Yes by all means it should be legalized for personal and medical use. Alcohol is nasty compared to weed, I personally don't like cookies made with weed because of how they hit me but some people like it that way, I can control the hit better with a drag easyer and test it out to see just how strong it will be for further use, one Dobbie will help me for about three days with mmy medical condition.
If it was legalized than possibly quality control could be instituted so that their would not be stems and seeds in it or some mallet head dusting it with some crap which which all makes for a bad Doobie. There would not be liver disease from smoking weed and I can't imagine people being mean and wearing a tank top with a beer in hand and beating their wife and kids, or having the delirium tremors from it like you get from chronic alcohol abuse.
Women could get through the menopause with out being such a pain to them selfs and others, you don't have to smoke all day pack after pack, like you do with cigarettes to get some kind of relaxation. Fact is, I have a nerologial condition caused from a brain injury with its seizures and I have lost pretty much most of the use of my arm because of it but if I have a good Doobie I feel and can function a lot better, and life in general is a much better
. The medical field knows this also and do you think they want you NOT" depended on them for such things, think about it. I don't toke on Doobies much rarely in fact, because of its not be legal and I don't want to deal with their head trips hassels which stress's me out more, but that is my take on it.