GOD’S TRUTH ON THE MATTER. Research research research
“..spirit goes out, it goes back to God. In that day his thoughts perish”
The way I read the verse is that the life force that animates the person leaves the body and the mortal creature ceases to exist. —That is to say until the creature is resurrected from the dead. But in the meantime the dead know nothing. That is why Job said “all my days of compulsory service I shall wait” and -Lord I know he will rise on the last day-and Jesus was the firstborn to spirit life from the dead. Prior to Jesus the dead were not conscious and needed a resurrection. Same thing after Jesus. The dead still need a resurrection. No point in creating a tree of life if you don’t really die. All creatures are mortal. Only God is Almighty and everlasting. However, God can give a creature immortality. That’s how I read the Bible.