It may be off topic, but the question of "Enola Gay" and war crimes I think should be answered in the affirmative.
I don't think the pilot and crew really understood what they were doing but they did understand that they were bombing civilians.
Killing civilians should be considered a war crime. My best friend and neighbor is guilty of it in Vietnam and has nightmares almost nightly. Time and again he has told me that he knew it was wrong (murder of civilians) but did it because he was ordered to. War crime.
Once one backs away from the murderous mindset of "religion" and today the religion of our Military Industrial Complex it's pretty clear that killing humans that aren't actively trying to kill you is wrong. Of course War Crimes can be claimed in MOST wars fought by the United States, so some will have difficulty dealing with the concept. I mention the US only because I know it the best and because I believe it guilty beyond question for most of it's history.
Neocons need not respond, the Libcons are even more guilty now. I'm not political. I'm disgusted by the political parties (party?). I do like to read and 50 years of this leads me to believe that humans need to distance themselves from the powermad, wealth craving few who will do anything to accumulate more "wealth and power".
Indeed, perhaps this takes us full circle. It's fairly safe to say that these mad ones are civilians and I do believe they need to be mayhaps I am condoning a war crime. If so, then let it be volunteers only. If I recall what I read about the Enola Gay in the late '50s those men were volunteers as well.