See Yourself Leaving This Religion??/
by minimus in15 years ago, i would've never thought i'd leave "the truth".
now, i wonder how i could've stayed on so long.
One of the objections my wife raises is Who would the children associate with if we all left?
I can only comment as being one of those Witness kids, but never lucky enough to see my parents leave. Kids are stronger than you think and are resourceful. They generally have a good network of acquaintances thru school and the local neighbourhood, as well as the hall. That is why it is easier for the youth to fade and leave the religion than their older parents, who have no outside social network.
Plus, if your strong parents and have a loving, honest relationship with your kids they'll follow you anywhere.
Good luck
When will the new Watchtower statistics be out?
by DevonMcBride in.
don't they usually come out this time of year?
Devon, good point, Any predictions as to what they might say? 8,000 sipping the 'ole wine on Nisan 14 for instance??
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #116
by ozziepost ing'day fellow weekend posters!.
how's things for you this weekend?
strange turn of events weatherwise here downunder where last week we were "enjoying" 100 degrees fahrenheit and this weekend is now at a miserable 68!!!
When I was growing up in the JWs, it was definitely US, but now I'm older and have left the faith, all the JWs are now THEM.
God's purpose for Earth
by ClassAvenger inhey guys, i haven't been around in a while and it's nice to be back.
i have some questions that have been bothering me, and i need some help.
i am a christian and i have been witnessing to a jw, yet there is one strong hard question which i have trouble answering.
Flash, Narkissos said:
This being said, I understand that there are many conflicting ideas and theologies in the Bible, and that any attempt to reconcile them into one consistent doctrine just results in creating yet another doctrine which doesn't exactly correspond to any single text.
This is the most profound statement I've read on this site. You cannot argue your way out of this by playing Bible hopscotch, quoting here, there and everywhere.
Checkmate to Narkissos.
What did Methuselah die of?
by Jim_TX inokay... it's been a while since i have had to do any bible thumping... so go easy on me.. genesis 5:27 - "altogether, methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.".
what happened to him?.
any takers on this one?
Watchtower Computer Engineering Research Lab
by VM44 indoes anyone know anything about the watchtower's computer engineering research lab?.
there was one once, when they designed and built their own system for composing and formatting text.. where was it?
how many people staffed the facility?.
Proof the WT used old technology:
Bethel Vacation: Lake Cabin in Wallkill
by Quotes inlooks like bethelites *do* get an officially sanctioned vacation!
i wonder if those "widows" giving their "mite" for a "world wide bible education work" know that their donation could be used to support vacation properties!
What the hells the deal with the big traffic light in the first group picture?
What does the Society have against jeans?
by truthseeker inrarely will you find a picture of someone in the awake or watchtower wearing jeans.
even in there so-called paradise on earth illustrations, men can be doing dirty work in the farm, and be wearing slacks.. for example, in the november 15th wt entitled, "do you want to live forever?
", page 7 has another paradise illustration, which has to be one of the most socially-engineered pictures i have ever seen.. the caption, "love for god and neighbor will make living forever worthwhile".
Size D LEVIs is an anagram of DEVIL. So your jeans are possessed !!
Who was Jesus actually?
by Narkissos in.
well, there has been a lot of religious and historical debate going on this topic, as we are all aware.. but i'd like to know what is your personal take, at the moment being.. all contributions welcome.
King David has no modern day proof outside of the bible, either.
So, you believe King David was real? How about the Apostle Paul, any/all of Jesus' disciples, Lazarus? Moses, Noah, Onan, Abraham, Lot, Adam & Eve, how about Methuselah and that guy with his talking donkey?
Not a smidgin of evidence for any of these Bible personalities.
worship psuedo-intellectualism
Just plain common sense to me.