For 125 years, they have been saying that the end is near. And look, we're still here.
p.s. they've been doing it much longer. russell got a lot of his ideas from william miller who tried to find out the end since the early 1840's..
five meetings a week.
field service at least every saturday.
put in reports every month.
For 125 years, they have been saying that the end is near. And look, we're still here.
p.s. they've been doing it much longer. russell got a lot of his ideas from william miller who tried to find out the end since the early 1840's..
do you think that god enjoys killing people?
it sure sounds like it to me; jw doctrine more or less scared me into thinking that god is going to kill all persons whom he/she thinks is not doing his will.
my question is, how can god kill someone for not being "christian", or following the bible out of sheer ignorance?
In my opinion the bible was just written by men. The texts were used as religious documents and thus survived, being passed down to our day.
yep, i believe that the bible is a good reference and a good read, but to take it so seriously as to dedicate one's life to a certain religion is just sheer ignorance.
been awhile i know.
but anyways, here it goes.. girlfriend has a jc this friday.
mom came over this morning when i was playing video games and she was getting ready to go out in her new apartment that i got her.
good idea, i don't know why i didn't think of that!
five meetings a week.
field service at least every saturday.
put in reports every month.
Yup, pilots the pilots are dead, no one at the controls. You think this thing is going to fly into the UN building now?
as stated above. all the pilots are either dead, or too old to get it up ;) of course they're on autopilot and trying to recycle all of freddy franz' old material to make it sound modern! kinda like today's fashion if you ask me.
been awhile i know.
but anyways, here it goes.. girlfriend has a jc this friday.
mom came over this morning when i was playing video games and she was getting ready to go out in her new apartment that i got her.
been awhile i know. but anyways, here it goes.
girlfriend has a JC this friday. mom came over this morning when i was playing video games and she was getting ready to go out in her new apartment that i got her. (mom kicked her out of the house last week) g/f said, "its not like you came over and caught us having sex, we're just playing video games and getting ready to go out." so mom told the elders that we're having sex, and my girlfriend moved out to spend more time with me (which is untrue because she got kicked out of the house). disfellowshipping JC is this weekend. elders told her that she can't be seen with me alone or else she'll be instantly up for disfellowshipping, etc etc etc. what to do? i thought you couldn't be disfellowshipped if you chose not to have a chapperone, just marked. what should i tell her to do? she has a lot to take in in the next day and a half. thanks for any advice whatsoever.
i read online that teenage jw's have a suicide rate four times higher than the national average.
i was curious if anybody could refer me to actual statistics that could either confirm or deny that.
i have a friend who was struggling with suicidal thoughts a few months ago and now her new boyfriend is trying to convert her to be a jw.
i personally have to say yes, but i don't have any statistics. my friend used to be very suicidal before drugs and he was a JW. i think they are that way because they are pounded from birth (or time of consumption) that without the WTS, you will die and cease to exist and you can't function properly without being part of the WTS. right now i'm in the process of "deprogramming" a few people, and thats what i've found out. it just takes a long time =/
comments you will not hear at the 4-11-04 (week of 4/5-11/2004) wt study (march 1, 2004 wt)
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According to the WTS, Jesus came to inspect the slave in 1919, but what were they teaching? How were they any different that the Christian religions they said Jesus rejected?
more along the lines of calculation, may i ask how they got to 1919? do they even have any incorrect "calculations" to get from 1914 to 1919? at least 1914 is backed up by incorrect interpretations and calculations. i believe that the reason why they said Jesus picked the WTS in 1919 was because the WTS Governing Body was released out of prison to continue their charade of bullshit. lets not forget why they were IN prison in the first place. (quick reminder of why, Rutherford released "the finished mystery" that said somethign about dodging the draft of WWI when the WTS didn't have a draft dodging doctrine). So, whats the basis on selecting 1919? because as stated above, their teachings were a bold face lie, and if you ever told a modern JW the teachings of old without telling them that they were teachigns of the WTS, they would swear that you have been worshipping satan....... so.....
has or is anyone here of the anointed?.
i would like to know more about the abba father thing in which those of the anointed "know" for certain without a shadow of a doubt they are chosen as jesus brothers..
something i'm confused on....
I am not, but my ex-husband still believes he is of the annointed. He began partaking when he was in his early 30's. He is now 50. Not sure what you are asking??? He believed that he just came to know that he was. He dreamed of it and felt that his life after death was to be in the heavens. Sounds like BS to me.
don't you have to be baptized before a certain time in order to claim to be "annointed"? because there's a lady that goes to my kingdom hall, she's a real sweet lady. but there's no way in hell she's old enough to be born before 1935. she doesn't even have a grey hair! so how can so many younger persons claim to be annointed?
i'm gonna go order me 5 of them this thursday i believe. i'll donate four of them if the people pay shipping.
what would your question be?
why do i get disfellowshipped for having buttsex with a girl out of wedlock, but i can't get a divorce scripturally for the same thing?