By request for someone who could not locate it.
while much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the watchtower societys intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.. oftentimes the societys writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "professor blank observes that blah, blah, blah.
" the reader assumes from the quotation that professor blank is in agreement with the organizations position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the authors thoughts.. heres the catch: the words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someones actual thesis or position.
much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "monumental!
By request for someone who could not locate it.
in view of current developments it may be useful to some who have come to the child abuse issue only recently to highlight the watchtower society's instructions to elders.. in a letter to boe dated november 1, 1995 they make the incriminating statement "it is important to first obtain the society's direction to protect both the elders and the organisation.
yes, for they show clearly what is most important to them.
I have it, you got it.
In a day or so.
in view of current developments it may be useful to some who have come to the child abuse issue only recently to highlight the watchtower society's instructions to elders.. in a letter to boe dated november 1, 1995 they make the incriminating statement "it is important to first obtain the society's direction to protect both the elders and the organisation.
yes, for they show clearly what is most important to them.
For years I have read these letters and hung on every word, the better to serve. Today I look back on them with complete disgust.
The friends get blamed for lack of zeal, not being urgent about preaching.
We are repeatedly told we don't study enough, pray enough, go in field service enough. We are told WE are the problem. Well the problem is clear to me, it is the preoccupation about organization, organization.
Today it's all about the organization, keeping it going, "loyalty."
Count me as one of those going to resign, not just as an elder,
but from an organization that has lost its way. Just biding my time.
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
Tina, sounds like you know whut yer talkin' 'bout. Jest whut if they had to trot out them Society-sanctioned thurapists who did'n even have a lahcense to practice in their state? Some of them have been hung out to drah by Ms Wah (former buds) and jest might be a-wanten and a-willin' to talk.
Ms Wah can always appeal to the Confucian sense of relying on one's own interior moral guidance - Kent has a thread. Tina, I'm informed that lawyers say she is a much better lawyer than a Christian or JW, and that isn't saying much.
First, do we use our in-house guys and save money? We've done it before and can do it again. Let's do that and just throw big money at them to settle and see if this suit will go away.
Do we get a big constitutional lawyer from Yale to handle things for us? Big bucks, but we can do that. How do we explain or justify the enormous expense to the rank and file? Oh, let's get help on the QT, and get money from the loyal friends by asking them for funds for some other needy project.
Let's change the name from Watchtower Society to Christian Congregation. Ooops, we did that already. Let's change the address from 100 Watchtower Drive to Route 22 Patterson. Done. Check current letterheads.
Let's change the Treasurer's Office from the Pennsylvania corporation, been that way since the beginning, to the New York corporation. Done.
Don't take a chance that anyone says the wrong thing to the media, let's dismantle Public Information and just have one spokesperson. Done.
Better not have any Public Affairs office in Great Britain or other countries. Done. You folks in the UK, call London Bethel and ask for the Public Affairs office and see for yourselves what they say. Maximus tells me the answer will be: "There is no such office any more." Check it out and share what you learn. I'd like to know for sure.
I wonder if that New Hampshire congregation will have any trouble filling up the time slot for "local needs" on the Service Meeting?
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
What do you think is going on today in Brooklyn?
J. R. Brown now has to go to some superior and discuss how this is to be handled. More great lines like "untrained volunteers"? How about that tried and true "we-don't-shield-molesters."
I would love to be a fly on the wall, to listen in on conversations.
"We've got this covered, Brother Jaracz. This will draw no one's attention, and the brothers have already been warned about bad publicity. After all, we are deep into the time of the end, and we have to expect these pesky apostates to make a little more noise.
"Can I get you another cup of herbal tea? Not to worry."
Not to divert anything, but what do you think will happen in Brooklyn when the word really goes out. Wait till the Society repeatedly attempts to squash this story and this case. I think media have for a very long time wanted to expose this cruelty but no one wanted to do it first--at least thats what I've heard.
Also, am I reading this right, that the whole congregation is being sued, including the body of elders?
Tina, is the lutefisk dance like the Dance of the Seven Veils?
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
In Jesus' day there were many who kept the Law, and who did everything just right.
The Master did not hang out with them. Instead he chose the marginalized.
Shocking how he dealt with that Samaritan woman at the well, wasn't it?
And that Mary Magdalen. Dubs would tell you, I guess, that he needed someone to counsel in order to get his numbers up for the monthly field service report.
I'd hang out with you any day, Joel. I think you are the most honest person on this board. Thanks for setting that sterling example, and for sharing thoughts that have really caused me to begin understanding myself. Next step is to like myself. The organization told me for a very long time I was dirt.
disinformation, noun.. 1. deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by an organization, government or especially by an intelligence agency in order to influence public opinion or the government in another nation: he would be the unconscious channel for a piece of disinformation aimed at another country's intelligence service (ken follett).. 2. dissemination of such misleading information.. attributive.. often used to modify another noun: disinformation operations; disinformation experts.. [possibly translation of russian dezinformatsiya.].
maybe we need a reminder from time to time that the fds manual includes a proviso to "be wise as serpents" in their war strategy.
Edited out.
I'd like to know ....
Why is msil asking all these questions but really giving us nothing but asking questions of Simon like his security measures, IP sniffers.
I think it's more than a term paper.
Bad odor in here? An answer to Farkel's challenge would go a long way.
i would like to start a discussion thread as it relates to mind control and the tactics which are used.
"brothers, keep on putting on the new peronality..." - how well do you remember that?.
suggested discussions are:.
You've said you have a lot to say.
So far what I see is your questions all over the board, on everything from new personality, motives to specific IP packet sniffing, what Simon may have in place. I repeat: Is this a term paper we are to help you with?
Share more, please. We regularly get visited by trolls, even techy WT trolls ....
you can find pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock in many languages on the watchtower observer, such as english, spanish, polish, portuguese, french, finnish and german.
but there is also lots of other sites that carry the book.. there is a new "pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock" coming soon, and i hope to be able to bring the "new light" in a short while. (polish).
The new Flock book was due for release to those with special needs, like Service Departments, August 1