JoinedTopics Started by cyber-sista
What is the WTs latest stand on education/college?
by cyber-sista inmy jw niece quit college a short time ago and didn't finish her degree, which she seems very excited about and took on a menial job, which she doesn't too happy about, according to my father.
my father (not a jw) is wondering what happened and if it is possibly something "the church" is now promoting.
when my daughter went to a 2 year college i had some negative comments from those in the congo.
Wife Abuse
by ZeroZen injws from what ive read seem to be very sexest they dont let women have a voice in the religion, and my friend said he was talking to a member and he said it is ok to hit and abuse your wife is this true?
JW's and antidepressants
by karter inmy jw wife was telling me how much better a sister was now shes on prozac it turns out half the congo is on it .
it appears jehovah's happy people are not so happy after all.
why did the "demons" only go after those "strongin the truth"
by looloo ini heard that when a "strong " jw supposedly had demon problems (it was probably just the wind in reality) but i also heard that demons affected the ones that were "weak" and were not regular at meetings etc perhaps because they had second hand furniture lol
Hitchens with Maher - JWs highest turnover rate.
by Mincan in
apologies if this has been posted already..
BIG NEWS - UK Gov't to Stop Watchtower Blood Teaching?
by skeeter1 inthis below just came up on the wire and is higher in rank than the globe articlethe watchtower is going into spin control overtime rules could threaten charity status of jehovah's witnesses.
religious intelligence ltd, uk - 19 minutes ago.
several jehovahs witnesses charities in the uk expressed concern that the draft guidance could affect their beliefs on blood transfusion.
Has the Org gone witch-hunting those who are gone, but not Dfd?
by cyber-sista inhey it's been awhile since i've left--almost 5 years now!
i haven't visited this site for quite a while now.
i was never dfd, but i have little contact with anything to do with jws.
Need some advice
by KICKED OUT ini have not been on here in a long time but i have always valued the advice of everyone, so here goes.....i am dfd and my wife has never been a part of the org.
we are getting ready to have our first child in may.
my mother who is now living in patterson(at one of the motherships) speaks to me every 1 to 2 years.
So... is everyone here an x JW? Or currently??
by Elyse867 ini'm a fader myself.... mentally exhausted from thinking of all the reasons why i've given up the "truth" and then the whole "what if" bs... anyway, welcome me, i'm new.
Did the Watchtower screw up your life ?
by JH inon a scale from 1 to 10, to what degree did they screw up your life ?
let it be the watchtower or the jw's... 10 is the maximum.
i'd say 7.