I would much rather go to my favorit bar and eat Pizza and Beer and F*#k'ed up.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
Fall 2008 One Day Assembly....what is the theme?
by insearchoftruth inmy wife is attending the assembly this upcoming weekend, is there a posted agenda and can any of you provide a summary of what is discussed so i know what she will be hyped up about when she gets back?.
Bribing the children to serve--by request!
by Atlantis inbribing the children to serve--by request!
request from researcher: is it true that children in the early years of the watchtower society, were bribed into the field ministry work to make a profit to have money to spend?
if this is true, would you know where i could find that information?
In my teen years I wised up, at that time the WT and Awake was for 10 cents but I sold them for 25 cents each, The Truth Book was supposed to be for 25 cents each but I sold them for $1.00 each and the bibles I would get as much as I could for them. By doing this I was able to have some nice suites and Converse shoes for school.
That they are full of BS.
God's "official channel"
by Deputy Dog ini'm amazed at how many on this forum, believe the gb really believes their own lie, that they are god's "official channel".
are there many of you that believe as i do.
i believe somewhere deep down they know they are just fooling people.
Gods official chanel my hind den. They know dam well that they are a bunch of shysters (a bunch of unethical, unscrpulous practitioners), playing on the emotions of people.
UFO's are the greatest hoax of all time! They exist only in our mind!
by Witness 007 ingeneral mccarthur 1955 ; "the next great war will be an inter-planetary war...".
ufo sightings "took off" after world war 2...why?
well what were people watching at the movies?
I don't belive that at all I came from the planet Bethel, there is nothing butt Rump Rangers there.
Disfellowshiped Last Night - Elder Question
by johnnyc ini know some of you know me by my posts...as someone very much on the "fence".
recently, i had made an effort to start coming back to meetings after being inactive for 2+ years.
during that time, i did have a prescription drug problem following an injury.
Oh wow, once I found they want you (us) to crawl back begging with a letter stating how much reproche you (we) have heaped on the WTS by our being sinners it was then that I found that I did not need their bourgeois bullshit taking part in their conformity and slaving for Landrew.
I support the idea of never going to an elders meeting again and letting those SOB's mess with my mind again with their stupid by-laws.
What was your saddest day as a JW?
by jambon1 ini had many days like this but i will never forget the time that a 'prominent elder' publicaly declared that he wants to see the worldly people die at armaggeddon.
"i hope that i can look out the window & watch it all happening".
i went home and thought; 'wtf am i a part of here'?
The day I was setting there in the Hall after my being DF'ed and my cute little daughter who only ten yeas old came and sat next to me, and a few min latter an elder came between me and her and said to her you can't" set by your father he is DF'ed go back and set with your mom, needless to say I stood up during the meeting and knocked this guy on his ass. I knew my ex-wife would keep going to the meetings with my daughter so I decided then to not go anymore and there-by avoid my daughter having to be subjected to that bullshit.
Your reasons to feel good!
by LouBelle init's late on this thursday night and i am sitting in my lounge eating a double cheese burger, naked.
feels good.
love the freedom i have :)
- I can go lay down on my bed any dam time I want and sleep as long as I want.
- I can play on my computer as long as I want.
- My new wife of five years lets me do about anything I want she don't like it but she lets me go have a smoke sometimes.
- My new wife watch's over me if I have seizure from my brain injury, my first wife wined about it.
- I think I am just starting to come to grips with my daughter dieing back in 1994.
- I got a whole bunch of good (Gem games from "Shock Wave").
- I have a completly paid for 1997 Ford 350 pick up truck, I don't drive it much but when I do I feel like I am riding high and I am the Main Man.
- I have a state of the art computer it does everything, it chews nailes spits bullets and shits ice cream.
- I have a new two stage 24 inch snow blower, it throws it far man.
- I have almost built up my Christmas cheer for this year, and soon I will try to find some friends who want to have a drink with me.
- I can still laugh at myself.
What prompts one to become a Jehovah's Witness?
by Quirky1 ini know there are many here that were born into the religion and there are those who have family that were or are involved and that usually sparks an interest.. what about those who become interested by their campaining?
what influenced others here to become a jehovah's witness?.
what influenced you?.
Fear of being smashed at Armagedon, and falling in the big crack in the earth.