On top of the condesending manner, the invite also provides only 3 possible choices but doesn`t identify Jesus as the `Saviour` for mankind as I understand that most if not all Christian religions consider him to be.
JoinedPosts by Incognito
Emblem stupidity, and the bizarre dance of the confused memorial-taker
by cedars inwell, i went along to the memorial with mrs cedars.
it was my first since my "awakening" just less than a year ago.
apparently i made a lot of people happy by being there (even if it was only building up false hopes), the most important of which were my family.
Any actual Witnesses here?
by trthskr ini found this site hoping to read topics submitted by jw's so i could learn more, but it just seems to be everyone else here except them.
just about every topic and member is just bashing jw's and their teachings.
this site should be renamed "jwbashertrolls.net".
AGuest said:
That's simply because the owner hasn't changed the name to keep up with the changes that have taken place. Could be a bit misleading, yes...
MANY aren't what the title purports it to be.
Peace to you and everyone here!
In actuality, the name of this web site is not misleading and doesn't need to be changed as the main purpose of this site is discussion of the "Jehovah's Witnesses" religion and the Watchtower B&TS.
The Home page of this site states:
The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!
As far as who can post here, all are welcome, JW and non-JW alike. Of course, we are all to act with civility while adhering to the rules of conduct stipulated by the owner of this forum.
As you know, JW's, as per WT rules, are discouraged from using the internet, particularly with regard to JW topics or religion in general. Many JW's that were previously running websites, even those in good standing and with a "YaY, YaY, Jehovah's way" message, were pulled in the back room and told by the Elders to 'Shut it down'. Those that were not counselled two/three on one were otherwise counselled through talks from the platform.
Adhering to WT dictates leaves individual JW's with really no place to express their personal opinions or views. The odd few JW sites that do remain, often use the tactic expressed by trthskr,
... and just delete anyone's account who would spread their hate and lies.
so anyone making any statement that didn't conform to the WT party line is immediately deleted along with their postings.
JW's posting the party line here are expected to back-up their position yet when they won't, they often claim that they are being picked-on and are not welcome to post here.
The forum does not represent itself as an official WT sanctioned site, but some newbie's posting here initially make claim that the site name is dishonest. The WT didn't regester the site name so it was open and available when Simon created the forum.
It appears many JW's don't conduct proper research or at least read through postings before joining an internet forum and then they cry FOUL when they don't get their ears tickled with the same old regurgited message heard at the Kingdom Hall. I guess that their research and investigation skills are only as good as what the WT has taught them.
The OP calls himself 'trthskr' yet he/she doesn't seem to be seeking real truth, but only what the WT's definition of 'Truth' happens to be today.
He/she also said:
I found this site hoping to read topics submitted by JW's so I could learn more
He/she isn't trying to learn more as he/she seems to know all of the answers although he/she won't provide direct answers to questions asked. I've seen this same tactic used numerous times by other JW's on this forum. When asked for specific references, quotes or other substantiating proof, they skirt and talk around the issue or change the subject at hand instead of replying directly, yet they keep letting on that they have provided an appropriate response. They seem to have an attitude that they are above everyone else and they don't need to answer to anyone.
It's interesting that there are often non-JW's viewing this site interested in knowing about the JW religion. After seeing how self professed JW's typically respond to challenges to their faith and how unchristian like they treat others, I've seen where some have said that they were so glad they came here before becoming involved with the JW religion.
Although trthskr doesn't claim to be a JW in any form, he/she sure portrays the mannerisms and attitude of a JW and defends the WT position - more than any only interested person would ever display or do.
Most JW's posting here have a mission to correct everyone else, proclaiming the WT party line regardless of whatever contradictary evidence is presented. A JW that is honestly searching for truth, would not respond to any topic raised here without at least doing some basic independent background investigation into the matter. It's only an odd few when challenged to do so, will actually look deeper into matters.
