Maybe each of the GB receive their own I'D ring. This could be similar to the Masonic rings Master Mason's wear to signify their degree and indicate their solidarity to the brotherhood.
JoinedPosts by Incognito
Frieking Bethel Heavies/COs and their second rings!
by lambsbottom indude, every picture i see of any bethel heavies or gb members (a lot of cos also) have them wearing a second huge gold ring!
this is a clear sign of "hey i'm a bigshot!
" you just dont see that in interviews of celebrities or politicials.
Has anyone else heard this about the GB??
by FeelingFree inok so me and my husband were talking to his mum again about why we are no longer going to meetings and got into another pointless discussion where she feels he needs to talk to an elder about his issue's blah, blah, blah... round and round it went...... the thing i wanted to ask was if anybody had heard that there wont be any gb after these one's die??
this is something she mentioned today and we have never heard of this ever.
so it means no more will be appointed and they will just die off!
Apognophos said:
It seems that they're now teaching that, because the end has to come before the overlapping generation dies, then the last anointed ones will be whisked up to heaven by flaming chariots or what-not.
Until they start teaching that a 'generation' includes overlappers to the overlappers .....
by Terry ini stumbled on to this on youtube.. i began watching it.
at first i thought it was funny.. then, something changed.
i began to realize two things.. first of all, there are 2 sides to this, and both sides have a point.. if law enforcement does not have a legal right to stop and question you .
Hi Terry,
What is the video? You didn't post the link.
Famous Witnesses
by startingover13 ini've been doing some research about famous witnesses.
some were raised and eventually left, while others came in as adults.
they range from sports players, musicians, and entertainers.
Red Shea (deceased) (Lead Guitar) and Rick Haynes (aka Rick Dutkiewicz. aka Rick Dutt) (Bassest), bandmembers with Gordon Lightfoot band.
Crazy Sounding Story
by piztjw inlast sunday after sitting through the ca an eldurr whom i know related this story about the warwick compound construction, as related to him by someone who had just returned from their tour of duty.. "the property is over-run with rattlesnakes.
so there are assigned brothers who catch and release them off property.
they won't kill them.
This newspaper article from July 2013 ( ) states that rattlesnake dens are located less than 1 mile away from the WT property.
Crazy Sounding Story
by piztjw inlast sunday after sitting through the ca an eldurr whom i know related this story about the warwick compound construction, as related to him by someone who had just returned from their tour of duty.. "the property is over-run with rattlesnakes.
so there are assigned brothers who catch and release them off property.
they won't kill them.
This WT document stated in 2013 that an errosion control barrier is to be installed which would ALSO provide a perimeter of protection for wildlife including Timber Rattlesnakes.
As errosion control is the primary purpose for the barrier, protection of wildlife is an added benefit.
Crazy Sounding Story
by piztjw inlast sunday after sitting through the ca an eldurr whom i know related this story about the warwick compound construction, as related to him by someone who had just returned from their tour of duty.. "the property is over-run with rattlesnakes.
so there are assigned brothers who catch and release them off property.
they won't kill them.
This government document mentions Timber Rattlesnakes are located throughout the area but also states there are no dens known on the WT site.
The document also mentions fencing but it appears to be only required for vegetation removal, clearing, grubbing and grading operations occuring during certain times of the year.
Since the snakes are prevalent in the area, this seems to suggest that some snakes maybe present but as no known dens are believed to be on the site, this seems to contradict the story that the property is over-run.
Looking for a new razor
by Theredeemer inany suggestions on a new razor?
i kind of want to try a safety double edge but im so used to the store brand razors.
any one here own a safety doubleedge or a straight edge?.
I too am considering a double edge safety razor. I am currently using one of the big brand multi blade versions but find that even though the head follows the contours of my face, the shave is not as close as what is acheived with fewer blades.
Men shaving with a safety razor, shaving mug & brush has recently grown in popularity.
Here is one of the ads from the top of this thread post:
There are various distributors of men's specialty shaving products online including ebay.
by NAVYTOWN inthe jws make such a big deal about not taking (eating) blood in any form.
that being the case, shouldn't they avoid eating steaks?
even a well- done steak still contains the animals blood.
I've heard the excuse (justification) - 'It's not blood, it's juice'. WTH
My responce - 'What juice do you think is in an animal?'
With JW's, they make a big deal over certain things instead of recognizing the intended purpose.
The bible prohibition on blood was dietary and had to do with God allowing humans to eat meat but to keep in mind the significance of life including that of an animal. The act of pouring the blood on the ground was not due to blood being unhealthy but to outwardly show the animal's 'killer' as having respect for the life of the animal.
Low Disk Space Persists
by compound complex inmy c drive is running out of space.
and to my surprise the low disk space problem persists after i free up disk space on my computer.
i uninstalled a lot of programs.i thought that i have free space on my c drive.
As Witness My Fury suggested, right click on your 'Recycle Bin' icon on your desktop and then choose 'Empty Recycle Bin'.
If you don't do that, files that you think you have deleted, have actually been moved to the Recycle Bin and continue to consume space on your hard drive.
One piece of software that I find effective is Tony Arts - EASY CLEANER. In addition to identifying unnecessary files on your drive, it also makes it easy to clear the browser cache and also identify programs that load on startup which usually slow the operation of the computer. Often, there is little benefit for many of these programs to run in the background so you may easily delete their entry in the startup file.
Easy Cleaner needs to be run by the computer's Administrator. After installation, right click the Easy Cleaner icon and choose 'Run As Administrator'.