Back when I was a stupid kid and my dad quit the Air force to please the GB well we became poor, and the only way I could buy an icecream Jet Bar from the Good Humor man was to reach inside the box at the meetings, all I can say about that is big deal now that I know how rich they really are and it wasn't from a few cents that I took for icecream.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inmy biggest reason: the religion is stupid.
plain and simple.
Breastfeeding not allowed.
by The Scotsman inshocker at the group last week..... i was at the group last week (1st in about 4 weeks) and the conductor (the p.o.
) takes a sister aside and tells her that she was not allowed to breastfeed her baby before or after the book study because "someone" found it awkward.. hmm, i wonder if it was him that found it awkward.. anyway the twist in the story is that the group meets at her house.
the sisters husband was far from happy but is to reserved to do anything about it.
Well I think is what we have here is a case of the PO having not been breast fed himself as a child his mother told him he was not you know so now he is upset and feels deprived, along with that his wife may have been born with small breast when deep inside he wanted larger ones on his and still does it seems no fault on his dear wife side, and this in turn has fed his narsisistic views about breast feeding. He should seek counceling at his earliest convenience.
Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inmy biggest reason: the religion is stupid.
plain and simple.
Same here MOG, if I tried to keep in contact with them then I felt guilty for some stupid reason I guess i was taught well, now I know it was the power of CULT, my parents had me absorbed into Landru, I wanted to go to high school reunions but there was that nagging CULT rules well they can all pound sand now.
watchtower leaders have their say
by edmond dantes insuppose charlie russell, judge joe etc.
wrote their life story can you suggest titles : for example:.
from rags to riches.
If truth be known I bet they have some good cronic at Bethel.
Could U Please Cite Some Personal Interesting Observations About The Truth?
by minimus infor anyone that looks at this thread, could you write something either profound or simply interesting so as to make the reader see the truth about "the truth"?
Yes, if the judge so called anyway, would have kept his big mouth shut in way back when then it would not have been so controling and basicly a CULT like it is now, he is the one who messed it all up, he was the first Chump" annd now all the GB are Chumps.
So, Kingdom News #37 was intended to start the great tribulation?
by Olin Moyles Ghost ini have seen the following statement made on this board several times: 'kn #37 ("the end of false religion is near") was intended by the wbts to provoke the great tribulation.
that's an intriguing thought.
i'm just curious where it came from.
Oh for the love of Mike, I remember way back in 1972 when they were starting this crap we were running from door to door saying that it is likened to the walls falling down, I think almost swallowed that crock hook line and sinker back then.
Reasons You Hated Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inmy biggest reason: the religion is stupid.
plain and simple.
Shawn, you sumed it up completly the GB are all a bunch of Chumps" I simply ignored the WT when it said not to masterbate if I had kept a tally of how many time I have choked the chicken it would amount to about 192000 times and climbing, even the GB form a circle jerk now and again to masterbate. Dr. Ruth told me to masterbate so I do, but even if she didn't I still would have, men are diferent than women we just have to get that poison out, any Wanker who says you should not take care of the One Eyed Trouser Trout is out of his gourd.
Any Russell/Rutherford wannabes out there???
by lrkr inok- nows the time for any of you really ambitious, organized, self motivated people out there to get moving.
write a book or two about the coming great change in 2012. link it to obscure bible prophecies.
wait for something to happen (doesn't really matter what- war, terror attack somewhere, death of the pope, worse flu season than most).. then claim divine providence.
Ruthorford was a Chump, before he came the Bible Students were doing well, he is the one who made the sect known as Jehovahs Witness's.
Are you mostly disappointed in the WTS beliefs,doctrines,or practices?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini'm here on jwd because of the watchtower's practice of disfellowshipping.
that's is one pratice that really made me question if i really wanted to continue as a member.
i always thought that by kicking the disfellowshipped or disassociated out of the kingdom hall was enough.
Well take for a lession this if you have 17 monkeys locked up in a zoo and they all stop all fellowshiping or in the lest way with the 17th monkey that 17th monkey will soon die, we are humans and their disfellowshiping practice has killed many who have had the Witness's form of (punishment) that they so unlovingly call call by some other high minded name. To sum it up he that has not sinned should throw the first stone you GB chumps, like a chump like a chump like a chump...
Mennonites - Shunning Condemned by Watchtower PDF
by AlphaOmega ini know that this has been mentioned before, but after a chat with a friend about this i decided to scan the article for people to use when chatting with jws.. it certainly has raised some eyebrows with the ones that i have spoken with.. juicy bits include :.
*** w05 9/1 p. 24 mennonites search for bible truth ***.
certain colonies forbid radio, tv, and music.
I kind of miss Shunning people, it made me feel so important and closer to god each time I shunned someone oh maybe I should go back and become an active member again and be absorbed with all kinds of love bombs and crap and raise my hand and comment useing that crazy mind control gibberish.
I am only kinding folks.