Beck: I could totally picture you in the morning with your description. It was great! Your morning sounds a lot like mine when the kids are in school. It's summer vacation right now still.
So here's what I do in the summer:
Head straight for the bathroom. Even though I probably got up twice during the never fails...I've got to go again...definitely sitting, (we females don't have the luxery of standing!)
Take shower.
Blow dry hair.
Get dressed.
Let my cat out (or in if she decided to stay out all night).
Go into kitchen...sometimes get a bowl or cup of cereal and take it back into the bathroom with me because I'm always in a hurry.
Finish makeup and curl hair (if needed).
Back to kitchen where I can't stand the mess my sons have made the night before after I went to sleep and start picking up dishes and throwing away food wrappers etc.
Head for car about 8:30 to get to work by 8:45 so I can get myself a cup of coffee, which is already made by another coworker, before starting the day at 9:00. Coffee: 1 cup, flavored creamer w/1 tsp sugar.
During school starts much earlier and my morning sounds a lot like Beck's! LOL