no beards,no saluting flags,no rememberance day celebration
no anthem singing,no singing or listening to gospel music
no wearing crosses, no collections of religious objects
no christmas,easter,birthdays,mothers day,fathersday,valentines day
no new years eve celebrations,no saint patricks day parade,no thanksgiving
no sports day for the kids,no yw/ymca for the kids
no afterschool clubs for kids
no taking part in making xmas decorations,halloween,easter ,valentine,thanksgiving decorations by jw kids in school
no to giving your mother a mothers day of fathers day card or present
no reading any other religious material
no associating or talking to apostates
no going to other churches
no associating with worldy people
no praying with unbelievers
no joining armed forces,no tobacco blood,no smoking
no watching bewitched,jeanie,xfiles
no boxing or watching boxing
no sports such as judo and karate
no tatoos,no government jobs,no working for the united nations
no talking to the disfellowshiped
no watching religious shows
no sex outside of marriage
no reading bible without watchtower material
no bingo,casinos,lotteries or any other gambling
no believing dinosaurs lived millions of years ago
no praying by women in front of men unless they have a bag over their head
no pants for women in the service or at the meetings even if its 50 below
no religious pictures unless its on the watchtower calendar
no oath of allegience
no blood sausage
no jury duty