JoinedPosts by bradford
Attending memorial tomorrow?
by Ghiagirl inthis is my first year i will not attend memorial.
to be honest if it wasn't for my husband i would probably be going still.
he says what's the point, don't be one of those people who doesn't give a sh** but just shows there face once a year.
My wife wants me to go. My condition was if I go its all you can eat bread and all you can drink wine. She doesn't want me to go now.. -
I've decided to officially disassociate myself
by Garrett inhey guys, .
i just wanted to thank you all for all of your input, support and help over the past few months.
i've decided to officially disassociate myself from the organization and move on with my life.
I've done the same. It feels good. -
Has This Site Ever Hurt You In Your Journey Out Of The JW Religion?
by minimus inthis site has gone through many metamorphosis over the years.
i believe it is a kinder, less edgy place tan it was a few years ago.
i wonder how many people were helped versus turned off by this place.
Then we found out trevor, the fake wife, and the third person were actually members of the governing body and we were duped again. It was hard to come back from that, but we are still here. -
Ex-Christians being angry
by Jonathan Drake ini know i'm angry.
i was curious if others are too.
i feel completely justified in my anger as well.
I think I'm more angry at myself for letting myself get sucked in and not waking up sooner. As for the organization and the people in it - I try to think how I was a year ago, five years ago, and how I would be the same as them, trying to be more zealous, following all the rules of the organization that Jehovah has chosen. I guess I can't be mad at them because they honestly believe it and I can't see what the GB gains except the power trip. They are blind themselves. You can't be mad at someone who is blind for not being able to see. They went through decades themselves of the same brainwashing techniques.
Newbies , Are We Seeing An Accelerated Increase? This Past Year ? Newbies Feel free To Respond Please .
by smiddy inis it just me or does anyone else see more newbies joining this site this past year and especially in the last few months .. we would love to welcome you with genuine friendship ,support ,encouragement ,a place to vent ,and not judge you.. you have the freedom to express whatever view you like and you won`t be kicked off the board.. and to learn more about the "truth" about the truth , you will not hear at a kingdom hall .. smiddy.
I am new to the site but have been on the way out of the org for a while. I just didn't find this site before. I was regularly on jwsurvey, jwleaks, and jwfacts.
It wasn't until recently that I found this site, wish I found it sooner.
Pride or Humility - I guess it depends how you look at it..
by bradford inone of the constant themes of the literature and of the well meaning witnesses who regurgitate it to those that have left or are in the process of leaving is this:.
you are filled with pride.
you think you know better than jehovah's organization.
One of the constant themes of the literature and of the well meaning witnesses who regurgitate it to those that have left or are in the process of leaving is this:
You are filled with pride. You think you know better than Jehovah's organization. You need to wait on Jehovah. Jehovah hates pride. Therefore he hates you. You need to humble yourself.
I came to a realization recently. What is more prideful? To believe that you have the one single truth, the one single religion that god approves, and that everyone else is wrong (and going to die!) -or- to admit that something you believed in, advocated, preached to others about, gave talks on, shared experiences with other witnesses about: WAS WRONG. You were duped.
A close friend tried this line on me how I was being prideful and I asked him if he realized how humbling it was to accept that I wasted 10 years of my life believing something that wasn't true and to walk away. I guess it is all about perception. He actually seemed like he understood what I was saying.
Introducing my self
by WasOnceBlind ini stumbled upon this site about a week ago while googling a question.
the question was "why can't jw's have beards?
" i read the responses and realized the truth in them.
Welcome. I have had many friends who were illegal in the US. Weirdly they could give no. 3 or no.4 talks depending on what year you are referencing the ministry school and they could handle mics. But they could never become servants or pioneers until they were legal.
If/when you read crisis of conscience and it's follow up In Search of Christian Freedom it is so hypocritical how they skirt issues to allow gildead graduates to stay in their assigned country. Like they have a work assignment but don't really work. They put up this front in so many ways but hold your normal every day hard working brother/sister back.
i will just set this right here.
by Defianttruth in
Had to share this on Facebook. Ty -
Just another experience
by bradford ini just wanted to add another piece to the puzzle that is the exile from the organization.
a little background about myself first.
i was not born into the religion, technically.
Thanks all. Just got done work for the day and was glad a few people chimed in. Perhaps I wasn't very clear in my story..
I considered fading and ran my thought process by my wife. She is all about being decisive in life, as I am. She actually encouraged me to just rip the bandaid off instead of slowly take it off bit by bit. I have been fading for the last six months so my "friends" have already started treating me differently. Not getting the invites, the texts, the tags on instagram, etc. My only family that are witnesses is my mom and my aunt. She faded when I left as a teenager, I think she can fade again. My aunt..who knows. We aren't that close.
When it all comes down to it I do not want to be a witness. I want them to know that I don't. The only thing I don't like about being announced is that no one would know why. Did he cheat on his wife? Is he doing drugs? I bet he was abusing alcohol! People will come to their own conclusions, which is why I called or visited (depending where they are these days) each and every single one of my "close" friends who know me and told them I made a decision and I am sorry if they think I am abandoning them but I am not to blame. The organization is. I hope they realize that some day.
A few wanted to know more. I wasn't shy about telling them TTATT. I have had 2 former elders randomly stop by in street clothes saying they heard some things and wanted to know what was going on. They appear to be genuine, but I feel like I can sniff out if they are on a fact finding mission to implicate anyone else.
Thanks again everyone.
