JoinedTopics Started by Cheetos
Has anyone seen the "Lost Compass"
by Cheetos ini found it to be a very good show, i liked it's ablity to show the disgusting attempt religion makes to control peoples lives, its real good so go see it the mormons don't like cause to a limited degree they are a control group butnothing like the witness's you will see what i mean about it's reference to religion, it made me think of the governing body of jehovah's witness's in a big way..
Wilma & Willy Watchtower, the continuing parody (please add to it if you li
by Cheetos in(narrator: wilma and willy are out in the field service four days before christmas) .
willy says: well," because of all these christmas lights on these houses if armageddon came now it would be easy for gods destroyers to find the unworthy ones who will be eaten at the great evening meal of god.
wilma says: oh", yes willy and just think of all the nice houses we can choose from to inhabit once those who opposes the society are killed off, just thinking about the possibility of having my pick of all these nice homes makes me more anxious for the battle to come.. .
My Favorite Holiday Drinks and Goodies (Mary Christmas And Happy New Year)
by Cheetos inmy my my, how time flys and now we are right back to the most wonderful time of the year, i just love to say marry christmas to people at food stores and everywhere else, it seems to brighten their day so much.
it the time when i will play the old movie its a wonderful life, i have seen that show at lest 90 times through out my life, but its just a sweet movie.
now i play the three movies that have tim alan as santa its a good kids movie, but then i do have to also play bad santa its my favorit one too for this time of the year i laugh my arse off each time i see it, old billy bob thornton, he is a riot in that show.
My Favorite Field Service Restaurants and Coffee Spots
by Cheetos inyup good old sambo's restaurant, was great cause back in the day we could go there and for ten cents and of course a tip for the waitress we could have a bottomless cup of coffee and set there and bs most of the day, and then leave our tip and a watchtower and awake and count it as a placement.. .
there was this bowling alley called hill top lanes in my town, that me and a few of us would go to, we would force our selfs to hang with the friends for about an hour or so in field service then we would say that we have a few return visits we have to go to, we would get there and bowel a few games and drink a few beers and then call it a day and of course leave a few old magazines there.
and when i was really young me and this dude would go to the gray hound station and pass out a few tracts then play pin ball till about 1:00 pm and count the time.
Has anyone ever been to the Dee Events Center Utah convention?
by Cheetos ini would love to know if i have any old friends in this forum from my old area i used to live at, it was in the northern utah district, we had our district conventions at the dee events center at weber state university.
i used to be in a lot of dramas a long time ago, until i fell on my head and damaged my brain i lost a big chunk of it on my right frontal lobe and temporal tip, it left me quite fubar at times.
i had so many seizures during the meetings that the seizures were literally killing me, so i stopped going besides being embarrassed by them, i still read the magazines from time to time.. i do my own research sometimes, and yes i know they frown on reading anything that is not printed by them (weird).. oh and don't worry, i am not going to report you to elders for being in this fourm, i have no agenda i just a want a few friends.. .
September Dawn" go see this movie
by Cheetos inyo dudes you have to go see the movie september dawn" being a jehovah's witness's for so many years it struck a raw bone.
i go into the theater there is only two people setting there during the evening showing i live in layton utah minds you this place is infested with mormons, as i walk in, the older couple says welcome to our theater haw haw haw, as i walk in i tell them hey i am not afraid to see this show nee neer nee neer.. the mormons have the same problem with being scared" and influnced by their bishops as we are by our elders, what a joke.. anyway go see this movie you will see what i mean..
How the Governing Body is like Landru - Tounge & Cheek
by Cheetos inenterprise is investigating beta iii, where the u.s.s.
archon disappeared over 100 years before.
when the landing party exhibits strange behavior, kirk sends another party down to investigate.
by Cheetos ini have tried and tried to paste a text i have made fro my ms word program so that it can be spelled right, but to no avail, do i have leprosy or something and have been cast out the city gates?.
What perturbs me most about the Governing Body.
by Cheetos inof all the statements they make its when they make reference to them self's as jehovah.
when they discuss in the their publication about apostates rebelling against jehovah.
no rather its against some of the teaching of jehovah's witness's, but of course they don't see it that way do they.
Thank You For This Web Site
by Cheetos in.
yes - thank you for this web site.
though i have came into this site with many different alias's each time was therapeutic for me, given the chronic depression and many other health problems i have had to deal with, caused in part by the policies of the witness's.