JoinedTopics Started by trumangirl
Coming to Terms
by jumper incoming to terms.
my family are deeply indoctrinated in the borg, my parents have been jws since 1963 my sister and brother-in-law and their six children are in, and my brother and sister-in-law are the family?s mascot bethel elder/reg.
Incense Burning - Geez, These Guys Have a Rule For Everything!
by worldlygirl inthere seems to be a problem with incense burning now!
this is from the watchtower website:
a) they are running out of crap to publish.
Who is ?The Man of Lawlessness??
by Love_Truth inwho is ?the man of lawlessness??.
note: i?d like to ask that only those who have an interest in the bible, it?s interpretation, and believe it is at least partially inspired of god respond to this:.
i?ve always been interested in this scripture in 2 thessalonians 2:3-12 (niv): .
The lure of paradise earth?
by little witch incan someone explain to me what the excititment is concerning paradise earth, as the dubs see it?
paradise seems to be the carrot on a stick for witnesses, but little information seems to be offered.
from what little discription they do give it seems to me to be a boring place to be.
Does it ever get easier?
by Surfacing inmy heart is palpitating even as i write this.
it was only recently that i was introduced to this site.
i had long had doubts but could never bring myself to peer over the wall built in my head about the evils of apostates.
food at the assembly
by LukeN inremember a few years ago 97 and down even more there use to be food at the assemblys(not the big rent-astadium ones).
i remember back then probally being 5,6,7,8 they use to give out food like hots hamburgers chips and so.
any idea why there isnt anymore?
The Preaching Work: A Colossal Waste of Time
by Scully in.
many people who post here have had similar experiences to my own: x number of years going door-to-door, informal witnessing, placing books, magazines, doing return visits, but having no one ever come into the truth?
by virtue of their efforts.. members of my own family who are still jws similarly have nothing to show for their trouble of regularly engaging in the ministry over many years (decades, actually).. any guesstimates out there as to how much of your life you wasted participating in the preaching work?
Its that time of the year again
by Nadsam inyou will soon be cordially invited to the kh.
its mem-bore-ial season and the hunt is on.....for you!.
plan your escape today!!!!
my first post in this forum
by trumangirl inhello, just introducing myself.
i'm an inactive witness, been so for a few months now.
got put off mostly by 1914 being hammered more and more lately, the child molestation issue, the un-ngo thing and just feeling like i don't want to shoot my mouth off and get labelled apostate so best to fade out.
by simplesally inas jws, most of were not allowed to partake of the emblems as we were considered unworthy.
only those of the remnant were allowed and expected to partake.
partaking meant you were heaven bound and part of that kingdom ................ well a king so to speak.. but if jw's follow the model...........would anyone have been left out of the meal?