All roads eventually lead to God
Rev 22:12 Behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to each man according as his works is (ASV)
ok, so we've had the views of christians on this board. where sirona respectfully asked for christians only to comment.
fair enough, but i'd personally like to know what everyones view of christianity is.. as sirona said:what is the truth about christianity?.
All roads eventually lead to God
Rev 22:12 Behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to each man according as his works is (ASV)
ex- jehovahs witnesses often reject christianity based on what they were taught by the wts.
when i left jws it was difficult for me to see what christianity was all about - the non-jw version.
every time i picked up a bible, i could see the watchtower interpretation jumping out at me.
Love_Truth said it better than I could
for all the ones that are married out there.
i'm newly married, but i think there's a problem.
i'm just going to go over the morning and say that this is a typical day.
Very true Sara Annie
for all the ones that are married out there.
i'm newly married, but i think there's a problem.
i'm just going to go over the morning and say that this is a typical day.
Why are you cooking for her
why are you setting the vcr for her
If you need the bathroom because you have to get ready for work then take it first
Eat out until she does the dishes
You are treated the way you let people treat you
as a person that grew up as a dub, i realize i missed a lot when i was a kid.
i'm sitting here watching mr. rogers on pbs (for those who aren't american, its a kids show like sesame street, which i really wasn't allowed to watch either).
it makes me sad because i've missed out on so much when i was a kid, such as watching mr. rogers.
Christmas;I remember looking in the Eatons window looking at the mechanical santas and reindeer
My sister pulled the santa stores beard off my mom thought that was great
Birthdays :Who am I to deserve a cake
Easter, I love those cream filled eggs,no easter in our house,we had the happy Memorial
Halloween well at least we had good teeth
Thanksgiving we should be thankful to go out in the service and especially be thankful for the watchtower
New Years Imagine looking forward to a new year,we should be looking forward to god killing everyone
Valentines. No having fun allowed imagine the sin of cutting out paper hearts
Never join the YWCA/YMCA must be evil if its fun
Prom Why did you even want to graduate dont you know gods going to kill everyone
Sports day. get your exercise knocking on doors
We as former Jehovahs witness children have the priviledge of knowing No joy or wonder or expectations or excitement of waking up Christmas morning
We as former Jehovahs Witnesses children dont understand how we could be so important as to have a day set aside for us
I think we missed out on just being kids
thanks everyone ,you make me feel good
I sell quite a few paintings.I am always suprised when people want to buy them.
I will post some more, thanks again
I am painting at the moment the four horsemen of the apoclypse ,a real challange
I paint in acrylics.People send me pictures of their farms or houses and I paint them
I just recently started painting horses.
here is a picture i painted today
firstly .......i don't mean for one minute the end of friendships that may have been cultivated here.....or the "help" that may have been extended to those who needed it.... there are some good people here.
but......... but...... how often can the same old topics be bounced about and re-cycled amongst the topic threads here, usually created by the same few, for an imaginary multitude that i just don't see.
ok you say many may look in here, and may not comment.
I think the same questions are asked because the new people dont know they were asked before
We all have something in common when we leave the organization.
Its the same old questions,why were we so blind.
i like all the questions, I have learned alot
I especially like the fact people are polite enough to read the questions people have.
Some people seem very educated on certain subjects
and maybe people feel they have nothing further to offer
I like it here
suit accuses church official of abuse .
4 say jehovah's witness church hid crime; .
man a convicted child molester .
You are right, I never heard about this child abuse till i read it on JWD peaple need to know abourt this.
There should be more on the tv about this