For anyone that looks at this thread, could you write something either profound or simply interesting so as to make the reader see the truth about "the Truth"??
Could U Please Cite Some Personal Interesting Observations About The Truth?
by minimus 119 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
Some personal interesting observations about the truth. My mind went blank, but I got a zillion!
Octarine Prince
The Truth would need NO excuses.
Well, you can post one at a time.
White Dove
OK, here's one: Circular reasoning. God wrote the Bible because the Bible says that God wrote the Bible. Pete and Repete sat in a boat. Pete fell out. Who is left? Repete. Pete and Repete sat in a boat...
The Truth, what Truth?
As you even read the New World Translation you will find that jesus never used Jehovah's name.
As you continue to read all the other books by Paul, Peter and others, once again no one uses Jehovah name.
Why is it the JW's use God's name when it was never used in the 1st century.
sspo: Why is it the JW's use God's name when it was never used in the 1st century?
sspo is my new hero! The naughty, almost total secret of WTBS, except for Insight Book under JEHOVAH...USE IN GREEK SCRIPTURES is that there is not a single ancient greek manuscript IN THE WORLD that contains the divine name...period. Seem Satan and his apostates did a dang good job of removing it (and who knows what else!)
To answer your question is there, because FDS wanted it make Jehober more appealing to already professed Christians, the same way Dec. 25 made christianity more appealing to pagans I guess. JW's have 237 totally spurious verses in the new testament, just where they changed Lord and God to Jehober.....and they have many, many other spurious verses as well. I now condemn the NWT just as I used to the Quran, and the Book of Morman..............................oompa
darth frosty
I agree with OOMPA-
"As you even read the New World Translation you will find that jesus never used Jehovah's name.
As you continue to read all the other books by Paul, Peter and others, once again no one uses Jehovah name.
Why is it the JW's use God's name when it was never used in the 1st century.
They love to say or insinuate that Jesus would have courageously used Gods name, but, you can find no evidence that he or the apostles did. -
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Who Am I?
I wouldn't open the mail of another person and so read an invitation for a special event and assume that I have been invited. But when I read the New Testament, I assume it's all about me: I'm the True Church, God speaks through me alone, I alone have the understanding of the entire Bible, I'm going to heaven, my religious brothers are the new and improved 'faithful slave positioned over Christ's domestics', the signs of the destruction of Jerusalem are about my day and age, I am so righteous I shall abhor and shun my own children--'not even saying a greeting to them' because St. Paul told me to.
Who Am I? I am Jehovah's Witnesses