I think paragraph 8 is more baffling.
Watchtower July 15 2015, pargraph 8, p. 8.
8 We find Paul’s vision described at 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. (Read.)What Paul saw in a supernatural vision was referred to as a revelation. It involved a future event, not something that existed in his day. When Paul “was caught away to the third heaven,” what “paradise” did he see? The paradise that Paul spoke about would have a physical, a spiritual, and a heavenly fulfillment, all of which will coexist in the future. It can refer to the physical, earthly Paradise yet to come. (Luke 23:43) It can also refer to the spiritual paradise that will be experienced to the full in the new world. Additionally, it can refer to the blessed conditions in heaven in “the paradise of God.”—Rev. 2:7.
How did I proudly eat this stuff up before, and THEN regurgitate it at the WT study all proud of my wonderful comprehension skills. Excuse me while I go puke.