You don’t understand the Bible language and literary device and the meaning of the term God in Bible languages. Also when you are reading an English translation of the Bible. You are reading an interpretation of the translator. Sometimes you can’t put things into exact words of another language. And you need to factor in ( don’t forget) the rest of the Bible.
John was describing the human Jesus in his prehuman form.
In the beginning the Word (JC the first born —don’t forget he had a birth in heaven) existed. And the Word was with T H E D O C T O R, and the word was a doctor. In the Greek language, nouns can be descriptive or adjectives so there is no need for an article in front of doctor. “The Word was God” misrepresents what the scripture is saying because the verse does not say that the Word was THE GOD. It only describes the Word as having a GODlike nature. But the verse is absolutely not saying the Word and THE GOD are the same entity.
That is the best I can do. Again, don’t forget to factor in the test of the Bible