Sassy sez:
Like many, I don't know what to believe either. I quit being a JW because I just couldn't live the life any more but I did think when I quit it was still 'the truth' and thought I would die because of my choice. So everything I was taught to believe, all the answers I thought I understood, now are erased. . It is as if the rug has been pulled out from everything I ever believed in..I haven't found my answers yet.. but I do still believe in God. I do still believe the Bible is his word. Beyond that, I am still searching. I am just taking things one day at a time as I am finding the strength to be decentized/brainwashed/etc
Hi Joy and Welcome, too.
I've only been here about a month after 3 years of inactivity, (no JW meetings) I fell away. There were lots of reasons. I am glad I found these guys & gals. Everyone seems to believe a little well, sometimes a LOT differently! For about the first time tho'...that's OK with me...before most of the others here, I was very judgmental -- people were SUPPOSED to 'stay and think INSIDE the box'. There is a new found freedom to 'live and let live'. It seemed like I used to have this knot in my stomach whenever I was judging someone's actions -- on the JW scale, of course. It's a nice feeling to feel that knot relax, when it comes up... and I say to my each their own.
Whew...what DO I believe...damn? Cussing is Ok, 1st off, I guess. lol
Well, I STILL believe in: Love, the Bible, (although now I have more questions than answers) creation, ONE God, the story about Jesus, Eccl. 9: hell-fire or eternal damnation, don't think I'll ever see heaven.
I WANT to believe: That God's purpose of 'paradise' will come about -- somehow...but, not the WTS theory. The basic goodness of mankind,
I DON"T believe: That ANY type of SHUNNING done on a organizational level shows the type of love Jesus or Jehovah really had in mind for us to emulate or practice. There are so many nit-picking little rules, so many normal words that can't be used, so much crap that is based on the flimsiest scriptural references! SHUNNING --> to me that is the worst of all >>> it makes a mockery of the WT's own "Family' book, the family is supposed to be the most important basic unit of mankind >>> it's our 'glue' and yet as almost everyone on this board can attest to: At least 10's of thousands of family member's that we know personally, have been torn apart. In fact with the 'Catch 22' nature of it all -- I wonder how many really faithful Witnesses there really are...or how many are so fearful of losing their families...that they...just stay...? I wish a poll could somehow be taken among JW's, yeah...right > against their religion!! <
Jst2Lws > that' s one of the members alias here. It took my thick head a while to figure out what that 'stood' for, then it came to me, Just Two Laws. Simple, clear, uncluttering. Suddenly, as if I had not seen that scripture that qouted Jesus in the last 40 years, it became very clear -- all the nit-picking, all the crap, all the flimsy rules that I've been afraid of for so long -- did not matter anymore (although they still eat at my soul because of family issues) !
The WatchTower Society would crumble...if they tried to follow those two simple commands Jesus gave us -- to Love our God with all our heart and Love your neighbor as you love yourself...that's all.
Joy: Thanks for this good question...made me think...!
Jst2laws -- thanks for the reminder...
Sincerely, Lee