JoinedTopics Started by Amazing
To LDH Role of Anointed
by Amazing inhi ldh: i brought this to the top because i felt it warranted some extra attention given that this is a core feature of the watch tower religion.. during my 27 years with the organization, i was openly of the anointed for about 20 years.
i served as an elder and ms, often being involved in aux.
pioneering, circuit parts and district convention support.
Cults or mere Abusive groups?
by Amazing indefining what a cult is, is difficult.
similarly, in science, there is no established definition for what a weed is; at least i have found none.
there is no clear-cut way to separate and define a weed from other non-weed plant life by logical methods.
What if we put God on trial?
by Amazing inwhat if we put god on trial?
of course god cannot be put on trial by humans, and i doubt that he would submit to any subpoena from a human court.
but, what if we were able to do such a thing?
The Ransome Issue
by Amazing infrom a very young age i have been curious about the ransom jesus provided.
i always wondered why god found it necessary to have his son killed for our sins or our inherited sin, when he simply could have just waved his hand and forgiven us.
my catholic faith helped me some to understand the 'financial' exchange aspect of the ransom, but it was never truly satisfying to my sensibilities.. upon becoming a jw, i felt that they had better ideas and definitions.
I see little good left in WTS
by Amazing inyou said, "so would it be wrong to accept the fact that the wts, despite its flaws, has many good scriptural truths to share.".
i think most of us accept that the wts has done some good, but as the years pass, i find that the good i thought they did is getting less and less, and more importantly, the harm caused is getting greater than i could possibly imagine.. you continued, "can we reject what they have pressed to the world: god has a name, his kingdom is to solve mans problems, the earth is to become a paradise as god purposed, man will live endlessly on earth as intended, those who died will return in a resurrection of the dead rather that burn in hell, and this good news is to be preached in all the earth.".
at this point in my life, after 25 years of being a jw and now an ex-jw, i find their message, its very root concepts, pure fantasy that may not necessarily god's will.
Is Carbon-14 outdated or flawed?
by Amazing init was asked below if c-14 dating is an outdated technology.
not to my knowledge.
c-14 is viable for former living organisms that have been dead less than 60,000 years.
Chimps & Evolution
by Amazing inhi everyone: below i discussed carbon-14 dating and its accuracy in showing how homo sapiens is much older than what groups like the watch tower society believe and teach.. here are some fascinating facts about one of our 'cousins' on the evolutionary scale.
this is fairly short and fun to read.
i have added some comments in brackets [ ... ]:.
Carbon-14 Dating
by Amazing inhello all: in discussing evolution, creation, and bible chronology we will at some point pass through various dating methods that challenge religious beliefs, especially that of the watch tower religion.. some years ago the watch tower society published material (i forget the actual reference) that challenged carbob-14 dating as flawed and prone to error, especially when dating fossils.
the wts cited some sources that dealt with sample contamination that may cause errors in reading half-life of carbon-14.. i wish i could find the article again, because it was published when i was still working in nuclear engineering.
i recall feeling that the wts was stretching the claims to cover the understanding of bible chronology regarding the age of homo sapiens being about 4,026 years.
Checking In
by Amazing inhello everyone: i have been away for a while from various forums.
i saw farkel's recommendation to check out this site at jwd.
so, here i am.. the issues surrounding pedophiles is taking on momentum, and i just recently learned that my son-in-law's dad (a jw) was arrested for molesting a minor (not a jw).