I was in grade five when our teacher read "A Wrinkle in Time" to us, and I remember being very alarmed at first, as my "bible trained conscience" warned me that this was crossing the evil line, and I asked to be excused. My teacher refused, explaining that this was a lovely book, and I guiltily started to enjoy the book, and looked forward to it very much.
My brother was dying of a brain tumor at this time, and I cried and cried at the passage you just quoted, as I wanted so badly to bring my brorher back, and was unable to help him. I felt like i had let him down, and it was somehow my fault.
I loved the Narnia books, and read them guiltily, noticing the parallels even back then at that tender age.
I have just recently bought the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and when I get time will read them. I remember visiting an elders wife who encouraged me to read them, and being shocked, and telling her my conscience wouldn't allow it. I also judged her for reading "bodice rippers" romances, but then with much guilt secretly read hers at her house.