Why bother
That is right. You realize there is no meaningful purpose.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Why bother
That is right. You realize there is no meaningful purpose.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Do you think that nothing has value unless it its eternal?
If God didn’t exist, how does anything have value? —A tasteless, giftless device of evolution. Turn off love, an autopilot and steer the ship yourself. Wild beasts with brains with no meaningful purpose except vengeance. Sons of death in exchange for a sweet epicurean meal. —A fallacy, an illusion, a worthless, meaningless —lie.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Now, the org is simply reactive and no longer proactive.
Hi Magnum,
I enjoy your posts. There is a bigger picture: Jehovah. I trust that everything you believed in was not the org. Hopefully, the org succeeds in helping people draw close to God in an empirical way. For some people it takes longer than others but at some point God should be real in a person’s life.
—-Getting back to the org and the people in it: It is God’s move. Don’t blame the org.
An entire generation has heard the preaching work and died. God has not ended it and he gives evidence to JW that he is still behind it. There is really nothing more to say. if God is not part of this equation then it is all a waste of time but God is part of it and Jw are convinced even if things don’t seem to add up. A witness saw what he saw. He might be mistaken about his conclusions but not mistaken about what he knows empirically is true. Now the inter-lapping and fading generation is waiting fir God to take action but they are not unconvinced.
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Has anyone here ever hear of Barry Horowitz?
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Another word for gobblydook
That is what I originally intended to post.
i've been absent for a while, because i've been focusing more in helping portuguese readers know the truth about jw.
we're trying to form an association in portugal to help people abused by religious and non-religious organisations.
i've also been trying to get a little away of these issues because my life has been really complicated since i slammed the door on jw's face!.
I saw online that there is a Jewish group that is very active in support of Palestine and Palestinian children because Palestinians are believed to be oppressed by the Israeli government. They were asked if they also cared about children in other countries because it appeared that their only concern was alleged oppression by Israelis and the reason behind their concern was the group’s opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel so it boggles the mind if the group had their way against the republic of Israel, would their caring stop altogether and is it just a pretext because they don’t want the State of Israel to exist. It is not that they are wrong by caring about children but are they disingenuous and using the alleged abuse as a pretext?
breaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp 101:00...pay particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
Every JW Elder In State Of Pennsylvania Subpoenaed
Is this a lie?
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
only grammatically possible understanding.
What do you mean by that?
i just heard japan bethel has had a police raid?.
something about children but i don’t know the details .
anyone here got any info on this latest police raid?
I just heard Japan Bethel has had a police raid?
Have not read anything online. Are you lying?