Does that mean there will be no more sex
JoinedPosts by galaxy7
lies?? (feel free to express your opinions)
by blink sk8 inhey guys,.
while i was at the meeting at the kingdom hall, (oh so fun!....
) the person giving the sunday talk was talking about paradise and how wonderful it will be.. while trying not to fall asleep it hit me... what happens when the earth fills up with people in paradise?
If Jesus died so Christians can be saved......
by DevonMcBride inthan why aren't there "thank you's" going out to those responsible for his death?
obviously god pre-planned the crucifixion and resurrection.
so those that killed him were following god's plan.. devon
I have come to the conclusion that JWS are not christian
Update on my Mom's stroke.
by El Kabong inhi friends: .
first off, i want to thank you all for your words of support that you gave me on the last thread i posted about a month or so again.
i know i don't know any of you all personally, but your words of support and encouragement meant a lot to me.
Hi,sorry to hear about your mother.
the important thing is to visit alot so that the staff sees you are watching out for her.
I worked many years in nursing homes I wish i was near to give you a hand
unused scriptures
by galaxy7 in.
has anyone ever figured out how many scriptures the witnesses dont use in all their publications?.
it seems they use the same ones over and over
thanks everyone
Did you ever wonder why.......
by Strawberryfieldsforever indid you ever wonder why you got out of the religion?
was it because you were smarter or could think on your own better or that god directed you?
i often wonder why i was so lucky to have gotten out and so many are left in.
I wonder that all the time.The more I learn about how false the teaching is.The wider awake I seem to be
Maybe they already know but are to afraid of what they wil loose
unused scriptures
by galaxy7 in.
has anyone ever figured out how many scriptures the witnesses dont use in all their publications?.
it seems they use the same ones over and over
Has anyone ever figured out how many scriptures the witnesses dont use in all their publications?
it seems they use the same ones over and over
That is strange because any witness I know around here have never heard of any of the things i have learnt since visiting JWD.I have been told a good witness never reads watches or listens to anything contrary to their teachings
a questioN about the bible and the annointed
by galaxy7 in.
i have read in recent posts that the new testement was written only for the annointed.
could someone please direct me to the publications that state this.
I have read in recent posts that the new testement was written only for the annointed
Could someone please direct me to the publications that state this.
Were You A "Kiss-Up" In The Congregation?
by minimus in. know what i mean.
i'm talking about one of those people that always was trying to get "in" with the right people.
i was the one you were supposed to keep away from
"the Society teaches"
by somebody in*** w98 3/15 p. 19 living up to christian dedication in freedom ***
4 in order to avoid misunderstandings, jehovah?s witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves.
instead of saying, ?the society teaches,?
Around my house the favorite saying is
you cant understand the bible without the aides of the society such as the watchtower, which is all we need as it feeds us spiritually