(good time waster, art) (Funny, insulting)) (Jack Handey-isms) (good time waster, art) (Funny, insulting)) (Jack Handey-isms)
hi i am new here.
:^) this is such a large messaging forum, does anyone have any suggestions on where to start?
Welcome!! Good to have you here. Glad you got out of the Apostate religion of the jaydubyuz!!
"Only a life lived for others is worth living."
-- Albert Einstein.
hi dear friends....... .
one question.... what will you do next april 04, sunday?........
i know you have a lot of ideas for being so far from the kh that day, and not attending the memorial.
Me and other ex-JWs in this area observe the Memorial every year, so this year we will do so as well.
We read the relevant passages from the Bible, pray over the Bread and Wine, and we partake of each, until the bread and wine are gone.
This is the ONLY observance Christians are COMMANDED to keep. That is why we do so.
i was just surfing and found their definition of jehovah witnesses: a protestant denomination (!?!?
protestant denomination
But, of course.
here's an idea, post a poem you enjoy or created yourself. catch, make it three lines only.. .
it doesn't have to be great poetry...for example here's mine.. .
You wanna turn this into an insult thread,
go ahead.
I'll bury you.
witnesses love to use the scripture at matthew 24:9 where jesus says that, "and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
" as "proof" that since they are disliked by most of the world that they are in fact approved as god's chosen people.. isn't it interesting that people "hate" jehovah's witnesses not on account of jesus' name but on account of jehovah's?
so, technically speaking, jehovah's witnesses do not fulfill this prophecy.. later in verses 23-26 it says this: "then if anyone says to you, ?look!
Excellent post!!
That's exactly what happens when you study the Bible as it was meant to be studied- without the WTC or any other religion's "blinders" on- you see the REAL MEANING!!
here's an idea, post a poem you enjoy or created yourself. catch, make it three lines only.. .
it doesn't have to be great poetry...for example here's mine.. .
Ode to SixofNine(#1)
SixofNine, who counterfeits folly,
a professional jester and buffoon,
a retainer formerly kept to make sport.
Ode to SixofNine(#2)
Dressed fantastically in motley,
with ridiculous accoutrements.
Gotta love the poor toothless boy.
it would be interesting and insightful to have an idea of what poetry or song lyrics each of us feels to be the epitomy of the art, something that stirs us and has deep meaning.
this is one of my (many) favorites:.
Yep, that's another oldie but goody. I always find this song by Bob Marley very stirrring (reminds me of why I left the JWs, as many of his songs do):
Old pirates yes they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the almighty
We forward in this generation
All I ever had, is songs of freedom
Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fullfill the book
Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs
Redemption songs, redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but oursekves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Yes some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fullfill the book
Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs
All I ever had, redemption songs
These songs of freedom, songs of freedom
here's an idea, post a poem you enjoy or created yourself. catch, make it three lines only.. .
it doesn't have to be great poetry...for example here's mine.. .
OK, I wrote this a month or two ago, and posted it on a Politics board I used to frequent. It is on the subject of politics, and is a series of three haikus:
Liberal Haiku #1:
I want, hate, gimme
Soul-less me, Cowardly me
I am narcissist
Liberal Haiku #2:
I must speak falsehood
My relative morals no guide
Don?t prove me a liar
Liberal Haiku #3:
I spit on the brave
For my freedom I won?t fight
I am Liberal
it would be interesting and insightful to have an idea of what poetry or song lyrics each of us feels to be the epitomy of the art, something that stirs us and has deep meaning.
this is one of my (many) favorites:.
I remember that one, too. That's another good one.