......extremely bright ........ eh .....
Nice guy ..... eh ....... compassionate .... eh ...
If he is so nice and compassionate and in a position of power, why is he letting little Children needlessly bleed to death? Compassionate people don't let little children needlessly die and put little children ahead of a corporation.
Slow yo' roll, Hawk,
Climb off your high horse. Am I mistaken or did you post somewhere around here that you were never a JW? If true, no matter what efforts you've contributed to this UN-NGO thing, you have absolutely no (as in nada, zip, zilch, zero) clue about being a JW, much less about struggling to balance your conscience against your desire to believe that the organization represents Jehovah.
So what, we're lying about the kind of person we perceived RP to be? We're fans, groupies of his and cannot see how wicked RP is?
Get over yourself. I know this UN thing is your Rose Parade float, but, I'm telling you the man I knew and I'm no chump in the character judging department. You've provided nothing in the way of evidence that dispels that for me. I can't defend who he is today cause I don't still know him, but I do know that, at their core, most adults have a harder time passing a kidney stone than changing who they are.
Surely, in your lather against the WTS (for whatever mysterious reason a never-been-a-JW has such!), you're not so naive as to suppose that anyone, even WTS loyalists, perceives his world and lives his life from a purely black or white perspective. RP may be a rotten, sellout scoundrel for the WTS by now. Otoh, he might be a godly, ethical man who is deeply conflicted and wishes for the organization (and himself) a way out of its own miseries and missteps.
Tell me, have you so investigated your employer that you confidently endorse its integrity in all matters crucial to you? Do you continue to work for it because you are convinced of that integrity?
Geez. Give me an intercoursing break.