Its kind a weird to see so many hits on this thread when most them don't make that much sense, including my own.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inmy biggest reason: the religion is stupid.
plain and simple.
What I hated is the stupid way they maintain a pecking order when it comes to who will give public talks, it was a high mucky muck elder who told me there is a pecking order when it comes to such things. There is so many things I hated about being a Jehovah's Witness, I always knew that I was in a cult even before I knew what the word (CULT) even meant, it was this dark shadow that slowed down my life like every enjoyable thought had to be screened through the GB and then through the elders as they saw fit then we had to do what they say or reap the whirl wind of distruction and my bones would be pecked clean by the little birdies in the great evening meal of god, to sum it up life was not that much fun because everything had to be half lived. Sign Pissed
if a jw became aware of a crime , what would theybe advised to do ?
by looloo inif a jw person found out some information that meant that thier husband /brother /son had perhaps abused a child that he had denied abusing afterall , if they went to see the elders would they be advised to say nothing , or go to the authorities ?
bear in mind that this perp is currently serving a prison term for children he had abused when he was a min servant , but got away with the other child ,because of lack of evidence .
this information was brought to light by the childs family , that made the perps family aware of it , any ideas , would it be a conscience thing or "wait on jehovah" thing ?
They would be advised to set down on their face and hands and say and do nothing, or your bodily fluids will sapped from you by the elders.
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
The Free Masons are good people, so what if they have funny hand shakes, and hop up and down on their butt checks in a circle, I can think of worse things.
Will Jehovah re-instate Death by Stoning in the New System?
by PopeOfEruke indo you think that stoning as a form of death sentence will be re-instated in the new system once the "new scrolls" are opened?.
jehovah loved it once, why would he not bring it back?
it's such a humane christian form of killing someone, i am sure it'll be back!.
I guess I better tone up my arm.
Pope="Watchtower Literature like eating Untreated Raw Sewage"
by PopeOfEruke inthat's my response to the awake playstation claim.. idiots!.
Weird very weird, all along the watchtower there are weird-O's.
From Rutherford -2008 Watchtower ="dont have kid's till after Armagedon!"
by Witness 007 inyes i thought rutherford's policy on kid's was dead and the society had wised up....until i read the new "witnesses only" watchtower study rutherford's last book "children" 1942 = p.281 "wait until after armagedon to bring children into the is only afew years before the other sheep are gathered to the lord, until armagedon...those with infants during armagedon will have greater would be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the tribulation.".
watchtower 2008 april 15 p.19 {picture of a middle aged couple witnessing with question: why do some christian couples decide not to have children?
} paragraph 12 "single or childless for a noble purpose.....numerous couples have decided to remain childless....they often do so to remain freer to serve jehovah...they are willing to place kingdom interests above some of the privileges that go with marriage...jehovah will not forget their work, and the love they show for his name...there will be a great tribulation...doubtless, it will be a difficult time for all of us-adults and children alike.".
Wow talk about a cult, they sure assume Jehovah can not or will not protect little children even when Christ his son was so gentle to them while he was on earth. Hello! lurkers wake up and smell the cat food, and get a life, can't you hear a cult telling you not to bear childern for their own selfish gain and control.
Faithful and Discrete Slave
by Johnna inif it is true that the slave class is here to lead the organization, and their numbers on earth are still in the thousands, why is it only just a handful at the headqtrs that send out the spiritual food?
i have known many "annointed" ones over my course of involvement and none of them were ever called on for their input, guidance, counsel, etc... much less to have a turn to lead the work in ny.
aren't they all supposed to be doing the guidance work on the earth?
How and by what means do the brothers and sisters derive spiritual food is just as it has been with the modern day Associated Bible Students," they are the same ones that the modern day Witness's broke from and there by became a sect.
The Bible Students" have each and every member search the bible and as a massive group using any sorce they need not just what the GB say you have to use, in order to come to conclusions rather than a (Hierarchy of clergy) situation as exist with the Witness's now.
I have found it so refreshing to listen and learn with the Associated Bible Students", they are a caring group of people.
Someone In The Know Told Me About The Society's New Plans!
by minimus infrom now on, no dates will be espoused for future prophetic events!.
there will be a in-house elder arrangement that no longer depends upon the watchtower society's influence.. judicial commitees will no longer be in existence.
congregation members will have an active role in keeping the congregation clean while exercising appropriate mercy.. kingdom halls will mostly be sold and assembly halls will transmit circuit meetings by telephone, closed circuit tv, radio frequencies and by telephone every week.
Decon... Tell that girl that took the picture that she is hired!
was that a Witness on American Idol last night?
by Burger Time ini had the sneaky suspicion the girl in the picture below was a dub.
she had never drank, smoked or watched a rated r movie.
she was married at a young age and just seemed too wholesome.
I seen her on LA Ink, she was getting a Tattoo of the beast that comes out of the sea of mankind, I think the elder body should know about this! LOL