Although this will be limited to Australian nationals, it will still run into the millions I suspect!
While it maybe limited to Australia initially, I suspect other countries will be watching and may use the ARC as an example to follow.
i have some feeling about the am2015 leak and the recent building stop story going arround.. it wouldn't surprise me that the information is a calculated leak.. - jw's are informal informed about the changes and adopt them informal.. - the building stop influences the concience of jw's for donating more money.. at the other hand, maybe there has occured a financial disaster for example they invested bilions in volkswagen.. gorby.
Although this will be limited to Australian nationals, it will still run into the millions I suspect!
While it maybe limited to Australia initially, I suspect other countries will be watching and may use the ARC as an example to follow.
first a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc.
it is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
here are two examples of what i mean:.
It is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
Since they claim God guides and directs their actions and provides nu-lite as he sees fit, any policy or doctrine changes, are attributed to God's will. The GB feel they have made no mistakes or errors as they are only following God's direction. Nothing to apologize for.
this photo was on jw-archive.. sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers.
this was in a english speaking group in slovenia .
i feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt!
You now have to meet or exceed the national avg. or in our hall over 10 hours a month.
It's funny, for as long as I can recall, the National average has been 10 hours although JWs in the 70s & 80s seemed to be more gungho at going d2d than they are now.
I can recall when midweek evening witnessing was practiced. Although not many actually participated in that, there was generally one or two from each bookstudy group. I also recall going d2d into the early afternoon, not worrying about coffee breaks or stopping at noon.
I suspect, similar to the expenses reported at a Circuit Assembly do not reflect the true costs, the 10 hour N average is not the true average, but is a means to get the rank and file to do a little more. Most r&f witnesses are probably doing 4-8 hours/month, assuming they actually get out for 2 hours - 2X to 4X each month. I think in actuality, the hours reported involve 'creative' time keeping.
this photo was on jw-archive.. sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers.
this was in a english speaking group in slovenia .
i feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt!
due to a lack of qualified brothers.
So what qualifications are required to pass microphones?
I was given that "privilege" as an unbaptised teenager at around 13 onwards as were other teens of that age. I think that job was used as an incentive to involve teens and keep them awake at the meeting since no one wanted to mess-up and delay getting the mic to whoever was called upon.
Somehow, the job as 'mic handler' became another means of control, for only those that qualified.
The term 'Spiritual Men' has nothing to do with spirituality but only describes those that will adhere unquestionably to whatever WT demands they need to do.
without giving up to much info about myself.
does anyone know where i could get a list of circuit assembly dates and locations for the western united states.
you all know that my brainwashed wife is still in.
Blondie's post links to the convention schedule. As the 2015 conventions in USA and Canada have all occurred, those countries are no longer shown.
If your one day is being held today at the most local Assembly Hall, there will likely be another tomorrow or next weekend.
without giving up to much info about myself.
does anyone know where i could get a list of circuit assembly dates and locations for the western united states.
you all know that my brainwashed wife is still in.
Are you asking about a Circuit Assembly or Regional Convention?
Circuit Assemblies are generally held at an assembly hall. As they are now a one day event, if your other event is on Saturday, then there should be another CA on Sunday or on the following weekend.
abuse redress depends on god: jehovah's witnesses..
the jehovah's witnesses will only compensate survivors of sex abuse if god tells them to, a royal commission has been told.. senior church figure geoffrey jackson told the sex abuse royal commission that any changes the jehovah's witnesses made to their rules and doctrine had to be informed by god.. mr jackson said god's word is accessed through the bible and the church's first-century interpretation of it.. chief commissioner peter mcclellan asked him on friday if the church would be willing to take part in a joint scheme with other institutions to provide financial redress to abuse survivors.. mr jackson told him the church would need to see that "nothing was scripturally against us doing that", but it was something that was not totally out of the "option pool".. the commission is also examining why none of the church's 1006 australian child abuse cases in a 50-year period was reported to police.. mr jackson said there was a biblical underpinning to the practice on not going to police, but the church would comply with secular law if reporting to police was mandatory.. he also quoted the bible to defend the exclusion of women from decision-making roles in the jehovah's and to argue that the rule of needing two witnesses to prove any wrong doing had strong scriptural basis.. he said women would never hold leadership roles in the jehovah's witness because the bible forbids it, quoting scripture which warns against women in the congregation becoming over excited and arguing with the church leaders.. justice mcclellan stressed it was important for women to be involved in deciding if a sex abuse allegation was true and in the support of victims.. a member of the church's new york based governing body which interprets and spreads the word to its eight million global followers, mr jackson said there was a possibility of considering the involvement of women.. he stopped short of apologising to those abused by elders but said it's "perceivable" the church would apologise if there was a collective decision.. counsel for the commission angus stewart, sc challenged mr jackson on the scriptural basis for needing two witnesses to a sexual assault.. mr stewart quoted deuteronomy, a book of the old testament, which says if a woman is raped in a field and screams and there are no other witnesses it is sufficient for the man to be stoned to death.. "is it not the case that had jesus been asked about a case of sexual abuse he may have referred back to this part of deuteronomy?