Just another experience
by bradford ini just wanted to add another piece to the puzzle that is the exile from the organization.
a little background about myself first.
i was not born into the religion, technically.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to add another piece to the puzzle that is the exile from the organization. A little background about myself first. I was not born into the religion, technically. I think my mother started studying off and on for years prior to me entering the world but had some issues giving up smoking or staying consistent, or a combination of the both. I remember birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, and all that when I was little. It may have been around 2nd or 3rd grade where it became mandatory from my mother that we were going to meetings, not doing holidays, and that I was going to study the bible stories book with a brother from the hall.
Looking back now, I don't understand why my dad allowed this to happen. I think it was presented as a "choice" and my parents would let us pick what we wanted to do but my mother was always the disciplinarian and the one who was pushy, as most newly baptized JWs are. So it really wasn't a choice for a 7 year old kid as much as my parents thought it was.
I don't think I ever became an unbaptized publisher, but I did join the theocratic ministry school. It was about that time I realized I loved sports, and was pretty good at them. I also loved the friends and camaraderie of being part of a sports team. My mother said I couldn't play sports on the school team. When I turned 13 my sister told my mom she didn't want to go to meetings anymore, and I quickly followed suit. At this point it really was a decision we could make and my dad was happy we did. I joined the basketball team, baseball team, football team, and I'm sure I had a much more enriching high school experience had I not left when I did.
Fast forward to me at 19, when I thought I was invincible. I was living at my college dorm, got arrested twice. Once for alcohol and another time for marijuana possession. I came home from college, and had a hard breakup with my girlfriend, one of my best friends was going to fight in the Iraq war, and a few other things in my life had me at a crossroads. I was vulnerable.
The witnesses came by one day to see my mom who was now inactive for three years. I thought to myself, I will study with this guy and play devil's advocate to disprove it all. I don't know if it was the love-bombing, the shady reasoning and manipulation, or what..but I was baptized six months later, pioneering after a year, and appointed as a ministerial servant after two years.
I was being pushed towards ministerial training school and probably would have gone. But I then met my lovely wife. I had never dated as a witness so the whole chaperon/dating thing was kind of foreign. Anyhow, we dated secretly for like a year, got in trouble, were disfellowshipped, got married, and then we were reinstated in the standard fashion a year later.
After six years of marriage and being your exemplary Christians, the new God's Kingdom Rules! book came out. I wanted to make it my goal to study the book thoroughly. I got to page 11, where it talks about the Generation that wouldn't pass away and the new understanding of two overlapping generations. I thought to myself, okay, I guess that makes sense. But why the need to change it? So I started researching the development of the teaching in the WT library. I don't remember how it happened but this led me to researching 1914, 1919, and 607 teachings. The reasoning and resources used in the articles were not adding up and I had this horrible feeling inside that something was wrong.
I told my wife I wasn't sure about some things, and she just said.."like apostasy?" I was just like "I'm not really sure I think I'm going to talk to the elders." I attempted to schedule a meeting with them. I told my service group overseer (because there are no longer "book study" overseers) that I was having some doubts and needed to talk. He just asked me what my doubts were in a nutshell to give him an idea. So I told him I had doubts about the teachings above, and how Jehovah's spirit can direct false teachings. That was the extent of the conversation, and it took them over a month to finally meet with me.
My research at that point had already taken me to because I was trying to research original quotes referred to in articles regarding 607. On the train to NYC I found and read entirely Crisis of Conscience. In order to not put myself in a compromising situation right away, as I wasn't sure what my exit plan was, I kept the conversation very light with the elders when we eventually met. Their basic message to me was that we know this is Jehovah's organization, that I needed to be humble, and I needed to put these doubts on the back-burner and come back to them later with a different viewpoint. I said okay I would try, but at the same time asked to have all my privileges revoked, no longer a reader, no talks, no prayer at meetings, no doing the sound, etc. They were fine with that but clearly disturbed at my though process.
As fearful as I was, I love my wife, and I had to tell her what I had found. She surprisingly said she would support whatever decision that I made because she trusted I would research enough to not be misled. That was a relief. For months I battled over whether I was going to just fade away, or tell the elders straight up what I thought. My many close friends knew something was up and I gave them some crumbs of where I was heading and what I was thinking to prepare them for the inevitable. Some friends just steered clear of me just like that, while others wanted to have serious talks so they could either understand or try to sway me.
I always said I was going to grow a beard in the "new system" so by this time, no longer going to meetings or in service, my beard got pretty nice and thick. I was playing basketball with some friends at a nearby school late at night where someone's dad was a coach and got us access to the gym. A member of my previous congregation was a security guard who now as ministerial servant, and interestingly enough, was someone I had studied with, and found in the door-to-door ministry when I was an unbaptized publisher. He was definitely one of those crazy JWs, like super know the type. There is some in every congregation.
So he saw me with the beard and asked "What are you doing with a beard?"
"It's just hair, Andrew, it grows on your face." I said back.
"Why aren't you home with your wife this late hour?" He replied.
"I'm playing basketball..."
He said "With THESE people?" and his eyes scanned the people I was there with.
We had words after that but he helped me see the elitist mentality that is right below the surface of most JWs. I probably had it myself at some point and was ashamed. That week I wrote a letter to the elders to formally disassociate myself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
For whatever reason they have had the letter for over a month, and not made an announcement. I've heard through some friends that still talk to me despite knowing I actually wrote the letter they are planning to have an elder or two talk with me first. I think I will meet with them if they are respectable enough former friends who I was close with. There were definitely some elders who were pretty chill and some who weren't. I really don't know what they are trying to accomplish and I'm looking forward to how it all plays out. My wife is still sitting on the fence, but mostly inactive. She wants me to go to the memorial with her just to see our old friends and make them feel bad or something for how they have just cut us both off so quickly. I don't know what she is thinking fully but hope to see her fully on the right side of things soon.