I think I agree in principle with your statement and I definitely agree with your emotive response. But I'd just have a word of caution, sometimes laws like that have unintended negative consequences. For instance, if a child knew that there would be criminal proceedings if they told anyone about the abuse they suffered they might be less likely to report it at all to anyone.
That's the way it was for me. I was in counseling through most of my early teens because I was so messed up (suicidal) by the sexual abuse I endured as a preteen and I never told any of my counselors about the sexual abuse, because of fear and because I knew if I did they were legally obligated to report it and then I'd have to go through it all again in a criminal trial. All I want(ed) to do was forget it. I don't know. I don't have any answers. But sometimes laws like that keep people from getting help.