Review the long posting history of 'SwordOfJah' as one such example. After over 300 postings, here was an 'A-HA' moment for him:
How long did Conventions used to be?
by donuthole ini remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
The longest 'conventions' I remember were 8 days. In those days, they would typically start at 9 or 9:30 in the morning and end at 9pm except for the final day which was 5 or 6pm. It probably ended at 5 but after the final long winded prayer, it was so much later. As a child, the convention seemed to last forever and the final prayer was an act of torture.
Larger conventions were usually a distance from home for us. I can recall one being 300 miles away in Ottawa but there were a few that were about 110+ miles each way, over the border well into Buffalo, NY. The Buffalo ones went to 9pm and as there was a shortage of accommodations, we drove each day in August heat with no A/C while fully dressed for the 'program'. By the time we were home, it was midnight only to be up again early (5am) the next same day to do it all again.
As there wasn't enough parking at the convention site, we sometimes would park in Fort Erie and take one of W/T hired school bus shuttles the remaining distance to the convention.
One time, when we were driving the entire distance, we gave a ride to a visiting Sister that was originally from Bahamas or some other tropical location. At the border, she wasn't permitted entry into the USA as she didn't bring along the required documents so we left her there and carried-on to the convention. I don't recall what became of her.
Later there were a few international conventions at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Although in 1984 there was a more local one held in London, Ontario, we were good and obedient lemmings and attended the one we were assigned. What hell that was.
Anyone remember the big 'THRILL' of seeing other cars on the highway that displayed YHWH or had a 'Watchtower' taped to the rear window?
Does your product contain blood? 1960/70's twottery!!
by punkofnice inback in the 1960's early 70's i remember my congregation going on a witch hunt and making a list of products, ice creams, confectionary or anything that might contain blood!.
i remember one zealous brother asking an ice cream vendor if the ice cream contained blood.
the vendor just looked gone out!.
Yes, Hershey chocolate was one that was rumored in the 60's & 70's, to contain blood because of containing 'lecithin'. I do not recall any other brands (ie: Mars) being boycotted.
Most lethicin is sourced from soy beans but some is derived from animal sources such as egg yolk. Some witnesses thought that animal source meant from the animal's blood. It seems, many JW's didn't bother to research what lecithin is but they were happy to pass-on whatever scandolous rumor they heard.
Other products not for JW consumption were certain brands of deli meat & wieners such as 'Maple Leaf' whereas brands such as 'Schniders' were OK as they were 'Kosher'.
Certain brands of pet food were also suspect as was some household or construction adhesives made from animal sources (ie: horses).
I think many witnesses initiate statements due to paranoia or ignorance as do some in general. Unfortunately, many of those statements perpetuate throughout the JW organization due to who else may have repeated them (ie: a CO, DO etc). If someone of rank within the organization said it, it generally is accepted without question. If the info is coming from one of these prominent sources, of course, rank & file witnesses better accept and comply.
I think that many witnesses are looking for some excitement or importance so rumour and heresay such as 'did you hear '____' deli meat contains blood' seems to be enough excitement to satisfy and often provides the teller with some sense of importance.
Isn't it stange how yesterday's 'truth' that no part of blood was to be used, has now been replaced with the use of blood fractions being a conscience matter. If lethicin had been derived from blood, it would probably have been a very minor fraction at best. To my knowledge, the Bible has not been updated by its Author to make allowances for modern technological advances.
It's also funny (sad) that a rumor circulated almost 40 years ago, still pops into my head when I'm looking at deli meat or wieners in the grocery store.
How many of us check the obits for JW relatives' names?
by Scully ini have jw relatives who are getting on in years.
the relationship is very strained - very little communication, and frankly i'm getting exasperated being the only one making any effort to maintain it.. several years ago, when a non-jw relative passed away, it took several days before the custodian of the information (a jw) decided to send me an email to inform me - you read that correctly - i was informed, not over the phone, but via email.
a couple of years go by, and in the meantime, a jw sibling has a baby, and again i learn that i was left uninformed about the pregnancy and the birth until well after the fact.
In addition to Google, I often use sites such as this one http://www.legacy.com/TheStar/Obituaries.asp?Page=OBITFINDERRESULTS which searches the Obit announcments of the larger newspapers within the US & Canada. Many smaller papers are not listed.
