the moral
JoinedPosts by galaxy7
The moral of the story of adam and eve and witness kids
by Sirius Dogma inwe all know the story of adam and eve - god forbids fruit, man and women eat fruit.. what is the real moral of this story?
tradition teaches that man is sinful by nature and must be punished.. i was thinking the moral could also be this "that which is forbidden, is made desirable.".
i don't know if that is sin, when you tell someone they can't have something, it almost naturally makes us at least curious as to why that is.
Comments You Won't Hear at the 3-28-04 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 03-28-04 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in red and quotes "".
How do they know what happens in a house of prostitution?
So is it alright to do these things after your married?
Good article as usual Blondie
The 30 by bunnies
by Wallflower in.
a short version for those who didn't see the film the first time round..
i'm now going for bunny counselling.
So - Just When Are We Going To Take This Organisation ....
by Celtic into the ruddy cleaners then?.
that i have been extraordinarily patient over the past few years, the last four years especially.
the thing that still gets to me is this.
I would like to know when the catholic church was found out for molesting children there was a great outcry and all the news stations carried the story.No one seems to know much about the problem within the jehovahs witnesses.
I think we should ask television stations and newspapers to investigate more and broadcast what they know.
We all know the problem but the average JW thinks we are lying
I would like the world to know what we know and I would especially like the JWs in every kingdom hall to know the real TRUTH
The Passion of Brian
by drahcir yarrum ini haven't yet seen the movie the passion of christ but understand that it is a powerful movie for those who are believers.
i haven't been a jw for many years but wondered what the organizations position is on the bros seeing this movie.
does anyone have any insight on this?
I was told at my last bible study going to see it was a not a good idea
because we wouldnt gain anything by seeing it as it would not be accurate.
so says the local Jdubs here
Whats been your greatest personal Struggle?
by ScoobySnax inwhats been yours?
be honest.. i know mines always been trying to reconcile being gay and being jw.
as i was growing up it was like being in the middle of 2 polar opposites both tugging at me day in day out, sometimes trying to understand one whilst ignoring the other and vice versa.
Quitting smoking i have quit hundreds of times
I am marrying a df JW-
by wtphobic ini will be marrying a df jw in just 2 months.
it is now really bothering him that his parents won't come to the wedding.
omg- not only is he df, but it's being held in a church!!!
Congrats on your up and coming wedding
You will certainly have your eyes opened marrying into a witness family
Good Luck dealing with the family
Waiting on Jehover... Garfield's Take on the matter....
by Elsewhere in.
here is a copy of today's garfield cartoon... how appropriate..
Elsewhere you make my day
that is to funny
by Seven inhappy 4th anniversary jwd!
simon and angharad,.
love we have wasted on the way.. so much water moving underneath the bridge, let the water come and carry us away.. let the water come and carry us away.~csny .
Happy anniversary
thanks for this site
E-Watchman Has Sent NGO Letters to Over 5000 U.S. Congregations!
by Greenpalmtreestillmine ine-watchman has sent over 5000 letters to congregations in the u.s informing them of the ngo debacle and a similar one to 101 branches around the world.
and according to his guestbook post he has signed his real name to the letters!
great work and great news!
So is E-Watchman going to get disfellowshiped??
That was a great letter
The truth shall make you free