I think the implication is that after waiting in suspense for the gt, it didn’t come and if you feel let down after the suspense keep trying to make disciples. The ones in suspense were the elders the only ones that knew about the secret so that is the message to them.
JoinedPosts by Fisherman
Dean Songer
by Charles Gillette ina long time servant of the watchtower organization died this week.
his name was dean songer.
does anyone have any memories about him that they would like to share with us?
Dean Songer was a good man. Charlie Plaeger (also in writing, I believe) was his roommate.
He, at last got a room to himself in mid 70’s. Truly a remarkable man and an un-song hero, great servant. Flawless in integrity and morality. He was qualified and competent, and worthy to be called an Elder and a Leader. He gave WT his all, everything in his power to give, time, energy, skills, resources. After his work assignment in Bethel, he did physical work at kh projects. Axiomatically an imperfect sinful man but of the same caliber as the apostles Paul or Peter or any of the Bible great patriarchs. A man worthy of honor and respect and laudation. A humble true believer lacking no spiritual fruitage or virtue.
“You must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect.” I observed him and scrutinized him closely. I did not detect flaw in his comportment, temperament, spirituality or morality. Dean Songer lacked nothing—complete. As it was posted, he was amazingly intellectually gifted. One of the greatest JW leaders. Respected and an honor to have known him,
Sign of the Last Days
by Fisherman inin the sermon on the mount, jesus foretold that earthquakes “in one place after another” would be part of the sign of the last days clímaxing in the great tribulation.. what could jesus possibly have meant?
using a phone app nowadays, there are earthquakes detected in one place after another but is this what jesus meant and did they have so many earthquakes throughout the centuries affter his prophecy or are these modern day detected earthquakes unique to this epoch?
how can we be sure unequivocally that modern day earthquakes are part of the sign fulfilling bible prophecy?.
Every prophecy ever made about the end of the world has failed.
The Bible records prophecies of ends of worlds that did come true so that gives support to prophecies about Armageddon that logically also must come true. For example, Jesus foretold the tragic destruction of Jerusalem which amazingly came true, Noah’s flood, the Assyrian destruction of the ten tribe kingdom kingdom, the Babylonian exile of Judah and destruction of the first Temple, the fall and destruction of Babylonian. Given their authenticity, the Armageddon prophecies must also be true from the same book.
“This is my son the beloved. Listen to HIM,”
by Fisherman inthe apostles and early christians suffered and died resulting from listening to jesus and jesus said this would happen.. but is listening to jesus the same as direction from the gb based on interpretation of the bible, for example, in medical treatment or other directions?
a christian could expect death or injury resulting from listening to jesus but should this validate possible erroneous understanding of the bible?
we know that peter was executed because of his christianity and so was jesus by the way.
Tonus, nice post.
But how to determine which of those (if any) is being guided by god?
A voice from heaven or something to that effect.
But even then what troubles some is being Uriah led to the front lines by God’s anointed. Should Uriah not have listened to king David? Would that have been not following theocratic order and displeasing to God?
“This is my son the beloved. Listen to HIM,”
by Fisherman inthe apostles and early christians suffered and died resulting from listening to jesus and jesus said this would happen.. but is listening to jesus the same as direction from the gb based on interpretation of the bible, for example, in medical treatment or other directions?
a christian could expect death or injury resulting from listening to jesus but should this validate possible erroneous understanding of the bible?
we know that peter was executed because of his christianity and so was jesus by the way.
The Apostles and early Christians suffered and died resulting from listening to Jesus and Jesus said this would happen.
But is listening to Jesus the same as direction from the gb based on interpretation of the Bible, for example, in medical treatment or other directions? A Christian could expect death or injury resulting from listening to Jesus but should this validate possible erroneous understanding of the Bible? We know that Peter was executed because of his Christianity and so was Jesus by the way. The issue is, is it necessary to die or be seriously injure?. Obviously, a Christian doesn’t go to a battlefield and kill fellow christians or put herself in a position to be killed by them. —Because that clearly violates the Bible. But how about in other matters of life and death, how do you know you are listening to Jesus?
Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljrfvytjhve&ab_channel=kenjohnson%28biblefacts%29 .
Shoot the messenger Fisherman?
Obviously, God did not anoint himself.
Jehovah, anointed Jesus, his only begotten son( benihaelohim -sons- of God aka angels), the first born of all creation. Almighty God, Jehovah was never born and never a son or a creature. That is nonsensical.
Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljrfvytjhve&ab_channel=kenjohnson%28biblefacts%29 .
A self anointed messiah, funny.
Mental health treatment
by kidchameleon43 ini'm actually not a jw, but i've always been curious about the religion since it always had an esoteric vibe to it.
i was raised catholic, but more than half my life i've struggled with my faith, and therefore, i've defaulted to the agnostic position.. i'm sorry, let me get to my question.
i've struggled with mental illness for most of my life.
I just thought JWs were against mental health treatment and psychiatric care. I thought they fell into the category of Christian Science when it came to mental health.
In the past, JW discouraged going to a shrink. And for good reasons. If you ever have a legal problem, they ask you about your mental history and use it against you and treat you like a metal case in Court. Sadly. WT was also against psychiatric advice that violated the Bible. Maybe they could do better to help a person with the literature, elders, meeting and spiritual program? Spirituality is about the mind.
Nowadays, JW doesn’t discourage seeing a shrink like before but you will still have to deal with a mental health history if you ever see a shrink or take meds for mental illness, when dealing with a legal issue.
However, sometimes a person needs meds or professional help the elders aren’t qualified to provide and it is not wrong or a sin for person to get help and the human thing to do is to have compassion for a person that suffers. I hate to call it mental illness but depression or another disorder. And medication and compassionate counsel from a doctor can make a suffering person feel better.
Do you play the LOTTERY?
by Fisherman injw view gambling as a sin and sadly people get addicted to gambling causing them financial and health problems.
but is playing a couple of bucks a week on some lottery tickets actually gambling?
what do you have to lose?
It has to do with greed,
Nah, it looks bad. Imagine Bethelites and Elders and millions of JW waiting on line to play the lottery and talking about what they would do with the $.
Do you play the LOTTERY?
by Fisherman injw view gambling as a sin and sadly people get addicted to gambling causing them financial and health problems.
but is playing a couple of bucks a week on some lottery tickets actually gambling?
what do you have to lose?
I’ve heard that in other countries not USA, they give you all your money on the spot and no tax. But in the US, they play games when it is time pay. First they tax and deduct as much as they can. If you want all your money you have to settle for what they call a “lump sum” settlement.
I don’t trust the way the pick the numbers either. You don’t even know for sure if you have zero chances to win when you play. I’m sure the games are legit but how would you know if you are not wasting your time and money. Hopefully not —that is for those who play.