we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month)
Who is the "WE" that give them $600/month when you refer to the $400-$500 the congregation gives as a "plus"?
because of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month)
Who is the "WE" that give them $600/month when you refer to the $400-$500 the congregation gives as a "plus"?
i just googled "most accurate bible in the world" and got new world translation as the answer.
I Googled "most accurate bible translation" and got KJV at the top of the "Answers" dot com list. It may depend on the search words included as JWs may often use "in the world' in their claims.
"Bing" search shows Tetragrammatin at the top and the NWT Wikipedia JW claims page is shown as the 2nd listing.
at our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months.
it's expected this will continue to happen.
the "branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines.
While lack of contributions was implied as the reason, I think it likely that shorting the magazine order maybe a method being initiated to have publishers start downloading and printing mags on their own printers. This could be an idea initiated by the WT, an overzealous CO or COBE. As it appears more than one congregation is experiencing similar, it is more likely not just the local COBE's idea.
While the OP didn't state how many mags were shorted, I expect a 'realistic' number for placement were supplied so that members would be forced to print or access a digital version for their families personal use.
As time progresses, expect to see less and less paper documents supplied by WT with an eventual expectation (requirement) that 'Publishers' print literature themselves for placement D2D.
i guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Does anyone know if the new 'forgiven loans' arrangement is in-place around the world or only in certain locations? I recall, the literature donation arrangement was not initiated in all countries when initially implemented but was phased-in world wide over time.
We have not attended in almost a decade and we prefer not to discuss JW/WT matters with our JW relations - the ones that do still talk to us.
watchtower, study edition, september 2015, "are you reaching the stature that belongs to christ?":.
paragraph 6: the mature christian shows humility in that he recognizes that jehovahs ways and standards are always better than his own.
[footnote: for example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities.].
As they consider their positions as chosen by God, their positions as GB & FDS will carry on until death.
While they may train others as Hold Me - TM suggests, a trainee will not assume replacement of a GB member until that GB member passes on.
Previous head honchos ( WT Presidents) up until Fred Franz were presidents until death. During Franz's rein, power was removed from the President and was transferred to the GB so the President then became less significant and therefore replaceable without consequence.
oh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
My thought is that instead of the ring having significance to membership in an outside group such as Masons, the GB may have had rings designed and made for themselves and their 'helpers'. Possessing such a ring could then identify the wearer as a member of the exclusive JW leadership. Since JWs are so fixated on position, differences in color or design could then denote rank or position.
I expect that even if true, anyone in the know would never verify. Just as elders possess their manual which at least earlier on, they were instructed to deny the existence of and not show to anyone, membership rings could more easily be kept a secret since there are so few that would possess one and copies could not be easily made.
i know there are many posts discussing the may money requesting televangalism...er... broadcast i mean!
but i wanted to start one where anyone can put what they have heard any non-exjw, non-apostate witnesses say good or bad about the broadcast.
i don't see how it can't rattle followers... but then again i might be surprised how they can twist things (2+2=5).
The WT has a long history of demanding JWs to do more preaching as they are not 'doing enough', with many JWs responding with increased ministry hours, if even on a temporary basis.
I think the current GB think those same manipulative tactics will work in obtaining more money, but it appears that they have overstepped what is acceptable.
It appears many R&F JWs are complaining about the May broadcast and stating their reluctance to continue donating. Hopefully, enough will withhold donations but unfortunately, many will give-in to the guilt tactics and provide at least what they had previously. There are too many that have invested too much of their lives and will not consider that this is not Jah's organization.
While JWs tend to be 'frugal', the WT didn't bring in almost $1 Billion per average year if no one was donating.
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: http://strawpoll.me/4340636 just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
Are those that are posting their ages in this thread, being included in the straw poll?
Currently, there are only 76 votes indicated on the polling site but as it appears to permit only one vote per IP, how are households with multiple ex-jws to participate?
Pretty gross. I've heard you guys referring to dancing at the kh's....what was that about??
Although less dancing than some videos I've seen, linked below is one example.
i watched some of the segments on the jw broadcast.
in the video they showed how they managed their inventory orders for the congregations.
at the conclusion it was stated by the narrator how god is speeding up the work.. the problem is the system they implemented has been used for over two decades in logistics.
Long gone are the days when the wtbs was an innovator.
Who said it was ever an innovator? Oh yes, that's right - the WTBTS said it about itself.
It also said it is God's earthly organization.
Outlaw: The hot dog stand photo would have been most effective with a long line of customers waiting to be served, unlike the other photo.