You can narrow the locations checked by State or Province and if you insert "Kingdom Hall" or "Jehovah" in the Keyword field, all obit text will be searched for those words. Include the quote marks in the keyword search to search for multiple words together.
Often announcements will state that a Memorial Service is to be held at the 'Kingdom Hall' without mentioning 'of Jehovah's Witnesses' or if the service is held elsewhere, it may state that the person was 'a loyal servant of Jehovah' or something similar, so you may need to search both keywords seperately.
Unfortunately, the site only displays obit announcments for up to one year otherwise, there is usually a fee for fully viewing older archived announcements.
*FREE* Kindle edition of Evolution book!
by 3Mozzies infree kindle edition of evolution bookby jerry coyne - why evolution is true .
added: tuesday, 06 september 2011 at 8:30 am.
If you use the free Calibre e-book management & conversion software http://calibre-ebook.com/ , it should be able to be compatible with Kobo and most other e-book formats.
Honduras plane crash - So much for divine protection
by JWinprotest innot sure if anyone has started a thread on this.
here's an article on the plane crash in honduras.
the article mentions that the man from toronto that died moved to honduras along with his wife two years ago and joined other jehovah's witnesses to teach bible studies.. when tragedies fall on those leading immoral lives they are very quick to point out that perhaps it was a result of losing god's divine protection.
Here are a few links to news reports on the crash.
The first link contains many JW comments about sympathy for the brothers. Too bad JW's don't show the same level of concern for non-JWs undergoing similar tragedy.
Jehovah's Witnesses - Once Again the Fastest Growing Faith in the U.S.
by davidl7 inaccording to the latest statistics published by the ncc in its yearbook of american and canadian churches, the jehovah's witnesess had the highest growth rate, in 2010 growing 4.37%.
this is, i believe, is the 4th year in a row, that the witnesses had the highest growth rate.
roman catholics grew by less than 1%, as did most of the other churches listed.
1) Where does the NCC obtain their information? The link states: Ranked 20th in size, the Jehovah’s Witnesses denomination reported a 4.37 percent gain in membership, with 1,162,686 members total. So the WT reports the growth rate which is not verified by the NCC?
2) Is the same growth calculation criteria used throughout all reporting denominations?
3) What does the WT use as an indicator of growth? Baptisms, Field Service reports (15 minutes reported once every three months), number of seats filled on average, number of seats filled at the memorial?
4) Are walk-aways, DF'd, DA'd, deaths subtracted from the growth figures?
5) Are the figures accurate or are they doctored to bring prominence to the report?
It's interesting that JWs were included within the groups named following this statement: But a few church bodies, regarded as cults by some Christians, continue to increase in size.
Is that podium thing unique to JW's? Do they build them?
by InterestedOne ini was wondering about that half-table/half-podium thing that jw's use on the platform.
is that unique to jw's & do they build them, like shakers had their own furniture?.
Actually, the proper use of the word Podium refers to a raised platform that is stood upon. A Lectern is a slanted book support.
I think some dictionaries recognize that the incorrect term has been commonly used and have included a link to Lectern within the Podium definition, as shown here: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/podium
I recall hearing (unconfirmed) that the two/three tier style of lectern commonly seen in KHs are either built at Bethel (and I assume sold to the Cong) or are built by a brother in business to make such items.
"All generalizations are false, including this one."
by Mr. Falcon inthe above mark twain quote made me think about some of the comments i heard this weekend during the watchtower study.
several commentors alluded to the seeming ignorance of "wordly" people as regards bible knowledge.
comments such as "people who go to churches don't know the bible like we do, so they may go to church and afterwards say that was a very good sermon.
I first read this post a few hours ago.
Mr. Falcon said:
... the manner in which people in "Christendom" worship God by "flailing their arms around." I'm not sure what this meant exactly or what sect they were referring to, but the audience thought it was a hoot and yukked it up.
I didn't know what it meant either, and then I was doing something else and it hit me. Hand and arm movements - in the Sign of the Cross.