Monday morning my 14 y/o son was having severe abdominal pain in the lower right abdomen...diagnosis....appendicitis. Needless to say an emergency appendectomy was performed. All went very well as they did the procedure laparoscopicly and therefore he went home in 24 hours and is recovering nicely.
My question/thought to others is this: I was DF'd 2 years ago. My ex-husband has not attended meetings in nearly a year, but claims to still be a "believer." Of course, as in any emergency medical situation, the blood issue is approached. The forms to sign were presented. When I was a JW and very strong, denying the intake of any blood was an easy decision for me...NO WAY! Now when faced with the possibility of my son being in a situation where it might be necessary to sustain his life, my decision was a no-brainer.....absolutely! Do what you have to do! His father was annoyed with me when I verbalized this as we read the I gave him the form and said, "Here, read it and you tell me what you would do in a situation if they said our son may die without it." He then presented me with the what ifs....what if he gets AIDS or hepatitis and has complications from the blood and dies anyway...then who bears the responsibility for his death then? Well, I refuted his questions and said he is my son, I want him to have life now as I no longer believe in life everlasting...Life is today! He then hands the form to me and says, "I won't take any sign." I might mention my son was baptized when he was 10. As he laid there in pain awaiting surgery I asked him how he felt about the possibility of needing and taking blood...he said, "I don't care, it's fine with me." So I signed the form with no regrets. Well, as I stated above, all went well and the need for blood was never an issue....I'm glad, as this means there was minimal blood loss and he'll recover faster.
I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in this type of situation and how you handled it? What were your feelings and thoughts at the time you were faced with this?
Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.
This is the first time I've ever started a topic... Thank you for reading/responding.