Our job as Witness recruiters was to identify the mark's vulnerability and build our presentation's on those. Fears and resentments were sure bets to build on.
Exactly Gary,
Yes, we were trained to seek out those who were "moaning and groaning over the system of things" In fact that was a criteria for becoming a witness--dissatisfaction and unhappiness with life in general are symtoms related to people in mental distress.
I was one of these people caught in the midst of major post partum depression (You want you baby to live a healthy and happy life don't you? You don't want your baby to die do you was the line that hooked me as and fed upon my paranoia and insecurity at the time--along with my other dysfunctional thinking.
Guilt, paranoia, social phobias, low self esteem and insecurties are all symtoms played upon in WT indoctrination program.
It is easy to manipulate people who are already down and continue to do so by keeping them down (as good for nothing slaves)
The only aspect of a witnesses life that he is allowed to feel proud about and to find strength in is his one minded association with the WT Organization. This is how they build up the strong loyalty and fierce protectiveness shown for the organization by some of its members For many if you take their WT away they have no strength to make it on their own--they have been trained (brainwashed) in that way and that is why is is so hard to make the break--yet some do manage it.
Your fellow escapee,