" mr stewart asked.. mr jackson said he would certainly like to ask jesus the question but could not at the moment.. "i hope to in the future," he said.. mr jackson and other church officials have told the commission the two witness rule in abuse cases was changing to take in circumstances.. the commission heard earlier the church believes the end of the world is near and only 144,000 will make it to heaven, the rest will live in paradise on earth.. aap 2015. read more at
The commission is also examining why none of the church's 1006 Australian child abuse cases in a 50-year period was reported to police.
Mr Jackson said there was a biblical underpinning to the practice on not going to police, but the church would comply with secular law if reporting to police was mandatory.
I understand the 1006 is in reference to offenders, not cases. I recall the number of cases is closer to 1700.
I also understand that Australia has a few states or territories where reporting has already been mandatory for some time. As such, it would be reasonable to assume that at least one of those incidents occurred in a 'reporting is mandatory' territory yet, not a single incident was reported to authorities.
If Australia did require mandatory reporting in every territory, that is no assurance that JW's/WT would comply.
Edited as OP from tablet was incorrect and edits on a computer were necessary.
my mom was sexually assaulted by the man cruella and jaundice are marching through their yard so dad allowed someone to post a fredrick mclean (fbi sign) and the aawa signs(pedophile warning!
) on his mailbox and yard, now this elder that tried to force my mother in to silence when she testified about the pedophile elder say's dad and mom are slandering him!..
the cobe elder told the police that my dad is trying to slander his name by putting these signs in our yard, dad did not put those signs in his yard, he did not take them down because this elder keeps bringing a sexual predator out in our yard.
Your parents are grown adults and should be dealing with their own matters. These issues are not your concern to remedy.
It appears as though there is too much faith being placed on Elders and the Watch Tower to enforce honesty and to make matters right. The abuse confession to Elders is worthless unless they actually called the legal authorities to be involved.
If there are threatening, accusatory and defamation issues, these need to be addressed by your parents through legal authorities including police and a qualified lawyer. Elders will do and can do nothing except play favourites.
People make all sorts of threats, especially when they are cornered. If those who threaten legal action actually do consult a lawyer, they often find that there is no basis, validity or provability to their accusations.
As your parents are partners (I assume on-title) in owning the house that was built larger than it should have been, your parents will be involved if there are any penalties assessed against the house owners by the tax and/or building department.
As a building permit and inspections will have been required, the plans for the 'legal' space would have been misrepresented, while the 'undeclared' space would not have been inspected and may not be in conformance to building safety, fire safety or electrical safety requirements.
In my province, the building department have authority to require any modifications performed without a building permit, to be torn-out and the structure restored to how it was prior to modification. Of course, restoring to the pre-existing condition usually also requires a building permit.
There may be grounds for a claim against the county building inspection department as 1000 sq/ft of additional undeclared space, should have easily been recognized by the inspector. He/she should not have been fooled by a fake wall hiding the space, as was stated in your other thread.
Your parents need to discuss the house situation with a qualified lawyer to obtain advice on how to proceed and also reduce their liability. Delay in dealing with the house issues, may be compounding their liability.
Is your mother a qualified architect, designer or technologist? Did she design the house to include the additional undeclared space or was that added by your Aunt & Uncle without your mother's knowledge? Was there a prior fee for service that was agreed and documented prior to your mother commencing the drawing preparation? A verbal agreement is an agreement but is much harder to prove compared to written documentation or contract.
main question: what do you think would happen if jehovah's witnesses stayed away from the watchtower organization for 6 months?
instead of "us" staying in their world for 6 months.
personally, i think they would be like the amish youth on rumspringa- many to never return.. i came across a thread here, where the poster said that their parents told them to give jehovah's org 6 months.
The six month commitment request is often made to previously active and practising members who have come to realize that matters are not proper in the WT/JW org. Many of those were fully indoctrinated and committed members for years and even decades. What is a further six month period supposed to change or undo?
it is a warm sunny day, blue skies and i am excited by the prospect this sunday holds.
will i dismantle a motorbike?
paint a picture?
masturbation and a bike ride into the city
How do you have the energy...for a bike ride?